IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Originally Posted by Essential1

Illuztrious wrote:

He's gay...

married and has kids

@ what god or the koran says about homosexuality.
that's my point. people failing to use their damn brains and just hiding behind what some book that was written by man, thousands of years ago at that, andjust accepting it as cold hard fact.

i have no issue with religion itself. i realize people like to feel that human life has some meaning. i realize AND respect the fact that people believe in ahigher force. but the failure to realize that religion was created to explain that which we did not understand about our world just boggles my mind. there isno going around that fact. ancient religions that predated (and were absorbed into modern day religions) all served this main purpose. greek mythology and evengoing back before that, it all sprouted from a need to understand the world around us.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's my point. people failing to use their damn brains[/color] and just hiding behind what some book that was written by man, thousands of years ago at that, and just [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]accepting it as cold hard fact.[/color]
This is not the case in every church/mosque or synagogue, you act like every religious person is ignorant.
and by assuming that, you are being ignorant.
Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's my point. people failing to use their damn brains[/color] and just hiding behind what some book that was written by man, thousands of years ago at that, and just [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]accepting it as cold hard fact.[/color]
This is not the case in every church/mosque or synagogue, you act like every religious person is ignorant.
and by assuming that, you are being ignorant.
@ you for not realizing that NOTHING APPLIES TOEVERYONE.

it is however a decent generalization. Don't get butt hurt over what you know is true. If we can't say MAJORITY, are we supposed to say NONE AT ALL?


You kids need to take an intro to logic course. Dudes swear they're the and all be all here.
Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's my point. people failing to use their damn brains[/color] and just hiding behind what some book that was written by man, thousands of years ago at that, and just [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]accepting it as cold hard fact.[/color]
This is not the case in every church/mosque or synagogue, you act like every religious person is ignorant.
and by assuming that, you are being ignorant.
where did i say EVERY/ALL????

two people in this thread referenced religion, so i referenced them, and then said what you quoted. i never said EVERY and ALL
Originally Posted by M16

Nobody is born gay. That's the most ******ed thing I've ever heard. Save yourself the time and don't post "brain scans" either.

so many ignorant people in the world. So many ignorant people in this thread

we should go back to black people not being allowed to marry white people. Would be real interesting. Forget the whole gay issue for a minute don't yourelize that prop 8 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. A majority of people VOTED to TAKE RIGHTS from a minority of people. They voted to take away something that was alreadyon the books in cali. Do you have any idea what precedence that sets?

remember when there was segregation? If there was a vote then black people would still be separated. you can't let the majority rule because there are toomany stupid, bigoted, redneck, ultra religious freaking amaericans that would **** things up OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's my point. people failing to use their damn brains[/color] and just hiding behind what some book that was written by man, thousands of years ago at that, and just [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]accepting it as cold hard fact.[/color]
This is not the case in every church/mosque or synagogue, you act like every religious person is ignorant.
and by assuming that, you are being ignorant.
@ you for not realizing that NOTHING APPLIES TO EVERYONE.

it is however a decent generalization. Don't get butt hurt over what you know is true. If we can't say MAJORITY, are we supposed to say NONE AT ALL?


You kids need to take an intro to logic course. Dudes swear they're the and all be all here.
THANKS OptimusPrimeAPhiA.

anyway, deadsetace could have been a little bit more tactful w/ those comments.

He was clearly trying to generalize religious people into one category (ignorant, heedless fools) in an attempt to ridicule them.
And I was simply trying to clarify that notion.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious
*%%@%%# PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!

However, this topic is too far advanced for the likes of many on NT....this closed minded forum ishilarious at times. One dude had the gall to mention that two men kissing in public is offensive to children, yet, women parading around on TV in public halfnaked isn't offensive and quite possibly harmful to the mind of a child....!+%+$ with that bull.....
Mr Olbermann said it correctly, people deserve to live as any other human lives in this part of in a sense, this is much like the human rights struggle that African Americans had to endure. It obviously is not the same due to the perceivedscience (blacks are born black, cannot change this ~ gays can lie about being gay and act straight, so they say), however it is the same in the premisce - weall want equality, who the #*+* is anyone to say what is wrong or what is right, provided it is not physically or mentally harming anyone involved?
Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's my point. people failing to use their damn brains[/color] and just hiding behind what some book that was written by man, thousands of years ago at that, and just [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]accepting it as cold hard fact.[/color]
This is not the case in every church/mosque or synagogue, you act like every religious person is ignorant.
and by assuming that, you are being ignorant.
@ you for not realizing that NOTHING APPLIES TO EVERYONE.

it is however a decent generalization. Don't get butt hurt over what you know is true. If we can't say MAJORITY, are we supposed to say NONE AT ALL?


You kids need to take an intro to logic course. Dudes swear they're the and all be all here.
THANKS OptimusPrimeAPhiA.

anyway, deadsetace could have been a little bit more tactful w/ those comments.

He was clearly trying to generalize religious people into one category (ignorant, heedless fools) in an attempt to ridicule them.
And I was simply trying to clarify that notion.
i was generalizing and ridiculing THOSE that do not realize the roots of religion...why it "invented" and what purpose it served. iclearly stated i respect and understand why people are religious. BUT...those that fail to take a step back and realize why religion exists...well yeah, i amridiculing them.
Originally Posted by M16

There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid because acknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be. The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, common sense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like the struggle for human rights is disgusting.
son how old are you? i thought you was from brooklyn too and you talking like you from alabama

first of all, i FIRMLY believe in gay rights and gay people having any right of any other person. I also believe that gay people are NOTTT born gay! Gay peoplechoose to be gay at some point because that's what the environment they are/were in naturally made them become. Just like people become straight becuase ofthe environment and people around them.

for people to come in here talking about there is no choice and being gay is immoral....$%#% YOU TALKING ABOUT WILLIS?? You tools are obviously heavilyinfluenced by society and religion and all other bull that is fed to you...I don't care what the bible says about who you kiss WHO CARES WHO YOU KISS, WHOCARES WHO YOU SLEEP WITH? This is 2009 man you young people need to wake up cause if this generation really feels the way people feel in this thread...we arein some serious trouble.
I didn't read the whole thread but agreed OP .

A lot of Blacks are Conservatives ... they just don't know it .
Originally Posted by M16

Originally Posted by 92

Originally Posted by M16

There isn't a "choice"... you are born straight. That's all there is. Even labeling it something like "straight" is stupid because
acknowledge there are different "orientations" that just happen. Call it being born "normal" - because that is what it is intended to be.
The variations come into play later for a number of reasons, but no one is born with the desire to have penis in their rectum. It defies all logic, common
sense, our own anatomies, evolution, reproduction, biology, morality etc. The fact that they are now trying to equate this variation with something like the
struggle for human rights is disgusting.
no one is born with the desire to have their male genitalia in a *!%+%.

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by Illuztrious
*%%@%%# PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!

However, this topic is too far advanced for the likes of many on NT....this closed minded forum is hilarious at times. One dude had the gall to mention that two men kissing in public is offensive to children, yet, women parading around on TV in public half naked isn't offensive and quite possibly harmful to the mind of a child....!+%+$ with that bull.....
Mr Olbermann said it correctly, people deserve to live as any other human lives in this part of the in a sense, this is much like the human rights struggle that African Americans had to endure. It obviously is not the same due to the perceived science (blacks are born black, cannot change this ~ gays can lie about being gay and act straight, so they say), however it is the same in the premisce - we all want equality, who the #*+* is anyone to say what is wrong or what is right, provided it is not physically or mentally harming anyone involved?
so because� people don't have the same view points as you on everything their close minded?

when did i say� kids watchin tip drill was acceptable��� it's just as bad but hey.

i asked two questions earlier��� you should answer them champ

if you had a son� would you want him to be gay?����� how would you feel if you had a son and was gay?
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by Illuztrious
*%%@%%# PREACH!!!!!!!!!!!

However, this topic is too far advanced for the likes of many on NT....this closed minded forum is hilarious at times. One dude had the gall to mention that two men kissing in public is offensive to children, yet, women parading around on TV in public half naked isn't offensive and quite possibly harmful to the mind of a child....!+%+$ with that bull.....
Mr Olbermann said it correctly, people deserve to live as any other human lives in this part of the in a sense, this is much like the human rights struggle that African Americans had to endure. It obviously is not the same due to the perceived science (blacks are born black, cannot change this ~ gays can lie about being gay and act straight, so they say), however it is the same in the premisce - we all want equality, who the #*+* is anyone to say what is wrong or what is right, provided it is not physically or mentally harming anyone involved?
so because� people don't have the same view points as you on everything their close minded?

when did i say� kids watchin tip drill was acceptable��� it's just as bad but hey.

i asked two questions earlier��� you should answer them champ

if you had a son� would you want him to be gay?����� how would you feel if you had a son and was gay?
Would I want my son to be gay? No
How would I feel if he were gay? I'd have to deal with it, I wouldn't be overly happy, buthe is my son, he is a human being, so I respect that. As long as he is doing whatever he is doing safely and is happy doing this safe thing, then I can'thave an issue with it

Either way, those two questions have nothing to do with the thread...personal feelings and correctthought are never on the same I ask you this....what is your point?
i respect your answer any man should love their child regardless of what they do because they made that kid.

my point is your comming with some holier then art thou type attitude. in my original post about finding two men kissing offensive you said its just as bad ashalf naked women on tv. when did i say that was ok??

realisticly though two men kissing is just as bad as a man an women straight going at it in public. both should do their thing behind closed doors.
No matter what. Every topic on NT will turn anti-religion.

Once again yall have God mixed up with man's judgemental attitude.
Olbermann nails it. This is about discrimination. However the religious nutjobs want to rationalize it or spin it, fine. But at the heart of the issue isdiscrimination. I, personally, don't think it is right to be able to keep people from the same happiness I am afforded. I don't see how anyone canrationalize it....especially when your values are based on a *@@#%@% book that is written when people were dumber than we are now. You want to use that as thebasis for your discrimination, have at it. Hopefully one day you will see the error in your ways.
the title of this thread gets me so upset i'm not even gonna read the nonsense some of you have posted...
WHEN WILL NIKETAKL REALIZE THAT THIS IS WAY TOO ADVANCED A TOPIC FOR NT theres too many close minded people on the internet
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

WHEN WILL NIKETAKL REALIZE THAT THIS IS WAY TOO ADVANCED A TOPIC FOR NT theres too many close minded people on the internet

In the World
i said it earlier i think it's the obnixous flamboyant gays that give gays a bad name and people assume every gay person is like them.

theres alot of gay people who are real cool chill dudes and theres some gays who are straight tools its the same with straights and people of every race.

i don't like comparing the civil rights movement to their movement but truthfully i can care less if they marry. i don't agree with what they do butdifferent strokes for different folks.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Olbermann nails it. This is about discrimination. However the religious nutjobs want to rationalize it or spin it, fine. But at the heart of the issue is discrimination. I, personally, don't think it is right to be able to keep people from the same happiness I am afforded. I don't see how anyone can rationalize it....especially when your values are based on a *@@#%@% book that is written when people were dumber than we are now. You want to use that as the basis for your discrimination, have at it. Hopefully one day you will see the error in your ways.
Anyone who holds the bible or quran in the name of discrimination really dont know what the book stands for.

Some many people have used the name of God to push their hatred to meaning.
Slavery was once thought as godly. But all these fools are wrong.
Dont blame God. Blame man.
We dont carry the right to judge or discriminate against someone. No matter how different they may be.
Its Ironic that accusers and those who judge will find themselves in the same hell they claim gays will be in.
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