IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

Im black (let me get that out of the way first)

Back when I said that gays deserve the same rights as black people I was being truthful. The that dumb piece of %*@+ enPhan (something like that) called me outtrying to say I think the black struggle was the same as the gay struggle. They aren't on the same level. Are Black people allowed to marry other blackpeople? YES. So why can't a man marry another man. All I am saying is that the two struggles don't have to be the same for the two groups to have equalrights. African Americans and Latinos have been thorough a lot in this country and still face and uphill battle but just because gay people didn't have togo through the beatings, and slavery doesn't mean they don't deserve the right to marry. I consider myself highly educated when it comes to civilrights, Marriage is a civil right they EVERYONE should have.

For the being born gay thing:

1.) Does someone wake up one day and say, I want to shame my parents and become homosexual
2.) Does someone wake up one day and tell themselves "I would love to be made fun of for my homosexuality and frowned upon by practically everyone in mylife"
3.) Does someone wake up one day and tell themselves "I would love to NEVER be able to marry the person I LOVE"
4.) Does someone wake up one day and want a penis in their butthole

cmon NT its 2009 get the BIBLE out of your #*%.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i said it earlier i think it's the obnixous flamboyant gays that give gays a bad name and people assume every gay person is like them.

theres alot of gay people who are real cool chill dudes and theres some gays who are straight tools its the same with straights and people of every race.

i don't like comparing the civil rights movement to their movement but truthfully i can care less if they marry. i don't agree with what they do but different strokes for different folks.
white people can say the same thing about the bad black people out stilldoesn't make it right man...c'mon dude.....I honestly still don't get what point you are trying to make, not going at you....I just don't getwhat your argument is
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Im black (let me get that out of the way first)

Back when I said that gays deserve the same rights as black people I was being truthful. The that dumb piece of %*@+ enPhan (something like that) called me out trying to say I think the black struggle was the same as the gay struggle. They aren't on the same level. Are Black people allowed to marry other black people? YES. So why can't a man marry another man. All I am saying is that the two struggles don't have to be the same for the two groups to have equal rights. African Americans and Latinos have been thorough a lot in this country and still face and uphill battle but just because gay people didn't have to go through the beatings, and slavery doesn't mean they don't deserve the right to marry. I consider myself highly educated when it comes to civil rights, Marriage is a civil right they EVERYONE should have.

For the being born gay thing:

1.) Does someone wake up one day and say, I want to shame my parents and become homosexual
2.) Does someone wake up one day and tell themselves "I would love to be made fun of for my homosexuality and frowned upon by practically everyone in my life"
3.) Does someone wake up one day and tell themselves "I would love to NEVER be able to marry the person I LOVE"
4.) Does someone wake up one day and want a penis in their butthole

cmon NT its 2009 get the BIBLE out of your #*%.
Remember not too long ago the "DEFINITION" of marriage in this country said no black people were allowed to marry. So what I'm saying is whycan't gay people get the same rights that black people faught so hard for? They didn't go through the struggle just for themselves. They did it to makethis whole country a more accepting nation. Just let the gay people have what they should have the right to have. Thats all. Didn't mean to go off oneNphan
this topic gets me so made. Especially when my own brothers and sisters don't acknowledge other peoples civil rights.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i said it earlier i think it's the obnixous flamboyant gays that give gays a bad name and people assume every gay person is like them.

theres alot of gay people who are real cool chill dudes and theres some gays who are straight tools its the same with straights and people of every race.

i don't like comparing the civil rights movement to their movement but truthfully i can care less if they marry. i don't agree with what they do but different strokes for different folks.

You honestly dont know how you feel about gays.
In a matter of about 5 posts. You have gone from its not right or natural I just dont like outspoken as long as they dont bother me.
just because i feel its not right doesn't mean i can't get along with them or be friends with them. not everyone has the same viewpoints

you misinterpreted alot of what i said.
I have gotten heat here for saying that marriage is a human rights issue. I would venture to say that those saying it isn't are Americans. Miraculously(not really) a lot of countries agree that it is a human rights issue. Sadly and inexplicably, America doesn't. It is sad. The Supreme Court and Bill ofRights are supposed to protect the minority from the will of the majority. This hasn't happened and it is appalling. The Bill of Rights' purpose was toplace the inalienable rights of happiness outside the whims and tyranny of the majority. The Supreme Court ruled that marriage was a human right and should beprotected under the Bill of Rights, keeping it far out of the reach of the majority and the religious wackos.

Sad stuff.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

just because i feel its not right doesn't mean i can't get along with them or be friends with them. not everyone has the same viewpoints

you misinterpreted alot of what i said.

Yeah but it means you put yourself on a high horse around them because you dont want them to do what you can do. Ever read Blues for Mr Charle its kinda likethat
Two dudes (or females) marrying is not a human right.

Marriage = 1 man, 1 woman

With the rampant growth and spread of acceptance toward it though (at least here and in Europe), gays will be able to marry nationally within a few years max.I don't get what they are crying about. You can thank the moral detoriatation and softening of our culture.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

just because i feel its not right doesn't mean i can't get along with them or be friends with them. not everyone has the same viewpoints

you misinterpreted alot of what i said.

Yeah but it means you put yourself on a high horse around them because you dont want them to do what you can do. Ever read Blues for Mr Charle its kinda like that

high horse not at all, i posted earlier how one of my childhood friend is gay. i could care less what he does thats my dude through thick and thin. like i said i feel uncomfortable about what they do but their opinion is just as valid as mine.

anyhow i remember your username i sold you some old love 23's
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

i said it earlier i think it's the obnixous flamboyant gays that give gays a bad name and people assume every gay person is like them.

theres alot of gay people who are real cool chill dudes and theres some gays who are straight tools its the same with straights and people of every race.

i don't like comparing the civil rights movement to their movement but truthfully i can care less if they marry. i don't agree with what they do but different strokes for different folks.

First of all, no one really knows for sure if you become or are born gay? I believe people should have the right to marry whoever they want and show affectionin public. The struggle for civil rights is similar in nature because they both deal with inequality. Simple as that. Pretty much all social movements begindue to HUMAN rights being violated by the state.

And to those saying this topic is not worth replying to because the NT IQ level is below average. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! Isn't knowledge theonly way to combat ignorance?
Originally Posted by M16

Two dudes (or females) marrying is not a human right.
Tell that to the countries stating otherwise. Tell that to the countries that have allowed same sex marriage resulting in the topic even fallingfrom political agenda. Seriously, there have to be counties out there who just laugh at how backwards America's views are on homosexuality.
Originally Posted by M16

Two dudes (or females) marrying is not a human right.

Marriage = 1 man, 1 woman

With the rampant growth and spread of acceptance toward it though (at least here and in Europe), gays will be able to marry nationally within a few years max. I don't get what they are crying about. You can thank the moral detoriatation and softening of our culture.

you obviously dont know the rights granted when someone marries...

On the order of 1,400 legal rights are conferred upon married couples in the U.S. Typically these are composed of about 400 state benefits and over 1,000 federal benefits. Among them are the rights to: [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]joint parenting; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]joint adoption; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]joint foster care, custody, and visitation (including non-biological parents); [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]status as next-of-kin for hospital visits and medical decisions where one partner is too ill to be competent; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]joint insurance policies for home, auto and health; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]dissolution and divorce protections such as community property and child support; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]immigration and residency for partners from other countries; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]inheritance automatically in the absence of a will; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]joint leases with automatic renewal rights in the event one partner dies or leaves the house or apartment; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]inheritance of jointly-owned real and personal property through the right of survivorship (which avoids the time and expense and taxes in probate); [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]benefits such as annuities, pension plans, Social Security, and Medicare; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]spousal exemptions to property tax increases upon the death of one partner who is a co-owner of the home; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]veterans' discounts on medical care, education, and home loans; joint filing of tax returns; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]joint filing of customs claims when traveling; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]wrongful death benefits for a surviving partner and children; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]bereavement or sick leave to care for a partner or child; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]decision-making power with respect to whether a deceased partner will be cremated or not and where to bury him or her; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]crime victims' recovery benefits; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]loss of consortium tort benefits; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]domestic violence protection orders; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]judicial protections and evidentiary immunity; [/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]and more....[/td] [/tr][/table]

so its not just the right to be "married" there's a whoooole lot more to marriage, financially, spiritually, and mentally.
They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.
Originally Posted by M16

They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.
hard to believe that it's 2009 with comments like this
Originally Posted by M16

They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.
please, then no one in america should be allow to marry, seeing as half of them end in divorces. That mean someone is lying/cheating. Aren'twe encouraging completely unacceptable behavior there?
Originally Posted by M16

Two dudes (or females) marrying is not a human right.

Marriage = 1 man, 1 woman

With the rampant growth and spread of acceptance toward it though (at least here and in Europe), gays will be able to marry nationally within a few years max. I don't get what they are crying about. You can thank the moral detoriatation and softening of our culture.

What is it about this "hard" culture that you wish remains the same? How is the acceptance of gay marriage gonna affect the supposedly"HARD" lifestyle that you live day by day? Do you think you will become equally "soft" as the gays? Will you go out and venture into theirhangouts? Will the inevitable happen? Is there a closet in your room? Why are you so insecure?
M16 wrote:
They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.
[White person from 1863-1970]Blacks are no longer slaves they want equal rights too?[/White person from 1863-1970]
You are an idiot

do you listen to hip hop music? I know you do it was rhetorical... So what do you say to rappers getting paid millions for completely unacceptable behavior?...And hip hop is my favorite genre but if you are saying that it can be said about hip hop.
Originally Posted by M16

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.

Yup. How dare they try to say their love is the equivalent of your love for your girlfriend or wife. The balls of some people, JESUS! I think they should juststick to themselves and live in their flamboyantly decorated den of iniquities. It's sickening. Here these gays are just out their being all flamboyant andsinful. Butt sex running rampant. Jesus would be so mad. Also, how dare they use the Rainbow as their symbol? Hello! Jesus made that rainbow. Not some #%#$because it matched his silk shirt.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by M16

They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.
hard to believe that it's 2009 with comments like this
Yeah, the arguments against hay marriage are laughable. Slowly but surely they will be legalized state by state until it becomes federal law. Andin 30 or so years it won't even seem like it was a big deal.
Originally Posted by Essential1

M16 wrote:
They already got almost everything with "civil unions" I don't see why they have to get married officially now to.

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.
[White person from 1863-1970]Blacks are no longer slaves they want equal rights too?[/White person from 1863-1970]
You are an idiot

do you listen to hip hop music? I know you do it was rhetorical... So what do you say to rappers getting paid millions for completely unacceptable behavior?... And hip hop is my favorite genre but if you are saying that it can be said about hip hop.

or any other genre for that matter. because music that aint gospel or aint christian music pretty much promotes unacceptable behavior all thetime.

It's rediculous some of the arguments people put up against gay marriage.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by M16

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.

Yup. How dare they try to say their love is the equivalent of your love for your girlfriend or wife. The balls of some people, JESUS! I think they should just stick to themselves and live in their flamboyantly decorated den of iniquities. It's sickening. Here these gays are just out their being all flamboyant and sinful. Butt sex running rampant. Jesus would be so mad. Also, how dare they use the Rainbow as their symbol? Hello! Jesus made that rainbow. Not some #%#$ because it matched his silk shirt.

No he wouldnt.
And someone not reading past quotes would mistaken your sarcasm

But its said that people still think gays should be put in a chamber somewhere...
Yes there are gay people. and no they dont go on rampages raping men or women in public..
Its not equal to the struggle african-americans have gone threw but its def similar.
I dont understand why they cant marry. They are doing everyhing under America's Law.
Until butt-sex is banned. These people are upright citizens and should be given everyright.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by M16

Personally, I'm against any legal rights being given to them. I see it as rewarding and encouraging completely unacceptable behavior.

Yup. How dare they try to say their love is the equivalent of your love for your girlfriend or wife. The balls of some people, JESUS! I think they should just stick to themselves and live in their flamboyantly decorated den of iniquities. It's sickening. Here these gays are just out their being all flamboyant and sinful. Butt sex running rampant. Jesus would be so mad. Also, how dare they use the Rainbow as their symbol? Hello! Jesus made that rainbow. Not some #%#$ because it matched his silk shirt.

No he wouldnt.
And someone not reading past quotes would mistaken your sarcasm

I know. I thought about that as I clicked post.Especially considering the people I am poking fun at.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

Just because they struggles weren't on the same level, gays shouldn't get the same rights?

Do you know what Civil Rights even means? Protection of rights in this country applies to the inalienable rights in this country and that DOES NOT includemarriage.

FedeDPT, ur a republican arnt u??
don't you prefer a hands off gov't?
Yes and Yes I presume.
So, then why would you be opposed to the gov't granting rights to homosexuals to marry??
If the gov't has the right to not recognize gay marriage, doesn't that give them the justification to not recognize muslim marriages, hindu marriages or jewish marriages or anyother type of marriage??
by agreeing w/ the prevention of gay marriage, you are agreeing w/ putting more power into the government's hands.

No, I'm not a Republican. Yes I am in favor of "hands off" Gov't and if I am why the hell would I want the Federal Gov't involved indeciding who can and who cant get married? Like I said earlier, there isnt a United States Marriage license, it is given by the STATES. Whether gays are ableto be married should depend on the STATES, not the the Fed. Gov't.

Civil rights = a class of rights and freedoms that protect individuals from the government and state power and assure the ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state.

Do you even know what you just wrote or did you just google that? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is guaranteed by the Federal Gov't. Tell mewhere you see "marriage"? Nobody is denying them to live civiliy, nobody is denying there right to live, nobody is denying their right to individualliberty, and nobody is denying them to pursue what they want to accomplish.

Fede- if marriage is a privilege why do people in prison have the right to marry? Also in order for them to marry they must go to a state that it is legal. Which in the next 20 years will be all so I guess patience is key but also stop with the Federal Government shtick I understand you hate the Fed being intrusive (and that is ok and your opinion fine)but this is not intrusive this is oppression of one singled out person

Because marriage is religious thing, not a civil thing. The United States isnt denying gays from getting married, the Defense of Marriage Act lets the statesdecide. If it was up to me nobody would be married, they all would be civil unions.
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