is drinking every weekend considered binge drinking or alcoholism?

Apr 2, 2010
lets say for the past 11 months give or take a few weekends off. 

My last month of freshman year in college I consumed at least the 5-6 drinks in one night, that qualifies as binge drinking, 17 times. Had to do the math with my friend for some lame alcohol @%#* and it had us both pegged as terrible people

My last month of freshman year in college I consumed at least the 5-6 drinks in one night, that qualifies as binge drinking, 17 times. Had to do the math with my friend for some lame alcohol @%#* and it had us both pegged as terrible people
I pretty much only drink on the weekends. I work all week and dont feel like being hungover more than just on Mondays.
I pretty much only drink on the weekends. I work all week and dont feel like being hungover more than just on Mondays.
People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 
People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 
i understand its social drinking, im not here saying hey NT, i might be a wino. im just asking for future health reasons. I been drinking since i was like 14/15 and im only 22. But when i get my yearly check ups the doc be like you straight. I know im not the only one who thinks about this type of stuff.
i understand its social drinking, im not here saying hey NT, i might be a wino. im just asking for future health reasons. I been drinking since i was like 14/15 and im only 22. But when i get my yearly check ups the doc be like you straight. I know im not the only one who thinks about this type of stuff.
You are straight.. The question is do you feel like you are sick? I know you saw MTV true life with the alcoholics. One dude threw up blood because he drank so much. If you're not at the level, then you are good to keep drinking..

I'll pour you a shot..
You are straight.. The question is do you feel like you are sick? I know you saw MTV true life with the alcoholics. One dude threw up blood because he drank so much. If you're not at the level, then you are good to keep drinking..

I'll pour you a shot..
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

no way. you can drink once a week and be an alcoholic.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

no way. you can drink once a week and be an alcoholic.
I know a lot of people that only drink on the weekends and while I wouldn't consider them alcoholics I would say they do have a problem because they place so much importance on being drunk. It's one thing if you go out with your friends and have a few drinks and carry a good conversation/dance or something, but if you are trying to get wrecked every weekend just for the sake of it that's excessive. The drinking is not supposed to be the main attraction. IMO if it kills you to not be drinking for a few weeks or you consistently get wrecked multiple nights in a row you have an issue.

For the life of me I'll never understand people who enjoy drinking heavily for like 5 days in a row. It just makes me feel absolutely disgusting even if I'm not hungover. Usually if I drank even a modest amount the night before I probably won't drink the next night. I can (and have) go months at a time without drinking and not really care or miss it that much. I'd rather go a month without drinking than a month without pizza 
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