is drinking every weekend considered binge drinking or alcoholism?

I know a lot of people that only drink on the weekends and while I wouldn't consider them alcoholics I would say they do have a problem because they place so much importance on being drunk. It's one thing if you go out with your friends and have a few drinks and carry a good conversation/dance or something, but if you are trying to get wrecked every weekend just for the sake of it that's excessive. The drinking is not supposed to be the main attraction. IMO if it kills you to not be drinking for a few weeks or you consistently get wrecked multiple nights in a row you have an issue.

For the life of me I'll never understand people who enjoy drinking heavily for like 5 days in a row. It just makes me feel absolutely disgusting even if I'm not hungover. Usually if I drank even a modest amount the night before I probably won't drink the next night. I can (and have) go months at a time without drinking and not really care or miss it that much. I'd rather go a month without drinking than a month without pizza 
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

no way. you can drink once a week and be an alcoholic.
 If you drink once a week, can take a week off without getting cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and it doesn't have any serious negative effects on your social/occupational/recreational're probably not an alcoholic. 

[h2]Definition and diagnosis[/h2]
According to the DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence, at least three out of seven of the following criteria must be manifest during a 12 month period:
  • Tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms or clinically defined Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
  • Use in larger amounts or for longer periods than intended
  • Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down on alcohol use
  • Time is spent obtaining alcohol or recovering from effects
  • Social, occupational and recreational pursuits are given up or reduced because of alcohol use
  • Use is continued despite knowledge of alcohol-related harm (physical or psychological)[sup][/sup]
Alcohol dependence is differentiated from alcohol abuse by the presence of symptoms such as tolerance and withdrawal. You can ABUSE alcohol drinking once a week.

These definitions are kinda arbitrary though.

Word to my man from that's alcoholic
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

no way. you can drink once a week and be an alcoholic.
 If you drink once a week, can take a week off without getting cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and it doesn't have any serious negative effects on your social/occupational/recreational're probably not an alcoholic. 

[h2]Definition and diagnosis[/h2]
According to the DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence, at least three out of seven of the following criteria must be manifest during a 12 month period:
  • Tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms or clinically defined Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
  • Use in larger amounts or for longer periods than intended
  • Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down on alcohol use
  • Time is spent obtaining alcohol or recovering from effects
  • Social, occupational and recreational pursuits are given up or reduced because of alcohol use
  • Use is continued despite knowledge of alcohol-related harm (physical or psychological)[sup][/sup]
Alcohol dependence is differentiated from alcohol abuse by the presence of symptoms such as tolerance and withdrawal. You can ABUSE alcohol drinking once a week.

These definitions are kinda arbitrary though.

Word to my man from that's alcoholic
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

no way. you can drink once a week and be an alcoholic.


binge drinking = drinking lots in a little bit of time

so no, drinking every weekend does not exactly qualify as binge drinking.

alcoholism = dependence of alcohol
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

no way. you can drink once a week and be an alcoholic.


binge drinking = drinking lots in a little bit of time

so no, drinking every weekend does not exactly qualify as binge drinking.

alcoholism = dependence of alcohol
I get blackout drunk every time I can get my hands on some alcohol, so yes, I am an alcoholic.
I get blackout drunk every time I can get my hands on some alcohol, so yes, I am an alcoholic.
Originally Posted by Kenny Powers

I get blackout drunk every time I can get my hands on some alcohol, so yes, I am an alcoholic.


that just means you are a light weight
Originally Posted by Kenny Powers

I get blackout drunk every time I can get my hands on some alcohol, so yes, I am an alcoholic.


that just means you are a light weight
i drink alot and i doubt i'll ever stop.  what's the point? i'm not blacking out all the time. i handle everything i need to.  it's how i choose to kick it. 

call it what you want, it seems pretty normal to me considering almost everyone i know is the same way.
i drink alot and i doubt i'll ever stop.  what's the point? i'm not blacking out all the time. i handle everything i need to.  it's how i choose to kick it. 

call it what you want, it seems pretty normal to me considering almost everyone i know is the same way.
if ur young it aint no thang...really it ain't no thang if youre old either, as long as you're not going at youthful rates (8 plus drinks per night type thing)
if ur young it aint no thang...really it ain't no thang if youre old either, as long as you're not going at youthful rates (8 plus drinks per night type thing)
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by Kenny Powers

I get blackout drunk every time I can get my hands on some alcohol, so yes, I am an alcoholic.


that just means you are a light weight

Not a light weight, I drink enough to kill a small animal on a nightly basis, it should come as no surprise that I blackout.
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by Kenny Powers

I get blackout drunk every time I can get my hands on some alcohol, so yes, I am an alcoholic.


that just means you are a light weight

Not a light weight, I drink enough to kill a small animal on a nightly basis, it should come as no surprise that I blackout.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People throw around the word "alcoholism" too loosely these days. Alcoholism is when you lose your job, friends, family and wife because you're trashed every single day. 

When you go to work providing you actually have a career that is grounds that you are probably an alcoholic.
When you go to work providing you actually have a career that is grounds that you are probably an alcoholic.
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