Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by Essential1

I think that the biggest problem for teachers is that they are not willing to put themselves out there for their students. Many are not willing to help prepare them for life, willing to help them with their issues, willing to pick them up when they fall, nor give students the outlet to realize that you actually do believe in them, and they are able to get that A, or go to college, or be successful.

Teachers are beginning to treat the student-teacher relationship like a business transaction, which has been screwing over the past generation, and my generation as they begin entering the real world. No one was giving the students what it is like in a caring manner, and we ended up being drastically underprepared.

School is not just learning about Math, English, History, and Science.. The kids should be able to learn important lessons about life, survival, and most importantly themselves.. I think that might be what Lupe was getting at, but it was poorly articulated.  
It doesn't help when school has become nothing more than a training facility for standardized tests. I know many teachers that talk about how controlled their lesson plans are and how they are centered around boosting school/district/region/state averages on these standardized tests. The US ranking ______ in education is what has pushed all of this. So I can't side with you saying teachers don't care anymore, rules have changed compared to 20 years ago.
I feel like schools place emphasis on the wrong things and pretty much on a wide scale groom you to be a drone and prepare for 40 years of working a 9-5 job in a cubicle.

Schools have gotten away from teaching subjects like art, home ec, wood shop, and auto mechanics.

if even these four subjects were enforced on students, it could A) give them a release from @@*@ they don't care about or want to learn. and B) open them up to a whole world of different jobs and careers.

Lets be real, back in '04, I didn't give a damn about trig. If I don't care, and know in my heart I don't want any type of career path that includes math. Why should I be forced to take it?
I'm not saying. "Oh Tariq is failing in math, pull him outta class and let him try something else." I'm saying give these kids an outlet.
I excelled in history class because I'm interested in what happened with wars and how the world has gotten to where it is today. I excelled in my English classes because I liked to read and write.
I feel like schools place emphasis on the wrong things and pretty much on a wide scale groom you to be a drone and prepare for 40 years of working a 9-5 job in a cubicle.

Schools have gotten away from teaching subjects like art, home ec, wood shop, and auto mechanics.

if even these four subjects were enforced on students, it could A) give them a release from @@*@ they don't care about or want to learn. and B) open them up to a whole world of different jobs and careers.

Lets be real, back in '04, I didn't give a damn about trig. If I don't care, and know in my heart I don't want any type of career path that includes math. Why should I be forced to take it?
I'm not saying. "Oh Tariq is failing in math, pull him outta class and let him try something else." I'm saying give these kids an outlet.
I excelled in history class because I'm interested in what happened with wars and how the world has gotten to where it is today. I excelled in my English classes because I liked to read and write.
Originally Posted by sorianotron

Your subconsciously doing so just by listening to the music.

Look at your wardrobe, haircut, slang.....

Look at emo kids who listen to emo music, look at their wardrobe, haircut, slang

Look at ppl who listen to country music, look at people who listen to goth music.

The Music/entertainment you take in directly influences your subconscious which in turn influences "decisions" you make whether your aware of it or not.

I just used jay as a popular example....
Not to talk about myself, but when I recently got on my "conspiracy" tip, and discovered the Satanic/Demonic nature/background of much of the music we listen to, I went through and deleted most of my library. I really haven't listened to music in over 5 months. Professor Griff is the man that opened my eyes, not saying all he said is gospel but because of him I did a lot of research about "the game."

So do you suggest we not even listen to that type of music?
Originally Posted by sorianotron

Your subconsciously doing so just by listening to the music.

Look at your wardrobe, haircut, slang.....

Look at emo kids who listen to emo music, look at their wardrobe, haircut, slang

Look at ppl who listen to country music, look at people who listen to goth music.

The Music/entertainment you take in directly influences your subconscious which in turn influences "decisions" you make whether your aware of it or not.

I just used jay as a popular example....
Not to talk about myself, but when I recently got on my "conspiracy" tip, and discovered the Satanic/Demonic nature/background of much of the music we listen to, I went through and deleted most of my library. I really haven't listened to music in over 5 months. Professor Griff is the man that opened my eyes, not saying all he said is gospel but because of him I did a lot of research about "the game."

So do you suggest we not even listen to that type of music?
Originally Posted by iladakilla

What makes me sick is that we see these super star athletes in the NBA, NFL, etc. who are making ridiculous amount of money but you rarely hear any of them giving preference to education,
And when exactly would these players have a chance to make those statements? You honestly believe they aren't censored when it comes to which topics they can speak on/of?
Originally Posted by iladakilla

What makes me sick is that we see these super star athletes in the NBA, NFL, etc. who are making ridiculous amount of money but you rarely hear any of them giving preference to education,
And when exactly would these players have a chance to make those statements? You honestly believe they aren't censored when it comes to which topics they can speak on/of?
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Teach'em how to grow a plant tho...
What is the problem? Teach them how to garden, grow their own food, in case of a national shortage of food, or in case of a shortage of funds. Why is teaching someone to grow food such a statement to
@. I guess when he said grow plants, many of you thought about Aloe Vera or something.
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Teach'em how to grow a plant tho...
What is the problem? Teach them how to garden, grow their own food, in case of a national shortage of food, or in case of a shortage of funds. Why is teaching someone to grow food such a statement to
@. I guess when he said grow plants, many of you thought about Aloe Vera or something.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Teach'em how to grow a plant tho...
What is the problem? Teach them how to garden, grow their own food, in case of a national shortage of food, or in case of a shortage of funds. Why is teaching someone to grow food such a statement to
@. I guess when he said grow plants, many of you thought about Aloe Vera or something.

Word, my grandparents both had full time jobs that paid very well. They also grew their own garden and vegetables.

Saves a lot of money and relieves stress.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Teach'em how to grow a plant tho...
What is the problem? Teach them how to garden, grow their own food, in case of a national shortage of food, or in case of a shortage of funds. Why is teaching someone to grow food such a statement to
@. I guess when he said grow plants, many of you thought about Aloe Vera or something.

Word, my grandparents both had full time jobs that paid very well. They also grew their own garden and vegetables.

Saves a lot of money and relieves stress.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by sorianotron

Your subconsciously doing so just by listening to the music.

Look at your wardrobe, haircut, slang.....

Look at emo kids who listen to emo music, look at their wardrobe, haircut, slang

Look at ppl who listen to country music, look at people who listen to goth music.

The Music/entertainment you take in directly influences your subconscious which in turn influences "decisions" you make whether your aware of it or not.

I just used jay as a popular example....
Not to talk about myself, but when I recently got on my "conspiracy" tip, and discovered the Satanic/Demonic nature/background of much of the music we listen to, I went through and deleted most of my library. I really haven't listened to music in over 5 months. Professor Griff is the man that opened my eyes, not saying all he said is gospel but because of him I did a lot of research about "the game."

So do you suggest we not even listen to that type of music?
Make your own music you like to hear and support indie artist. There's so much better sounding music that we never hear about from mainstream media outlets. I have no problem just listening to instrumentals whether they be hip-hop, jazz, rock, funk, neo-soul, new age whatever I like.  
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by sorianotron

Your subconsciously doing so just by listening to the music.

Look at your wardrobe, haircut, slang.....

Look at emo kids who listen to emo music, look at their wardrobe, haircut, slang

Look at ppl who listen to country music, look at people who listen to goth music.

The Music/entertainment you take in directly influences your subconscious which in turn influences "decisions" you make whether your aware of it or not.

I just used jay as a popular example....
Not to talk about myself, but when I recently got on my "conspiracy" tip, and discovered the Satanic/Demonic nature/background of much of the music we listen to, I went through and deleted most of my library. I really haven't listened to music in over 5 months. Professor Griff is the man that opened my eyes, not saying all he said is gospel but because of him I did a lot of research about "the game."

So do you suggest we not even listen to that type of music?
Make your own music you like to hear and support indie artist. There's so much better sounding music that we never hear about from mainstream media outlets. I have no problem just listening to instrumentals whether they be hip-hop, jazz, rock, funk, neo-soul, new age whatever I like.  
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Teach'em how to grow a plant tho...
What is the problem? Teach them how to garden, grow their own food, in case of a national shortage of food, or in case of a shortage of funds. Why is teaching someone to grow food such a statement to
@. I guess when he said grow plants, many of you thought about Aloe Vera or something.

Word, my grandparents both had full time jobs that paid very well. They also grew their own garden and vegetables.

Saves a lot of money and relieves stress.
Because a black man talking about growing plants automatically means he's talking about growing weed...
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Teach'em how to grow a plant tho...
What is the problem? Teach them how to garden, grow their own food, in case of a national shortage of food, or in case of a shortage of funds. Why is teaching someone to grow food such a statement to
@. I guess when he said grow plants, many of you thought about Aloe Vera or something.

Word, my grandparents both had full time jobs that paid very well. They also grew their own garden and vegetables.

Saves a lot of money and relieves stress.
Because a black man talking about growing plants automatically means he's talking about growing weed...
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. French...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
that's basically what the rest of the world does. After you finish primary school (about 7th or 8th grade), you either go to secondary school(High School) or work. 

I totally agree with what you are saying. I think after a certain point, after the basics of math english etc are taught, their should be coursework tailered to expound on whatever field/career interest the kids like. Why take 4 yrs of science biology if you are going to be a financial analyst, that kid should be taking 4 years of business math etc. Also i think cpu corses such as mcse a+ etc basic computer software should be mandatory. Many of todays jobs require you to know basic/working knowledge of productive computer software. I see all to many times a kid can html videos, develop weblogs etc for facebook twitter myspace, but dont know how to use microsoft excel or word, clueless to powerpoint. My lil homie had a project for school and was cluless about how to do words visio powerpoint etc for his project matter fact all he can do with a cpu is facebook twitter youtube d/l games movies music surf pron email. these are skills that are required for a good amount of jobs.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. French...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
that's basically what the rest of the world does. After you finish primary school (about 7th or 8th grade), you either go to secondary school(High School) or work. 

I totally agree with what you are saying. I think after a certain point, after the basics of math english etc are taught, their should be coursework tailered to expound on whatever field/career interest the kids like. Why take 4 yrs of science biology if you are going to be a financial analyst, that kid should be taking 4 years of business math etc. Also i think cpu corses such as mcse a+ etc basic computer software should be mandatory. Many of todays jobs require you to know basic/working knowledge of productive computer software. I see all to many times a kid can html videos, develop weblogs etc for facebook twitter myspace, but dont know how to use microsoft excel or word, clueless to powerpoint. My lil homie had a project for school and was cluless about how to do words visio powerpoint etc for his project matter fact all he can do with a cpu is facebook twitter youtube d/l games movies music surf pron email. these are skills that are required for a good amount of jobs.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. French...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
that's basically what the rest of the world does. After you finish primary school (about 7th or 8th grade), you either go to secondary school(High School) or work. 

I totally agree with what you are saying. I think after a certain point, after the basics of math english etc are taught, their should be coursework tailered to expound on whatever field/career interest the kids like. Why take 4 yrs of science biology if you are going to be a financial analyst, that kid should be taking 4 years of business math etc. Also i think cpu corses such as mcse a+ etc basic computer software should be mandatory. Many of todays jobs require you to know basic/working knowledge of productive computer software. I see all to many times a kid can html videos, develop weblogs etc for facebook twitter myspace, but dont know how to use microsoft excel or word, clueless to powerpoint. My lil homie had a project for school and was cluless about how to do words visio powerpoint etc for his project matter fact all he can do with a cpu is facebook twitter youtube d/l games movies music surf pron email. these are skills that are required for a good amount of jobs.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. French...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
that's basically what the rest of the world does. After you finish primary school (about 7th or 8th grade), you either go to secondary school(High School) or work. 

I totally agree with what you are saying. I think after a certain point, after the basics of math english etc are taught, their should be coursework tailered to expound on whatever field/career interest the kids like. Why take 4 yrs of science biology if you are going to be a financial analyst, that kid should be taking 4 years of business math etc. Also i think cpu corses such as mcse a+ etc basic computer software should be mandatory. Many of todays jobs require you to know basic/working knowledge of productive computer software. I see all to many times a kid can html videos, develop weblogs etc for facebook twitter myspace, but dont know how to use microsoft excel or word, clueless to powerpoint. My lil homie had a project for school and was cluless about how to do words visio powerpoint etc for his project matter fact all he can do with a cpu is facebook twitter youtube d/l games movies music surf pron email. these are skills that are required for a good amount of jobs.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

One would have to be EXTREMELY naive to believe that Hip Hop doesn't have an effect on our youth. Kids are extremely impressionable. Especially ones that lack guidance.

that was key. the ones that lack guidance. and who does that fall back on? the parents. i've listened to rap all my life. i like all my cuss words and want to hear the nastiest and baddest thing i can hear. lol. but i had parents that taught me right from wrong and that actually parented me, so i grew up to be a well rounded and successful young lady. that's like saying movies or the news is to blame for kids' bad behavior. everybody has choices and it's not cool to blame the artist. nobody blames artists from other genres, only rap. that's something to think about.........
The overall problem with urban youth is the lack of positive role models outside of the world of entertainment.

And its not just a black thing when immigrants came to this country(Italians, Irish, etc.) it was the same problem. Kids looked up to the mobsters, gangsters. So without the proper upbringing they aspire to be them because there was no other road to success in there eyes. Of course that changed in its changing in the black community but in someways Hip Hop is slowing down the process.

To the guy saying Jay Z is part of the problem couldn't be anymore wrong. If anything Jay Z has influenced younger people to strive for the corporate world. No rap star was dressing in three piece suits on the cover of Forbes and GQ. A lot of these young dudes never considered being an executive until they saw the evolution Jay went through.

This whole "Illuminati" conspiracy did nothing but hinder what positive impact hip hop could have had. It tricked young people in to thinking the only way for you to "make it" is if you sell your soul and that bull !#@% set us back another 10 years maybe a whole generation bravo to whoever was behind that campaign.

End of the day we need successful people from these communities to come back. we need record execs, we need guys who really pull the strings behind the scenes to show that the real money is in the business and if you stay in school and even educate yourself outside of school the world is literally yours.
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