Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by Yung Lo HEAD

Lupe said plants as an example, telling the teacher teach them some kind of trades they can actually use later on in life 

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 
Originally Posted by Yung Lo HEAD

Lupe said plants as an example, telling the teacher teach them some kind of trades they can actually use later on in life 

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 
Lupe pointed out issues were bun didnt go into detail.

Bun said you have to look at all the other issues at play. Lupe pointed out a serve issue at play, which makes the attack on rappers seem pointless. what lupe mostly talks about is social issues in his flows, he denounces smoking and drinking. he tells vivd and descriptive stories of events and there consequence. Son even breaks down the government systems and corruption in other countries.

We need to figure out a way to divert the attention from these pop mainstream fun songs, to the underground telling it like it is tracks that truly have substance and meaning.

Like bun was trying to say: "They coming at the wrong people." Everyones is to blame, but some more then others.
Lupe pointed out issues were bun didnt go into detail.

Bun said you have to look at all the other issues at play. Lupe pointed out a serve issue at play, which makes the attack on rappers seem pointless. what lupe mostly talks about is social issues in his flows, he denounces smoking and drinking. he tells vivd and descriptive stories of events and there consequence. Son even breaks down the government systems and corruption in other countries.

We need to figure out a way to divert the attention from these pop mainstream fun songs, to the underground telling it like it is tracks that truly have substance and meaning.

Like bun was trying to say: "They coming at the wrong people." Everyones is to blame, but some more then others.
Originally Posted by iladakilla

I do agree what both of them said, Bun B said it very well that it is not just Hip Hop but the environment these kids are growing up in. You are a product of your environment, if you see that people selling dope and crack on the street are making more money then your parents are, who are working two jobs and still struggling to put food on the table, and make rent, what do expect the kid to do. He/She is not going to go school to get education, but would rather become a drug dealer, an athlete or rapper. What makes me sick is that we see these super star athletes in the NBA, NFL, etc. who are making ridiculous amount of money but you rarely hear any of them giving preference to education, IMO education should be first for any student athlete but the NCAA makes it hard because of all the rules and regulation of receiving money from a third party, but that whole other topic. In Lupe's case he is completely correct saying that the teachers are really teaching anything, there are some great teachers out there who understand that the textbooks are out there just for some support and they actually make real lesson plans, but the majority of the teachers out there are using the textbook as a lesson plan, which doesn't help anyone. The United States is one of the most prosperous country in the world yet we rank lower in most subjects compared to other countries. We all need to take hard look at what kind of society we are becoming and need to realize there is more to the world then just cars, money, clothes and girls.

They actually do its just it isnt " on " news worthy and doesnt get reported. Lupe ed spill was excellent, its funny how you can graduate knowing the periodic chart, but dont know what apr is, or how to balance a checkbook, or go about financing a home. Biology is only pertenant to someone who has a career in a relatable field, same with learning calculus, but knowing how to write a resume, do an interview, turn on and pay utilities is an asset universal regardless of job/career choices. These are things that should be taught in school, not how many bones are in a tricerotop, or the different types of clouds.
Originally Posted by iladakilla

I do agree what both of them said, Bun B said it very well that it is not just Hip Hop but the environment these kids are growing up in. You are a product of your environment, if you see that people selling dope and crack on the street are making more money then your parents are, who are working two jobs and still struggling to put food on the table, and make rent, what do expect the kid to do. He/She is not going to go school to get education, but would rather become a drug dealer, an athlete or rapper. What makes me sick is that we see these super star athletes in the NBA, NFL, etc. who are making ridiculous amount of money but you rarely hear any of them giving preference to education, IMO education should be first for any student athlete but the NCAA makes it hard because of all the rules and regulation of receiving money from a third party, but that whole other topic. In Lupe's case he is completely correct saying that the teachers are really teaching anything, there are some great teachers out there who understand that the textbooks are out there just for some support and they actually make real lesson plans, but the majority of the teachers out there are using the textbook as a lesson plan, which doesn't help anyone. The United States is one of the most prosperous country in the world yet we rank lower in most subjects compared to other countries. We all need to take hard look at what kind of society we are becoming and need to realize there is more to the world then just cars, money, clothes and girls.

They actually do its just it isnt " on " news worthy and doesnt get reported. Lupe ed spill was excellent, its funny how you can graduate knowing the periodic chart, but dont know what apr is, or how to balance a checkbook, or go about financing a home. Biology is only pertenant to someone who has a career in a relatable field, same with learning calculus, but knowing how to write a resume, do an interview, turn on and pay utilities is an asset universal regardless of job/career choices. These are things that should be taught in school, not how many bones are in a tricerotop, or the different types of clouds.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Yung Lo HEAD

Lupe said plants as an example, telling the teacher teach them some kind of trades they can actually use later on in life 

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

That's not what he meant , but i'm sure as a person that has gone through primary school, you can vouch for the amount of information feed to you that has served no purpose in your life beyond the chapter exam. He just thinks that more useful things could be taught in school. Dont you think it would have been more useful to your everyday life for you to learn how to use a bank ledger than the Pythagorean Theorem? Not to say that we should learn things like that, because they serve a great deal of critical thinking practice that is much needed, but as far as relevance to life, its as Lupe put it, MEANINGLESS. 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Yung Lo HEAD

Lupe said plants as an example, telling the teacher teach them some kind of trades they can actually use later on in life 

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

That's not what he meant , but i'm sure as a person that has gone through primary school, you can vouch for the amount of information feed to you that has served no purpose in your life beyond the chapter exam. He just thinks that more useful things could be taught in school. Dont you think it would have been more useful to your everyday life for you to learn how to use a bank ledger than the Pythagorean Theorem? Not to say that we should learn things like that, because they serve a great deal of critical thinking practice that is much needed, but as far as relevance to life, its as Lupe put it, MEANINGLESS. 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Yung Lo HEAD

Lupe said plants as an example, telling the teacher teach them some kind of trades they can actually use later on in life 

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He i think as far as the english statement meant classes that taught english such as the kings english and shakespeare. And not trade school persay but like i have mentioned before everyday life skills that everyone can use such as preparing for an interview, how to set up bills/utilities, how to manage money, refinance/finance a car/home, credit cards, PROTECTED sex, ramifications of deciding to have kids without the means or need of govt etc to raise them. All these problems that are in our community lie in the fact that most of these kids were not educated in day-today life skills.

Knowing the chemical base of water helps you how when deciding whether to buy/lease a car. being able to recite othello has little to know barrings when being interviewed. Knowing the planetary system isnt going to aid you in managing your bills/credit.

Its crazy i went to college and there were kids who knew trigonometry back and forth, could recite the entire periodic table, but had to call mommie/daddy or ask hey how do i get the lights turned on? Or knowing photosynthesis but are upside down on there car cause they couldnt even read and interpret a contract.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Yung Lo HEAD

Lupe said plants as an example, telling the teacher teach them some kind of trades they can actually use later on in life 

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He i think as far as the english statement meant classes that taught english such as the kings english and shakespeare. And not trade school persay but like i have mentioned before everyday life skills that everyone can use such as preparing for an interview, how to set up bills/utilities, how to manage money, refinance/finance a car/home, credit cards, PROTECTED sex, ramifications of deciding to have kids without the means or need of govt etc to raise them. All these problems that are in our community lie in the fact that most of these kids were not educated in day-today life skills.

Knowing the chemical base of water helps you how when deciding whether to buy/lease a car. being able to recite othello has little to know barrings when being interviewed. Knowing the planetary system isnt going to aid you in managing your bills/credit.

Its crazy i went to college and there were kids who knew trigonometry back and forth, could recite the entire periodic table, but had to call mommie/daddy or ask hey how do i get the lights turned on? Or knowing photosynthesis but are upside down on there car cause they couldnt even read and interpret a contract.
moonmaster3 wrote:

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
moonmaster3 wrote:

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I was with Bun B 100%....

.....I was with Lupe until he said "Teaching them this English....that they're not gonna use"......Kids need to know how to use correct grammar.... whether its writing or speaking...

Outside of the English stuff I agree that most of what he said was on point. We are taught so many things that we don't need to know to be successful in the world. However, this idea of having a well-rounded education is an idea that allows the gap between the elites and non-elites to continue to grow.

Kids from the hood will always gravitate towards rappers because they're telling a story that they feel like they can relate to. The story of the struggle. We need doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. that can tell this story to our youth as well. The black family has been eradicated due to a number of reasons and the battle that black youth are fighting in America is as difficult as ever.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I was with Bun B 100%....

.....I was with Lupe until he said "Teaching them this English....that they're not gonna use"......Kids need to know how to use correct grammar.... whether its writing or speaking...

Outside of the English stuff I agree that most of what he said was on point. We are taught so many things that we don't need to know to be successful in the world. However, this idea of having a well-rounded education is an idea that allows the gap between the elites and non-elites to continue to grow.

Kids from the hood will always gravitate towards rappers because they're telling a story that they feel like they can relate to. The story of the struggle. We need doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. that can tell this story to our youth as well. The black family has been eradicated due to a number of reasons and the battle that black youth are fighting in America is as difficult as ever.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.

pretty much
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.

pretty much
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

moonmaster3 wrote:So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. France...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

moonmaster3 wrote:So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. France...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. French...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
that's basically what the rest of the world does. After you finish primary school (about 7th or 8th grade), you either go to secondary school(High School) or work. 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. French...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
that's basically what the rest of the world does. After you finish primary school (about 7th or 8th grade), you either go to secondary school(High School) or work. 
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.

Good points here, I can relate. I can see how schools could encourage broad teaching to help kids develop career paths, but for me, I already know what I want to do and what my interests are. I like business and sciences/technology with a bit of sociology in it. So I'm cool with some of the classes I take/have taken, like Biology and Chemistry, along with Algebra II, Geometry and Pre-Calc. But history and english really does not help me at all. Some people tell me "it helps you, you just don't know it", sure, it might, but I think I'd be much better off if I took more classes regarding what I'm interested in.

Your last line was so true. I really don't give a care about some of the stuff I learn. I could care less about the details of the American Revolution, and how to write a 5-paragraph analytical essay (my teachers even admitted those were useless in real life). Right now, I just use school as a stepping stone to move to the next level, college, and the jobs that I can work after that. I can retain math/science/business knowledge fine, but for the Liberal Arts, I just quickly memorize then drop it right out of my head.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

So...we should turn basic education into trade schools...that doesn't even make sense. But hey, Lupe was a principal for a day so he knows how unimportant english, math, and history is. 

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.

Good points here, I can relate. I can see how schools could encourage broad teaching to help kids develop career paths, but for me, I already know what I want to do and what my interests are. I like business and sciences/technology with a bit of sociology in it. So I'm cool with some of the classes I take/have taken, like Biology and Chemistry, along with Algebra II, Geometry and Pre-Calc. But history and english really does not help me at all. Some people tell me "it helps you, you just don't know it", sure, it might, but I think I'd be much better off if I took more classes regarding what I'm interested in.

Your last line was so true. I really don't give a care about some of the stuff I learn. I could care less about the details of the American Revolution, and how to write a 5-paragraph analytical essay (my teachers even admitted those were useless in real life). Right now, I just use school as a stepping stone to move to the next level, college, and the jobs that I can work after that. I can retain math/science/business knowledge fine, but for the Liberal Arts, I just quickly memorize then drop it right out of my head.
Originally Posted by proper english

what about kids who grew up listening to rock or country?.. im guessing theyre the saints of young America?  
But when Rock first came into play, there was a large public outcry against it. There are numerous books written on the subject. One happens to be -

Rock was ridiculed about how it is the music of Satan. Rap isn't the only type of music that has felt the backlash.

I also don't think Lupe's message was nonsensical.

OoPrinceOfFreshoO Well said my man.
Originally Posted by proper english

what about kids who grew up listening to rock or country?.. im guessing theyre the saints of young America?  
But when Rock first came into play, there was a large public outcry against it. There are numerous books written on the subject. One happens to be -

Rock was ridiculed about how it is the music of Satan. Rap isn't the only type of music that has felt the backlash.

I also don't think Lupe's message was nonsensical.

OoPrinceOfFreshoO Well said my man.
Originally Posted by Essential1

I think that the biggest problem for teachers is that they are not willing to put themselves out there for their students. Many are not willing to help prepare them for life, willing to help them with their issues, willing to pick them up when they fall, nor give students the outlet to realize that you actually do believe in them, and they are able to get that A, or go to college, or be successful.

Teachers are beginning to treat the student-teacher relationship like a business transaction, which has been screwing over the past generation, and my generation as they begin entering the real world. No one was giving the students what it is like in a caring manner, and we ended up being drastically underprepared.

School is not just learning about Math, English, History, and Science.. The kids should be able to learn important lessons about life, survival, and most importantly themselves.. I think that might be what Lupe was getting at, but it was poorly articulated.  
It doesn't help when school has become nothing more than a training facility for standardized tests. I know many teachers that talk about how controlled their lesson plans are and how they are centered around boosting school/district/region/state averages on these standardized tests. The US ranking ______ in education is what has pushed all of this. So I can't side with you saying teachers don't care anymore, rules have changed compared to 20 years ago.
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