Is it acceptable to have sex in your bestfriend's bed???

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by shoemasta72

Quick story about this topic:
My buddy, a female coworker and myself were at a bar drinking after work. She had always been DTF, but she had a man and I was trying to respect that. Anyway, we were done with our 3rd round of shots and she tells the bartender another round of shots. So I leaned over to her and told her if we take this next shot, I was #+%@!+# her within the hour. Well, she downed that bad boy with the quickness (strong foreshadow). Buddy sees all this going on and catches me coming back from the bathroom about to leave, bumps into me and drops his apt keys in my shirt pocket and says go have fun.

Open the door, realize I don't have any condoms. Shoot him a text to grab some...he's there within 10 minutes. Turned out I didn't need them because she had a 3 pack unopened in her purse.

We still laugh about that night 


You better not lose that man
Just with anything's had pros and cons. You've got a pro...that was a month before he was drunk and on that yay and left me 30 miles from the house with no car. Picked me up on the freeway 4 hours later 
I don't ever see myself in a situation where I would need to smash on my friend's bed
I don't ever see myself in a situation where I would need to smash on my friend's bed
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

I've done it, he told me too. Just being a good friend. Those who don't allow it are just sour and blocking thy @@$@

This. if ya'll boys i dont see the problem. Good friends 
Originally Posted by ljlukelj

I've done it, he told me too. Just being a good friend. Those who don't allow it are just sour and blocking thy @@$@

This. if ya'll boys i dont see the problem. Good friends 
with permission, yeah. to come up to your boy and be like "yo we just *!%*%! in your bed, you dont mind right?" would be messed up.

closest ive come to that was a futon in the chicks bestfriends attic.
with permission, yeah. to come up to your boy and be like "yo we just *!%*%! in your bed, you dont mind right?" would be messed up.

closest ive come to that was a futon in the chicks bestfriends attic.
I had one friend who didn't mind, but this dude is like a brother to me.
I would let him do the same. Best believe he better supply his own sheets though or get ready to do some laundry.
I had one friend who didn't mind, but this dude is like a brother to me.
I would let him do the same. Best believe he better supply his own sheets though or get ready to do some laundry.

I kinda feel ya bed is ya spot. You wanna sleep in it fine, but smashing naw we good. Do it on the floor, change it up.....lmao

I wish I could find that video of the friend who smashed in his boy's bed.
it was a comedy but on the first watch I thought it was real.

I kinda feel ya bed is ya spot. You wanna sleep in it fine, but smashing naw we good. Do it on the floor, change it up.....lmao

I wish I could find that video of the friend who smashed in his boy's bed.
it was a comedy but on the first watch I thought it was real.
True story: my girl at the time lived with HER best friend in college. And we had sex on her bed one weekend when she went back home to visit. That's okay, right? LOL
True story: my girl at the time lived with HER best friend in college. And we had sex on her bed one weekend when she went back home to visit. That's okay, right? LOL
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