Is it normal for a guy and girl that are just friends to say they like each other?

Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11




Do it now OP before things get even shadier. It's obvious she does not respect you and if she's hiding this from you, think about what other information she could be holding on to "because she knew you'd be upset". Comon man, only a youngin would still be blindly believing her BS.

Tears when confronted? Saying their Just friends? Too easy man.

Just dead ol' girl.
Ya'll always post *$+* like this and I don't agree. My best friend is a girl and I have a girlfriend. My best friend is like my sister and I legitimately don't think any of these types of thoughts about her. Even though everyone else thinks I do I can assure you I don't.

But yall are friends under circumstance tho. So you mean to tell me when you met her you and her both were unattached, you found her attractive in a neutral place, not like coworkers, homeboys ex, sisters friends etc. You was out and about and said damn she is hot and i find her attractive im just gonna go to her and say hey lets be buddies.

Im sorry i just cant see that happening with a str8 male. Now if you said you tried to holla and u got dissed/placed in friendzone ok cool. Or we got to be friends cause we were in a neutral place like work and just got to know each other sure, But coincidence just being friends iuno man....................
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Dead that, bro.
Trust me 

No other option. 
Sorry OP
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

-She told him that she really likes him and she feels like she can trust him.
-She ended up going out with him to a friend reunion thing and she didn't tell me. She claims she didn't tell me because she knew I would be very upset .
-In the messages she goes on to say that they connected. And they both said they had an amazing time.
She's getting piped, bro.
Everything Frank said is the truth if I didn't meet you before the age of 15 (when my hormones where at a all time high) we ain't friends I just wanted to %#%#

No male over the age of 15 is willing friends with a female unless he's in the frienzone even then he ain't your friend, he's just hoping there's a small possibility he can smash, so he's nice to you and listens to your problems

To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by cap1229

Normally I would agree with you but this dude is a dog and he got with his girlfriend because I wouldn't %!+% him and I friend zoned him. His respect for there relationship is low considering I decided i wasn't gonna flirt with him heavy anymore.
You're a tease, sweetie.

Much rather be a seen as a tease that can be cracked with the right game than a @@!*@ who a dude has already had just based off some playful flirting especially if I have to see him everyday and work with him. And I'm the only female in our work setting...and I work with other dudes who like me. Nahhhh.
What is playfull about flirting?

Don't ever close the store or leave work alone with this dude, dont ever 
But roc what about HER thoughts and feelings?

Do you know for a FACT that she hasn't at some point felt some kind of way about you?

It's not always about how YOU feel about someone and I don't think people really understand that.
Off the title. The answer would be yes it is normal if they're friends. Friends should like each other but we know most men with female friends like them because they want to bang them at some point and not just for friendship unless it's one of those ugly lesbian female friends.

As for your situation, I think she's already cheating on you or planning too. Sounds like this guy friend is in it for the long haul, taking it slow, demonstrating his worth.

Originally Posted by solefood229

 To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 
Originally Posted by solefood229

Everything Frank said is the truth if I didn't meet you before the age of 15 13 (when my hormones where at a all time high) we ain't friends I just wanted to %#%#

No male over the age of 15 13 is willing friends with a female unless he's in the frienzone even then he ain't your friend, he's just hoping there's a small possibility he can smash, so he's nice to you and listens to your problems

To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where he will be  outside your window before you put the phone down
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by solefood229

 To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

A+ post.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

But roc what about HER thoughts and feelings?

Do you know for a FACT that she hasn't at some point felt some kind of way about you?

It's not always about how YOU feel about someone and I don't think people really understand that.
I mean I'm 99.9% sure it's mutual. I mean we dated for like 2 weeks in 6th grade. That doesn't count as a real relationship. And there is nothing we don't know about each other. Our families are mad tight with each other and even girlfriends/boyfriends that we've had have come to accept the relationship.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by solefood229

 To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

But roc what about HER thoughts and feelings?

Do you know for a FACT that she hasn't at some point felt some kind of way about you?

It's not always about how YOU feel about someone and I don't think people really understand that.
I mean I'm 99.9% sure it's mutual. I mean we dated for like 2 weeks in 6th grade. That doesn't count as a real relationship. And there is nothing we don't know about each other. Our families are mad tight with each other and even girlfriends/boyfriends that we've had have come to accept the relationship.

yea but yall was kids and even then you came to her with the mindset of being attracted to her. Aint like you said man she is hot, im really interested in her and would like her to be mines.... im single she single so why dont i go holla at her and make friends.... lol i mean hits sounds lol just thinking about it as i type.

Cant even imagine a dude scoping out a chick in the club thats bad and his thoughts are man she is so f'n hot and so cool, man i just wanna go over there and str8 get to know about other guys she likes and spend countless hrs on the phone debating who you pick between jacob and edward.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by solefood229

 To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they %#+@#* the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their +%@!@. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.

You still sound confused
OP you did the right thing...e-props from me
you strong for that move cause a lot of dudes on here talmbout drop her but when it comes time to do it they simpin' over the chick
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by solefood229

 To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
Gonna need some pics after this humble brag
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

She sounds guilty and defensive.

She has probably convinced herself that what she is doing is not wrong (this is how girls think -- they act first and then they develop the logic later to justify their actions). For example, she's convinced herself it's ok to spend time with this other guy because they're just friends and they're not doing anything physical. As for not telling you about it, she has her reasoning for that too -- that you would become upset. Well no $%$%, sherlock. Of course you would become upset. She's doing something she shouldn't. But she ignores that latter part and just focuses on the part about you being upset.

Realist S_ I've read on this forum
Oh &@*#, that's the 100% truth
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
Gonna need some pics after this humble brag
 I knew this was a humble brag.
As for the bolded part, seems like the dudes are winning.
cap1229 wrote:

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
I just think you have to stop using the word friends.
Maybe use associates,people get those confused.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

cap1229 wrote:
I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
I just think you have to stop using the word friends.
Maybe use associates,people get those confused.

   most guys see a girl as a friend is a girl they havent ucked yet.
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