Is it normal for a guy and girl that are just friends to say they like each other?

Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11





Do it now OP before things get even shadier. It's obvious she does not respect you and if she's hiding this from you, think about what other information she could be holding on to "because she knew you'd be upset". Comon man, only a youngin would still be blindly believing her BS.

Tears when confronted? Saying their Just friends? Too easy man.

Just dead ol' girl.
this. well said. move on OP.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

cap1229 wrote:
I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
I just think you have to stop using the word friends.
Maybe use associates,people get those confused.

True. I know where I stand with them tho. People hate being called associates. So cold. For the moment they are my friend but I wouldn't expect on them to give me a kidney or anything. I got two real friends and both of them are women.
She gonna try to manipulate you saying that u don't trust her. $$*+ THAT. I dump girls even if i hear something funny is going on even if i feel it.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

cap1229 wrote:

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
I just think you have to stop using the word friends.
Maybe use associates,people get those confused.

True. I know where I stand with them tho. People hate being called associates. So cold. For the moment they are my friend but I wouldn't expect on them to give me a kidney or anything. I got two real friends and both of them are women.

yeah, you know where you stand but do they?

and yeah they don't like the word associate because if you call them what they actually are they wouldn't even bother hanging around you, reality would set in real quick for them
cap1229 wrote:
Yeah I know, no one likes that word.
side note

I saw that model in your avi in a magazine spread recently.

He is lovely 
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

My gf of 2 years and one of her guy "friends" were messaging on fb and she told him that she really likes him and she feels like she can trust him. She ended up going out with him to a friend reunion thing and she didn't tell me. She claims she didn't tell me because she knew I would be very upset . In the messages she goes on to say that they connected. And they both said they had an amazing time. She claimed that they are just friends and that is all. I am about ready to break up with her cause I just don't think thats right..Without trust I can't have a relationship. 
Anyways, is it normal for a girl and a guy who are just friends to be that friendly with each other? seems too friendly to me. 

This is what you call a guilty conscience. I always tell the girls I'm dating, you can do whatever you want to do. You dont have to ask me for permission to do anything. I just want you to respect me, and I'll do the same in return.

Which basically means, if you have to ASK me if it's ok, chances are, it's not. Break up with her bro. Move on. She already has. Girls tend to find the guy for the next relationship and have him ready before they break up with the current guy, so if you dont, she will...
for whomever asked it was a reunion of high school friends. she hadn't hang out with this guy in years and the people there either. she called me about 7 times and i answered once. And i didn't say jack. she started crying and crying and apologizing . saying she would cut ties with the guy to get back with me and regain my trust. " I love you , i like him as a friend." "i would not throw away our 3 years for him" BLAH BLAH. not buying it....NO TRUST, NO RELATIONSHIP.
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they %#+@#* the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their +%@!@. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.

You still sound confused
all bad

females crave attention from every angle used to boost their ego

"i hate attention hoares more than real hoares" -henz0
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by solefood229

 To any female nter that's moderately attractive and claim they have a male best friend who they met later in life, text him and tell him you wanna smash I guarantee his answer will be when & where
The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.

Unless I'm head over heels in love with shorty, if I'm smashing one of her friends our relationship is GOOD!
In short, she cheated on you and you're asking is what you should do?

They connected? What you think they drove all the way to play checkers?
ME NO PASS wrote:
all bad

Some females crave attention from every angle used to boost their ego

"i hate attention hoares more than real hoares" -henz0

I swear I have never even seen this henz guy even post 

But not firing shots, a lot of times it is about how their relationship is with daddy.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Originally Posted by cap1229

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they %#+@#* the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their +%@!@. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.

You still sound confused
all bad

females crave attention from every angle used to boost their ego

"i hate attention hoares more than real hoares" -henz0

Lol henzo's nutts...he wants them out your mouth. I'm an attention #!$%$ now? Who hurt you my dude? Must of been the chick who kept you around for years and never considered you for the back up d position.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

for whomever asked it was a reunion of high school friends. she hadn't hang out with this guy in years and the people there either. she called me about 7 times and i answered once. And i didn't say jack. she started crying and crying and apologizing . saying she would cut ties with the guy to get back with me and regain my trust. " I love you , i like him as a friend." "i would not throw away our 3 years for him" BLAH BLAH. not buying it....NO TRUST, NO RELATIONSHIP.

good job
keep that cold heart 
so she hadn't hanged out with this guy in years but she still likes him and trust him? lol, something don't sound right there
Originally Posted by Regal Black

so she hadn't hanged out with this guy in years but she still likes him and trust him? lol, something don't sound right there

well she claims they were good friends back then in high school. but yea i brought this up to her also. and she used the same "he's a friend to me , I've known him for years" 
shady and i don't buy it. I told her for you it may be a friendship but for him he's thinking other things. She again said "for me he's just a friend." And she said she'd cut all ties with dude to get things back on track with us
.... not having that though. just too much for me to let go 

i didnt call you anything maam...

i just find it strange that you flirt with your male "friends" who obviously want to have sex with you but you deny them and continue to flirt with and keep them around as your "friends"

imo it just all comes around to it feeding your ego.
you are an attention #!%%* clear as day and you sound foolish.

you call guys that want to have sex with you friends because you don't want to have sex with them.... what kinda logic is that.

you sit there and say how you flirt and play around with guys, aka throwing playful hints at some form of attraction, sexuality, etc but its all jokes in your opinion .... for what?

why not flirt with someone... you like? no guy is flirting with girls they aint tryna mess with.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

you are an attention #!%%* clear as day and you sound foolish.

you call guys that want to have sex with you friends because you don't want to have sex with them.... what kinda logic is that.

you sit there and say how you flirt and play around with guys, aka throwing playful hints at some form of attraction, sexuality, etc but its all jokes in your opinion .... for what?

why not flirt with someone... you like? no guy is flirting with girls they aint tryna mess with.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS


i didnt call you anything maam...

i just find it strange that you flirt with your male "friends" who obviously want to have sex with you but you deny them and continue to flirt with and keep them around as your "friends"

imo it just all comes around to it feeding your ego.

they could easily just stop being her friend...

i dont understand how guys get so mad about the FZ when they play apart in it too...just stop being her friend
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ME NO PASS


i didnt call you anything maam...

i just find it strange that you flirt with your male "friends" who obviously want to have sex with you but you deny them and continue to flirt with and keep them around as your "friends"

imo it just all comes around to it feeding your ego.

they could easily just stop being her friend...

i dont understand how guys get so mad about the FZ when they play apart in it too...just stop being her friend
i agree..but its just a circle...once they stop..some new guy(s) come along...etc
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

they could easily just stop being her friend...

i dont understand how guys get so mad about the FZ when they play apart in it too...just stop being her friend

Cause some people aren't good at reading hints/signs, and you can't blame them.

Saying it's partially the guy's fault is just brushing the blame off one's shoulders. It's like me ripping my friend off completely and justifying it by saying "well my friend was dumb enough to get ripped off by me, so it's also his fault".

Sure, if you want to look at it that way.
Originally Posted by ME NO PASS

Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

Originally Posted by cap1229

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they %#+@#* the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their +%@!@. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.

You still sound confused
all bad

females crave attention from every angle used to boost their ego

"i hate attention hoares more than real hoares" -henz0
Pretty much. They keep a flock of dudes around them that they KNOW want to smash, just to have the feeling of being wanted, the attention, and for that reserve D. They'll never admit to this though. That's why this chick keeps throwing out the "friend" word.
I'm not a bad person tho. Lol I'm not going around whispering in dudes ears that I know want it but that I'm not feeling in that way. I'm not a bad person to have on your side. Lol I don't discriminate. Should i stone face these dudes? Be mean to em? That's not my style. I throw a smile to everyone.
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