Is it right to raise a child into your religion? Thoughts?

Teach your kids that there is a big universe out there, and that this world is only one of many.

Teach your kids that everything they put out they get back.

Teach your kids that God is real, but religion is $+%$$@*%.

Teach your kids that positive and negative energy is real.
Teach your kids that there is a big universe out there, and that this world is only one of many.

Teach your kids that everything they put out they get back.

Teach your kids that God is real, but religion is $+%$$@*%.

Teach your kids that positive and negative energy is real.
I'm going to teach my kids right from wrong ... not religion, not about God, or anything of the such.

If they ask questions ... I'll just tell them a general view ... leading them on their own path of belief.
I'm going to teach my kids right from wrong ... not religion, not about God, or anything of the such.

If they ask questions ... I'll just tell them a general view ... leading them on their own path of belief.
It's pointless to try and teach em in depth at an early age. I raise my daughter Christian just as my wife and I were raised. I teach her that God is real, that he along w/ mommy and daddy loves her. I teach her how to pray, say her blessing before eating, etc. We go to church, all that. Not a problem at all. When she's older, whether she wants to continue or not is her decision.

Some of yall try so hard to down anything that yall don't like and it's quite pathetic. Many of yall crucify religion and it's believers so hard about not bein open minded when in actuality yall are the close minded ones. Yall tend to lump every person that goes to church and reads the Bible into one group and for what, to be "right" Maybe if yall actually got yall heads out yall tails and looked at things from other perspectives minus yall owns, yall might just learn to understand things.

P.S. If what I said offends u, then...
It's pointless to try and teach em in depth at an early age. I raise my daughter Christian just as my wife and I were raised. I teach her that God is real, that he along w/ mommy and daddy loves her. I teach her how to pray, say her blessing before eating, etc. We go to church, all that. Not a problem at all. When she's older, whether she wants to continue or not is her decision.

Some of yall try so hard to down anything that yall don't like and it's quite pathetic. Many of yall crucify religion and it's believers so hard about not bein open minded when in actuality yall are the close minded ones. Yall tend to lump every person that goes to church and reads the Bible into one group and for what, to be "right" Maybe if yall actually got yall heads out yall tails and looked at things from other perspectives minus yall owns, yall might just learn to understand things.

P.S. If what I said offends u, then...
@ Her always crying. Gosh that has to be annoying for you man.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Teach your kids that there is a big universe out there, and that this world is only one of many.

Teach your kids that everything they put out they get back.

Teach your kids that God is real, but religion is $+%$$@*%.

Teach your kids that positive and negative energy is real.

Something like this... if (God forbid) I end up having kids.
Originally Posted by Trent Ferris

Teach your kids that there is a big universe out there, and that this world is only one of many.

Teach your kids that everything they put out they get back.

Teach your kids that God is real, but religion is $+%$$@*%.

Teach your kids that positive and negative energy is real.

Something like this... if (God forbid) I end up having kids.
Nope. Not IMO. Why baptize a baby? I mean, it's a baby, it doesn't know what the f is going on so why force it into something it doesn't know exists? I'll teach my kids about every religion/theology in an unbiased manner and they can be whatever they wanna be and I'll support it even though I'm the most 'devout' of atheists.

 I think I'll keep my 'faith' and my husband's from my kids until they're old enough to have chosen their own way without our influence interfering. Don't want my kids  being atheists just because I am. I'd rather they come to their own conclusions and be free thinkers.

Edit: The only thing I'm really going to stress is the Golden Rule. That's one thing I want them to really live by/for.
Nope. Not IMO. Why baptize a baby? I mean, it's a baby, it doesn't know what the f is going on so why force it into something it doesn't know exists? I'll teach my kids about every religion/theology in an unbiased manner and they can be whatever they wanna be and I'll support it even though I'm the most 'devout' of atheists.

 I think I'll keep my 'faith' and my husband's from my kids until they're old enough to have chosen their own way without our influence interfering. Don't want my kids  being atheists just because I am. I'd rather they come to their own conclusions and be free thinkers.

Edit: The only thing I'm really going to stress is the Golden Rule. That's one thing I want them to really live by/for.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

One of the reason religion especially the Abrahamic ones I believe is because you are dealing with a book that's that's giving you.a blueprint for basically everything. How to be a "proper" man, woman, or child. How to treat your neighbor and how to conduct yourself during war. Add that fact some people feel the need to believe in something bigger than themselves and you have something that is marketable. I say that to say you don't have to follow a religion to be a civilized human being. #$!$ look at some of the things that have been done in the name of religion. It's not the end all. Your reality may not necessarily be someone else's reality.

But do you think a child can understand at a young age?

I think the parents should read it to be "proper" parents and if the child grows up wanting to learn more then you teach but to just raise a kid on it I feel is wrong. But that's just me....the atheist.

I feel you. But wheres the line between teaching it to them and raising them under it?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

One of the reason religion especially the Abrahamic ones I believe is because you are dealing with a book that's that's giving you.a blueprint for basically everything. How to be a "proper" man, woman, or child. How to treat your neighbor and how to conduct yourself during war. Add that fact some people feel the need to believe in something bigger than themselves and you have something that is marketable. I say that to say you don't have to follow a religion to be a civilized human being. #$!$ look at some of the things that have been done in the name of religion. It's not the end all. Your reality may not necessarily be someone else's reality.

But do you think a child can understand at a young age?

I think the parents should read it to be "proper" parents and if the child grows up wanting to learn more then you teach but to just raise a kid on it I feel is wrong. But that's just me....the atheist.

I feel you. But wheres the line between teaching it to them and raising them under it?
I don't have a religion so I feel it's right to raise a child open minded and give them my opinions on religion when they ask.
I don't have a religion so I feel it's right to raise a child open minded and give them my opinions on religion when they ask.
I'm going to have every religious scripture known to man accessible to my children and I will let them formulate their own opinions. Chances are this approach will either turn them into Atheists or strict Agnostics like I am.
I'm going to have every religious scripture known to man accessible to my children and I will let them formulate their own opinions. Chances are this approach will either turn them into Atheists or strict Agnostics like I am.
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