To the dudes who say Kobe is overrated please name 5 players better...and I'm talking about players you've seen playing in your lifetime? 

Not Jerry West, Big O, Bill Russell, Kareem, Dr. J...
You've avoided plenty of questions and opted to post corny pictures. Lie to me some more.

Name calling now?

I simply disagree with those of you who think that Kobe isn't overrated.

But that's cool! Call me what you want, if that makes you feel better about yourself.

It doesn't make Kobe Bryant any less overrated.
I dont think he is either over or under rated.
He is what he is. A great player. And not many players can be labeled great.
Kobe has surpassed his '96 peers and is still going strong.
Aside from DuncAn, players that were supposedly in their prime are DONE now. Tmac. VC. Iverson.

81 points? He ball hogged huh Longstroke?
First 3 peat? He coat tailed Shaq. Shaq played all those games 1 on 5 eh?
2nd repeat? 2 Finals MVPS as the clear cut first option. Thats really easy to do huh?
30,000 pts? Eh thats cake. Thousands of NBA players have done that.
Couple gold medals? 2012 Lebron was the man. In 2008 though it was Mamba that saved them in the championship game.

I'll stop here.
If Kobe had the same exact accolades wearing a different uniform...theres at least half a chance we wouldnt be having this convo.
Yeah, Im a Kobe fan. But I wouldnt follow dude like Bron nut huggers followed him to south beach.
Lakers first. Period. Name on the front of the jersey > name on the back.
To the dudes who say Kobe is overrated please name 5 players better...and I'm talking about players you've seen playing in your lifetime? 

Not Jerry West, Big O, Bill Russell, Kareem, Dr. J...
What's with this you have to see someone, in order to know that they were better business?

What kind of reasoning is this?

Abraham Lincoln is considered the greatest President in American History.

Did any of you see him preside?

The notion that you have to see someone in order to suggest that they are the best at something, is flat out moronic.
What's with this you have to see someone, in order to know that they were better business?

What kind of reasoning is this?

Abraham Lincoln is considered the greatest President in American History.

Did any of you see him preside?

The notion that you have to see someone in order to suggest that they are the best at something, is flat out moronic.
Observing a basketball player gives you a sense of how good they are...the reason you have scouts out there surveying talent and making decisions on a player being a good fit for the team or not. 

Presidents and athletes should not even be compared...for one...the athletic profession requires physicality. So of course I need to observe the player to see how he measures up.

A president's job is more cerebral...not saying athletes don't get geared up mentally but I don't need to observe a president, but reading about the president would more than likely suffice. 
Name calling now?

I simply disagree with those of you who think that Kobe isn't overrated.

But that's cool! Call me what you want, if that makes you feel better about yourself.

It doesn't make Kobe Bryant any less overrated.

You can make an argument and say that everything under the sun is overrated...and find at least one person or in your case, article, that supports your nonsense.

There's plenty of people who say Jordan is overrated and can find some fool who agrees with them.

Doesn't make your opinion any less corny. :lol: You're entitled to your opinion but you look like a hater, kid.
I dont think he is either over or under rated.
He is what he is. A great player. And not many players can be labeled great.
Kobe has surpassed his '96 peers and is still going strong.
Aside from DuncAn, players that were supposedly in their prime are DONE now. Tmac. VC. Iverson.
81 points? He ball hogged huh Longstroke?
First 3 peat? He coat tailed Shaq. Shaq played all those games 1 on 5 eh?
2nd repeat? 2 Finals MVPS as the clear cut first option. Thats really easy to do huh?
30,000 pts? Eh thats cake. Thousands of NBA players have done that.
Couple gold medals? 2012 Lebron was the man. In 2008 though it was Mamba that saved them in the championship game.
I'll stop here.
If Kobe had the same exact accolades wearing a different uniform...theres at least half a chance we wouldnt be having this convo.
Yeah, Im a Kobe fan. But I wouldnt follow dude like Bron nut huggers followed him to south beach.
Lakers first. Period. Name on the front of the jersey > name on the back.
What's underlined is what does not make you seem very objective.

I've already stated that I have Kobe in my top fifteen.

However, with respect to those who came before him, I think that it is only fair to them to consider the era in which they played, when compiling a legit top ten list.

Kobe Bryant has scored the most points, more than any player in his era. That does not make him BETTER than anyone else from any other era.

Barry Bonds does not get to replace Babe Ruth, just because he hit more home runs.

Was Mikan as good as today's players?


But he was the best of his era, and you cannot deny him that.

We all consider MJ to be the best that we have ever seen.

But what happens twenty years from now, when the rules have been changed as they have been over the last few years with less hand checking, less physicality, less BIG MEN, and then someone comes around and does better than MJ statistically?

Should we then say, Oh, this guy is better than MJ ever was!


It doesn't make any sense.

Babe Ruth was a serious ballplayer, but because he played in an earlier era, does not make his contribution any less relevant, just because Barry Bonds hit more home runs.

Babe Ruth is a top ten player all time. George Mikan should be considered  as such as well. 
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You can make an argument and say that everything under the sun is overrated...and find at least one person or in your case, article, that supports your nonsense.
There's plenty of people who say Jordan is overrated and can find some fool who agrees with them.
Doesn't make your opinion any less corny.
You're entitled to your opinion but you look like a hater, kid.
Yet another personal dig, right? Could not help yourself there.

I've put up plenty information that supports my opinion, you just don't agree with them.

I have no problem with appearing as a hater to some rabid Kobe Bryant fans on Nike Talk.

What are you going to do, call me names?
Observing a basketball player gives you a sense of how good they are...the reason you have scouts out there surveying talent and making decisions on a player being a good fit for the team or not. 

Presidents and athletes should not even be compared...for one...the athletic profession requires physicality. So of course I need to observe the player to see how he measures up.

A president's job is more cerebral...not saying athletes don't get geared up mentally but I don't need to observe a president, but reading about the president would more than likely suffice. 
Nope, you don't get to do that.

Both have a place in history, the athlete and President. You didn't get to see Babe Ruth play, and you didn't get to see Lincoln preside.

How do YOU know that they were indeed great?

Historical reference, right? Research, documentation, second hand accounts, info that gives you insight as to how this person applied their trade.

Your point of only being able to judge how good someone is by seeing them, is simply stupid.
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Bob Ryan on mike and mike and he's got Kobe at about 8 in his top 10 even ahead of big O
Nope, you don't get to do that.

Both have a place in history, the athlete and President. You didn't get to see Babe Ruth play, and you didn't get to see Lincoln preside.

How do YOU know that they were indeed great?

Historical reference, right? Research, documentation, second hand accounts, info that give you insight as to how this person applied their trade.

Your point of only being able to judge how good someone is by seeing them, is simply stupid.
Well, perhaps that trained seal would do a better job at presenting your position for you.
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Yet another personal dig, right? Could not help yourself there.

I've put up plenty information that supports my opinion, you just don't agree with them.

I have no problem with appearing as a hater to some rabid Kobe Bryant fans on Nike Talk.

What are you going to do, call me names?

Sure was.
So, Mikan and lets say Oscar Robertson were "better" in their eras than Kobe was in this era, that makes Kobe overrated/those players better than Kobe?
I understand what youre tryin to get at.
But at the end if the day your rhetoric is still opinion.
I like when Bob Ryan said that he wanted to slap Jason Kidd's now ex wife.

Bob is entitled to his opinion.

As you're entitled to yours, who cares if he wanted to slap j kids wife/ex wife ?

Didn't u get emotional when Jordan's alleged domestic violence issues were mentioned, so why turn around and do the same thing?

You're all over the placed now dog, give it up.
That's interesting, and you've admitted it as well.

Funny, because I've seen people warned and suspended for even less. 

Incredibly interesting as to how that goes around here.
I only skimmed through the entire thread, but a quarter of your posts are completely unrelated to the topic and are just you complaining about other members not getting banned or suspended.
Are you trying to get other people banned/suspended? If not, why do you care whether the mods ban/suspend them or not?
And if you have such a problem with how the mods run the board, why don't you take your discussion to one of the other numerous sports online forums?

You're not even having a valuable conversation, you and the other posters are just repeating their opinion without even considering the other party's opinion, you might as well be talking to a wall. There's no real dialogue in this thread.
So, Mikan and lets say Oscar Robertson were "better" in their eras than Kobe was in this era, that makes Kobe overrated/those players better than Kobe?
I understand what youre tryin to get at.
But at the end if the day your rhetoric is still opinion.
While I am saying that Mikan and Oscar were better in their respective era's, than Kobe is in his era, it does not diminish what Kobe has achieved.

The era in which they played, was much different than the era that Kobe Bryant is playing in today. Back in Mikan's era, you could actually get away with KICKING people, as he had his leg intentionally broken by an opposing player. They also didn't fly back then, and they did not have the training staff that players are afforded today.

With players like Oscar, Russ and Wilt, the sheer RACISM that they had to deal with while on the road in the arena's, never mind not being able to stay in hotels, or getting a bite to eat before or after a game, make it much different, and does affect how one has to prepare to play a game. 

Kobe Bryant does not have to deal with any of this. It does not diminish what he has just accomplished with the 30 large, as it was a feat of extraordinary endurance. Some people can't even take one hundred shots.

But while he was indeed the best player in his draft class, a great scorer as well, one helluva competitor at times, even against his coaches and teammates, but in his prime, he was not the best player in his era.

Best scorer?

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Congrats to Kobe for getting 30K. Nevermind that though, I'm just happy to see Kobe and the Lakers finally win a game. It's about time Kobe was able to muster up a victory, good for him.
I only skimmed through the entire thread, but a quarter of your posts are completely unrelated to the topic and are just you complaining about other members not getting banned or suspended.
Are you trying to get other people banned/suspended? If not, why do you care whether the mods ban/suspend them or not?
And if you have such a problem with how the mods run the board, why don't you take your discussion to one of the other numerous sports online forums?
You're not even having a valuable conversation, you and the other posters are just repeating their opinion without even considering the other party's opinion, you might as well be talking to a wall. There's no real dialogue in this thread.
I love it when someone will qualify their oncoming statement with a blatant lie. It reeks of skulduggery, such a dishonest move, cowardly even.

What are you so afraid of?!

Look, knowing the history of this forum and how Laker and Kobe fans operate on this site, many do not even want this sort of discussion to occur. It's obviously a problem, due to some even asking why is this thread active, and then why isn't this thread locked? You even have some asking why this thread has so many pages?


Many of the fans can't wait to tell someone, if you don't like how things are being run around here, why don't you leave?

Sounds like the right wing republicans when they tell people who disagree with their proposed policies, well if you don't like America, then leave!
Reply to Longstroke respectively. And I think he'll do the same.
Worked for me. Thread can be productive and salvagable.
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