The fact that you even asked this question is a prime example of why true basketball Stans/purists cannot stand fans of the Los Angeles Lakers.

To quote Raja Bell: "Anybody can score 40 points if they take 30 shots."

Raja Bell could not score 40 points if he took 30, 40, or 50 shots.
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So we're a few months from the end of the year, little update for the overrated one.

Couple hundred points away from 31,000
Will move into 4th all time by year end.
50 assists away from passing both Kareem and Larry Bird. (Pass Jordan and Iverson last week)
About 300 or so from reaching 6,000 career assists.
5 3's away from 1,600
14 steals away from 1,800

Just passed 1,200 career games, averaging 28, 5, and 5 in his 17th NBA season.

Kobe at 24 - 30, 7 and 6 with 2 steals and 45% shooting.

Kobe at 34 - 28.5, 5 and 5 with 1.5 steals and 47% shooting.

10,000 other NBA players in this history of this game, not more than 3-4 people have anything close to this resume. Haven't even counted or factored in 5 rings, 2 Golds, All NBA, All Stars, All D, MVP, 2 Finals MVP's, 7 Finals appearances in 16 years (this being 17) and still another year or two to go.

^ I want to see how those numbers and accolades are going to be spun negatively :lol:
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So we're a few months from the end of the year, little update for the overrated one.

Couple hundred points away from 31,000
Will move into 4th all time by year end.
50 assists away from passing both Kareem and Larry Bird. (Pass Jordan and Iverson last week)
About 300 or so from reaching 6,000 career assists.
5 3's away from 1,600
14 steals away from 1,800

Just passed 1,200 career games, averaging 28, 5, and 5 in his 17th NBA season.

Kobe at 24 - 30, 7 and 6 with 2 steals and 45% shooting.

Kobe at 34 - 28.5, 5 and 5 with 1.5 steals and 47% shooting.

10,000 other NBA players in this history of this game, not more than 3-4 people have anything close to this resume. Haven't even counted or factored in 5 rings, 2 Golds, All NBA, All Stars, All D, MVP, 2 Finals MVP's, 7 Finals appearances in 16 years (this being 17) and still another year or two to go.


women lie men lie...
So we're a few months from the end of the year, little update for the overrated one.

Couple hundred points away from 31,000
Will move into 4th all time by year end.
50 assists away from passing both Kareem and Larry Bird. (Pass Jordan and Iverson last week)
About 300 or so from reaching 6,000 career assists.
5 3's away from 1,600
14 steals away from 1,800

Just passed 1,200 career games, averaging 28, 5, and 5 in his 17th NBA season.

Kobe at 24 - 30, 7 and 6 with 2 steals and 45% shooting.

Kobe at 34 - 28.5, 5 and 5 with 1.5 steals and 47% shooting.

10,000 other NBA players in this history of this game, not more than 3-4 people have anything close to this resume. Haven't even counted or factored in 5 rings, 2 Golds, All NBA, All Stars, All D, MVP, 2 Finals MVP's, 7 Finals appearances in 16 years (this being 17) and still another year or two to go.


"But but.... he had a lot of help." So overrated :lol: :pimp:

I would like to see the lists of those calling Kobe Top 5


Can you point out the people who claimed him to be top 5? That way we can start to seperate who's who and what not.

I would put my top 5 in some shape or order as


3 bigs, and the best PG and SG in the history of the NBA.

I feel good with that 5.
The fact that you even asked this question is a prime example of why true basketball Stans/purists cannot stand fans of the Los Angeles Lakers.

To quote Raja Bell: "Anybody can score 40 points if they take 30 shots."
40 pts for 30 shots is good. Kevin Durant had 41 pts for 30 shots this year and that gave him a .500 FG%.

All of Kobe's 40 + games this year except 1 have  been over .500 for his FG%. 
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True, men lie and women lie but numbers don't lie, but at the same time...

Men don't tell the whole story, women don't tell the whole story, and numbers alone don't tell the whole story.

In response to the very impressive resume CP posted...

Ray Allen is not the same player he was on tne Bucks. Why not? I would venture to guess because he doesn't work as hard as Kobe has. Coming out of UCONN, the way he was on the Bucks and Sonics, that dude's talent as a scorer was undeniable. But he's no longer the player I remember back then.

Tmac? I've heard throughout his career that he was a 'get through practice as quick as possible' type, and now he's done.

AI? I'm'a just hit his career w/ the :lol: x :smh: collab, because he could have crushed all Kobe's numbers... and any other 2 guard... if he would have taken the game more seriously (disclaimer: I know he still has a huge fan following, and you guys are chomping at the bit to challenge me saying he didn't take the game seriously at all, but that's not what I said, and this isn't his thread).

But Kobe? Worked his TAIL off, took the game VERY seriously, and the result is... those numbers. His hard work has kept him relevant, on top of his peers, even. You work your tail off to stay relevant on one of the league's poster teams, you WILL amass numbers, even if the team missed the playoffs every year of your career and you played with exactly 0 All Star teammates. The credit for those individual numbers is all his because he worked his tail off to stay on top year in and year out.

The credit for the unmentioned golds and O'Briens, though, that's not all his, so I'm glad it wasn't mentioned. :wink:

And among w/ those numbers, his reputation is also all his, both positive and negative. Sure he has the reputation of being a fierce competitor, a hard worker, paying great attention to detail... and a reputation for being a chucker and going into Kobe mode, playing hero ball (phrases his FANS use in the Lakers thread). He told Dwight Howard HIMSELF recently that he is hard play with.
More than POSITIVE Ray couldn't post up as effective as Kobe has. Doesn't have the handles, the shooting off either foot, either hand, the fades, the off the dribble, the footwork, he hasn't finished at the rim in several years.

He has range. Crazy range. But the scorer, pure scorer, that Kobe is? NEVER. Not one single day in Ray Allen's life did he have that skill set. Ever. Stop insulting my intelligence.

Allen could chuck, he's got that part cold. But his size limits his overall repertoire just the same as Kobe can't be in top five all time blocks. Allen could score, but his overall game would not matchup with a Kobe, TMac or Mike skillset.

You keep acting like hard work only gets Kobe by. No. You are missing the technician he is at creating shots, and finishing those shots. You also wouldn't confuse Ray or AI for playing the defense Kobe did from 99-2010. That's not simple "hard work" either.

LeBron is a great player, freak of nature, he does not take, make, or attempt the shots on spots of the floor Durant does. Durant just work harder than Bron? No. There's a skill set that comes with that. Durant can't power the ball like Bron, or pass or defend like Bron, but that's not just hard work is it?

Stop dismissing the skill that goes with hard work.
You insulted your own intelligence by thinking that I was even beginning to compare Ray's scoring ability to Kobe's scoring ability. I was clearly... CLEARLY talking about work ethic.

CLEARLY. :lol:

I'm sitting here complimenting Kobe for outworking someone, and you're taking it defensively.

"Ray didn't work as hard as Kobe."
"Ray couldn't post up like Kobe. Don't insult my intelligence."

Again, I wasn't talking about scoring.

Let's try this again, w/ less words.

Hard work. He did it more.

Taking the game very seriously. He did it more.

Has stayed on top because of that. Staying on top, in any sport, amasses numbers.

Has a reputation of working hard, being competitive... and chucking, and having a "Can't tell me nothing" attitude.

Shooting. Does it a lot. Told a teammate he's hard to play w/.
40 points on 31 shots is a bad night?

that means he was probably shooting 50-60% at a high volume...

what's a good night then?
The fact that you even asked this question is a prime example of why true basketball Stans/purists cannot stand fans of the Los Angeles Lakers.

To quote Raja Bell: "Anybody can score 40 points if they take 30 shots."
I'm a Knicks fan.  And even if I wasn't the condescension in your reply is annoying.

A month ago Kobe put up 42 pts shooting 16-28 from the field.  As I stated that's 57% shooting.  He also had 5 boards and 2 assists.

You're gonna sit here with a straight face and say that's a bad game?  Why because he didn't have 14 assists to go with it?  That makes it a bad game?  Or just not the style of play you want?

"Anyone can score 40 points taking 30 shots?"  Really?  List the number of players who, today, can score 40 points with an efficiency like that game.  Now show me the number of players who can do that while putting up big numbers rebounding and passing.  Then tell me how old they are and how many years they've played in the league.

Criticize Kobe for his faults, but don't sit here and talk ******** for the sake of making your argument.

"True basketball purists."  Please.

Ska come get your boy.
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Have any of you ever heard about the relationship between FGA and assists? Ever been taught that your shot attempts should never be TOO far away from your assist total?

For example: 21 shots... 3 assists... bad night. 17 shots... 6 assists... more like it. 12 shots... 9 assists... great night.
So if you're 0-12 with 9 assists, great night?

No wonder you like Jason Kidd and Derek Fisher.
I'm shocked Ska isn't a bitter Celtics fan with some of the things hes saying 
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[quote name="CP"]So if you're 0-12 with 9 assists, great night?

No wonder you like Jason Kidd and Derek Fisher.[/quote]Starting to make sense now? :lol:

Oh, and those 2 PGs you named? Champions. :smokin
[quote name="Nako XL"]I'm shocked Ska isn't a bitter Celtics fan with some of the things hes saying 

[/quote]I'm glad you posted that. it's good to know who my fellow Laker fans are and who won't be a Laker fan after Kobe retires, because they think 'Kobe = Lakers', like we've only been around since '96. :lol:
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