Is Nick cannon talented?

list some other untalented people who's been in the spotlight for a decade plus.

first off nick cannon has not been in the spotlight for a decade 
he isn't in the spotlight now. 

people don't watch that show (whatever it's called) because nick cannon is the host lmao 

no one even watched love dont cost a thing because of nick cannon. 
we all watched it cause of christina millian

if you listened to his music then that's on you but nobody out here lookimg for nick cannon...that's nt extreme

Spotlight was the wrong word to use but he's talented to get parts in popular stuff.

Im not a fan btw
think of all the entertainers that came out in the early 2000s.

nick cannon stuck around thats pretty impressive.

don cannon tho >>>>>>
53 men on each team in the nfl. All 53 dont start. All 53 have talent. Just because theyre not shining stars dont mean they dont have talent
Terrible analogy for the simple fact that they're athletes. Their talent can be quantified by stats, cold hard numbers. There isn't any static metric for entertainers.
The only way to do it, is to set a baseline. One entertainer we can all agree is talented and work backwards from their by comparing others to this baseline.

I think it should be Jay-Z.
Terrible analogy for the simple fact that they're athletes. Their talent can be quantified by stats, cold hard numbers. There isn't any static metric for entertainers.

Album sales? Number of viewers of show? Earnings of movies? Awards won?
Album sales? Number of viewers of show? Earnings of movies? Awards won?

There's too much bias and potential anomalies in those ststs. The music forum has killed the album sales argument as a way to prove success/talent years ago. And if you take those arguments it pretty much kills anything having to do with sales or money. Award shows are heavily biased.
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Album sales? Number of viewers of show? Earnings of movies? Awards won?
This has absolutely nothing to do with talent.

Marketing and promotion determines all these things. Award shows are the opinions of some random white old ******. 
You're speaking as if untalented ppl can't be successful in this society.

HOW SWAY indeed.

list some other untalented people who's been in the spotlight for a decade plus. ill wait.
Nick Cannon has not been in the spotlight for a decade plus.

But we can start with the entire Kardashian family, then Paris Hilton.

Nick Cannon is like the male Tila Tequila when you talking about relevancy and the spotlight.

lol i'm sure there's no scientific research to back up anybody's claim in here.
Who the **** is talking about scientific research? :rofl:

I'm specifically calling what you're talking about that proves he has talent bull ****.

sit yo **** down.
I've been sitting down. This is light work b.

just cause his talents aint your cup of tea doesn't mean he's not talented.
I gotta say you must not be reading posts or something. **** you been saying can not be applied to me.

Not once did I ever say I don't like Nick Cannon therefore he's not talented.

Again, READING COMPREHENSION. It seems that's not your cup of tea.

he's getting paid millions a year and you're trying to argue he does not have talent?
What the **** does getting paid millions got to do with having talent?
:lol: You just mad b. This is evident. All this bull **** supporting called out got you frustrated. Calm down and think your position through from an objective stand point.

im sure there are more people who thinks he has talent than people who thinks otherwise
So what? People disagree everyday b.

Now you making logical fallacies by appealing to the majority. You all over the place with the dumb ****.

Don't make ya next reply to me more of this dumb ****

reason why he's getting paid his salary.
So first It was about being relevant means you're talented and now turnabout how much you get paid :lol: Okay.

You seem to not know a lot about talent, a skill set and hard work or you're just convienently ignoring all that for this bull **** argument to keep going.

Reread what I said. What does staying relevant have to do with being talented?

That statement in itself is irrelevant. This thread isn't about Nick Cannon staying relevant therefore he must be talented.

Reading comprehension b. Elevate it.

I think that's your problem. The question is if he is talented. You're saying he has to be cuz he is relevant or cuz he's successful and then comparing him to ppl who say he isn't or the average person. Bull **** criteria after bull **** criteria.

You're looking at other things that do not necessarily correlate with having talent.

Being relevant doesn't mean you're talented unless you're claiming that staying relevant alone is a talent laugh.gif

i know u aint talking about reading comprehension b lol.
So far you've shown a great lack of it and you continue to refuse to answer the question cuz of it.

i just said he's talented because he's relevant for the things he do.
:rofl: Bruh say that **** aloud asap.

This dumb as **** circular logic.

Relevancy =/= talent.

Album sales? Number of viewers of show? Earnings of movies? Awards won?

There's too much bias and potential anomalies in those ststs. The music forum has killed the album sales argument as a way to prove success/talent years ago. And if you take those arguments it pretty much kills anything having to do with sales or money. Award shows are heavily biased.
A rare rep for you sir.

This definitely was all covered in the music forum a decade ago :lol:

Same arguments would apply if ppl want to switch this to his acting. How many movies where Cannon was the lead has even released as a feature film nation wide?

The main thing Nick is known for right now is being Mariah's ex and are the shows he hosts and he is not the main attraction for those shows. Hell he wasn't the main focal point in his marriage.
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not reading all of the above

but what are yall even arguing?

he isnt exceptionally gifted at anything artistically/creatively but he is an excellent mover and shaker...if you get it you get it...if you have to ask why he's talented...well...
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not reading all of the above

but what are yall even arguing?
First he said if you don't think Nick Cannon is talented ask yourself if you're talented. I said that's dumb as **** and that's not how opinions work. He also brought up the chicks Nick has smashed, I addressed that too as being irrelevant but he said I was assuming.

Then he started separating Nick Cannon saying he's more talented compared to the average person. To me he's highly overeating any talent Nick has.

Then he said Nick is talented cuz he's relevant. I said there's plenty ppl today who have no talent that have made themselves relevant. I don't think anybody could sensibly disagree with that unless they create a bunch of bull **** stipulations.

Now he's saying Nick is talented cuz he makes millions.

I'm just waiting for him to circle back to Nick is talented cuz he smashed Christina, Chile, and Mariah :lol: :smh:

Or perhaps he's the type that believes everybody is talented the way adults tell children they're all special.
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Nick Cannon has not been in the spotlight for a decade plus.

But we can start with the entire Kardashian family, then Paris Hilton.

Nick Cannon is like the male Tila Tequila when you talking about relevancy and the spotlight.

i already said spotlight was the wrong word used and as i said multiple before, he's relevant because of shows such as wild n out and real husband of hollywood. name someone who's talented who keeps getting gigs, not reality tv shows.

Who the **** is talking about scientific research? roll.gif

I'm specifically calling what you're talking about that proves he has talent bull ****.

i said he's talented because he has success in multiple areas of entertainment and currently is making millions a year to be an entertainer. someone has to take he's worth that to pay him that much.

So what? People disagree everyday b.

Now you making logical fallacies by appealing to the majority. You all over the place with the dumb ****.

Don't make ya next reply to me more of this dumb ****

so what makes him untalented? if he appeals to the majority, how is he not TALENTED? lol.

laugh.gif You just mad b. This is evident. All this bull **** supporting called out got you frustrated. Calm down and think your position through from an objective stand point.

frustrated? this light work b.

What the **** does getting paid millions got to do with having talent?

name a profession where you can get paid millions and not have talent. ill wait.

First he said if you don't think Nick Cannon is talented ask yourself if you're talented. I said that's dumb as **** and that's not how opinions work. He also brought up the chicks Nick has smashed, I addressed that too as being irrelevant but he said I was assuming.

Then he started separating Nick Cannon saying he's more talented compared to the average person. To me he's highly overeating any talent Nick has.

Then he said Nick is talented cuz he's relevant. I said there's plenty ppl today who have no talent that have made themselves relevant. I don't think anybody could sensibly disagree with that unless they create a bunch of bull **** stipulations.

Now he's saying Nick is talented cuz he makes millions.

I'm just waiting for him to circle back to Nick is talented cuz he smashed Christina, Chile, and Mariah laugh.gifmean.gif

Or perhaps he's the type that believes everybody is talented the way adults tell children they're all special.

lol you're the one who looks frustrated b. lonely holidays b? no family or friends? it's okay, you can take your anger on my post. im just laughing at you now hahaha

as i said a plenty times before (ill forgive u since you have horrible reading comprehension skills), nick cannon is talented because he has seen success in multiple areas of entertainment. he currently gets paid millions to be an entertainer. how is it possible for someone to make millions in entertainment and not be talented? someone has to think he's talented to pay him that much. in addition, he's not still relevant or in the news for something bad he's done, whenever he's mentioned it's normally for show, past movies, music, etc. he's known for his work. to me that's talent.

Nick Cannon has not been in the spotlight for a decade plus.

But we can start with the entire Kardashian family, then Paris Hilton.

Nick Cannon is like the male Tila Tequila when you talking about relevancy and the spotlight.

i already said spotlight was the wrong word used
It's not my fault you using the wrong words. So don't tell me that after I called you out on it just cuz somebody already did :lol:

and as i said multiple before, he's relevant because of shows such as wild n out and real husband of hollywood.
I do not give a **** if you think Nick Cannon is relevant. I don't care b. Hop off that topic's penis.

I never said anything about if he's relevant or not it doesn't matter.

How slow can you be? This is crazy. I say being relevant doesn't mean you have talent and you reply Nick Cannon is relevant cuz of some whack *** show on BET.

WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU? Nobody is this dense.

name someone who's talented who keeps getting gigs, not reality tv shows.
I hope you meant someone without talent. If not ya posts just cuz low is dumb.

if he appeals to the majority
Since when does he appeal to the majority? Do you even know what a logical fallacy is? You just making baseless statements.

name a profession where you can get paid millions and not have talent. ill wait.
Social media *****.

lol you're the one who looks frustrated b. lonely holidays b? no family or friends? it's okay, you can take your anger on my post. im just laughing at you now hahaha
Here we go.

This is how you know the L has sunken in. Forget the bull **** you were talking, you feel compelled to take weak *** shots to make yourself better. It usually always ends up the same way :lol:

as i said a plenty times before (ill forgive u since you have horrible reading comprehension skills)
I'd you ever bother how this started and see what I'm talking about you'll see why you're wrong. You kinda made a big assumption to start and been riding with it furiously mad.

to me that's talent.

Bull ****

Son capped off this post with another failing in logic.

The burden of proof is on the person that makes the claim :smh: Smarten up.
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Social media *****

you mean prostitutes? lol at you thinking social media thots makes millions tho.

lol it's clear that you're frustrated lol. why so hostile? as i said multiple of times and that you never replied to, Nick Cannon is talented because he has success in multiple areas of entertainment.
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Ashton Kutcher is another example of someone Who hard work and successful ventures outweigh what he was initially famous for
Social media *****

you mean prostitutes?
Are you ******* serious? You can't be this oblivious. Are you a turtle? Is Squirttle behind this sn? Nobody is this slow. I already named who I was talking about before. It'll take 4 more replies before you finally catch on.

You talking about prostitues :rofl:

Something is wrong with you.
lol it's clear that you're frustrated lol. why so hostile?
Stop projecting.

You haven't been making sense since I replied to you but I'm frustrated. Only a matter of time before you try to insult me again cuz you argument aint ****.

Let me help you out:

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Ashton Kutcher is another example of someone Who hard work and successful ventures outweigh what he was initially famous for
I believe he is a better person to have a baseline for. someone who has his hand in a lot of stuff, I wouldn't call him the best actor, but he does a lot of work out here.

whoever said let's start the base line at Jay Z ..... wrong.

Someone earlier said something about they're surprised Hart isn't the next one to be doign this type of stuff nick and steve harvey is now... he will be... hart will have his own talk show in like 5-8 years. makin that money from different avenues.

Steve Harvey slander wont be tolerated btw
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