Is This Blackface? vol. Olympic Edition

This thread should be nominated for worst thread of the year.
It's up there. Completely useless thread...granted it brought the lulz but for all the wrong reasons.
Nah, these two pics alone redeemed the thread, regardless of the clickbait premise:
This def aint black face, but she got a black ***
thread is about ally no?
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OP is the type of dude that almost makes you go against your own beliefs. I hate when I'm on the same side as him in actual serious topics because then I'm siding with a dude who discusses idiotic @#%@ like this
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because its all or nothing right?

let me go find a single arbitrary thought you ever posted and hold it up against every time you were ever "on the same side in a serious topic"

im idiotic for holding one opinion you simply disagree with

i think you were already ready to jump to your conclusion  
man whatever youre entitled to your opinion lets just leave it at that

im not posting for your approval

and ill continue to post what i want to
Real talk, I feel bad for Leslie Jones

Those white supremacist did a number on her :smh:

They leaked all her personal info (social and passport photo), nude pics, the hacked her website and posted them on there. Together with pics of gorillas. :x
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Real talk, I feel bad for Leslie Jones

Those white supremacist did a number on her

They leaked all her personal info (social and passport photo), nude pics, the hacked her website and posted them on there. Together with pics of gorillas.
Damn I didn't know they went that hard.

That's uncalled for and some cowardly ****. They go so hard knowing they will probably not have to face consequences for their actions.

Did she do something to piss them off? Because the only character I've ever seen her play is the stereotypical loud angry ghetto black women so you'd think they'd love her.
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Real talk, I feel bad for Leslie Jones

Those white supremacist did a number on her :smh:

They leaked all her personal info (social and passport photo), nude pics, the hacked her website and posted them on there. Together with pics of gorillas. :x

Damn I didn't know they went that hard.

That's uncalled for and some cowardly ****. They go so hard knowing they will probably not have to face consequences for their actions.

Did she do something to piss them off? Because the only character I've ever seen her play is the stereotypical loud angry ghetto black women so you'd think they'd love her.

Some racist conservative "journalist" for Milo Yiannopoulus didn't like the new Ghostbuster movie, and encouraged dudes from 4Chan to attack her. Dudes spammed her with racist post on Twitter

This happen a while back.

Twitter responded by banning accounts of folk harassing her, including the Milo dude.

Dude got extra pissed off, so they chose to get back at Leslie by doing this.

Basically she got targeted because she is black, a woman, was in Ghostbusters, a racist decided he wanted to have fun messing her life up, and 4Chan agreed.

So sad and disgusting
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Some racist conservative "journalist" for Milo Yiannopoulus didn't like the new Ghostbuster movie, and encouraged dudes from 4Chan to attack her. Dudes spammed her with racist post on Twitter

This happen a while back.

Twitter responded by banning accounts of folk harassing her, including the Milo dude.

Dude got extra pissed off, so they chose to get back at Leslie by doing this.

Basically she got targeted because she is black, a woman, was in Ghostbusters, a racist decided he wanted to have fun messing her life up, and 4Chan agreed.

So sad and disgusting

It's ****** up and going to check her nudes out only gives credence to what this fukcing animals do. Nothing funny about what they did to sister girl and the jokes in here the same **** they racist ***** are making.

Her crime was being a black women working in Hollywood. **** pisses me off to no end
I think all the tweets in agreement with that dude may be worse than what he said and did himself. People acting like he's some stand-up dude and a victim, getting the sympathy card and everything smh
I think all the tweets in agreement with that dude may be worse than what he said and did himself. People acting like he's some stand-up dude and a victim, getting the sympathy card and everything smh

It's one thing for some *** clown to run his hateful mouth online and clowns to agree with him. It's another for some evil sick **** somewhere to try and destroy this poor woman's life.

It's not funny, her nudes being out there is just ******* wrong man. Cats make jokes and think what's the harm. I don't rock with that **** man. A black woman is out here putting nothing but positive **** and **** what dumb crap someone may think about the ghostbusters movie, my daughters saw a black women being a hero. That **** means something. And now people are lashing out at her cause of that?

Look at the thread JJ tried to start it was shut down cause dudes thinks it all jokes, cause she look a certain way.
Internet anonymity can be both a beautiful and incredibly ugly thing all at the same time. What happened to Leslie is so sad man, and the comment sections of the videos on he subject are straight up cesspools.
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