Is Your Sister Off Limits To Your Friends?

Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

Imagine yall arguin and he hits you with the "but I smashed your sis"

Word...I'd have to trash all down on dude, but I'd be wrong for it because it would be true...wouldn't stop me tho...

Real *@%*** never go there... honestly...  it's an unnecessary attack and its immature. It ain't like all parties concerned don't know the deal anyway.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't have a sister but if it were up to me she would be locked up in a cage away from society. The same with my daughter.

But realistically speaking, I don't know if I would let my dudes talk to her. It would just be too awkward. Mental images would be too much to endure.
we know.
it depends on who you are really....I dated my friend's sister before and at first it was kind of a tense but after I knocked his head off his shoulders

and he saw i treated her well it was all good...
I don't have a sister personally and I guess it would be on a friend to friend basis for me as some I'd prob allow while others I'd say no..

But a few of my friends don't care. For one thing I guess they know that if one of his boys would go out with their sisters we'd prob treat them better.

And then the one sister that I actually want to get at. My boy won't have none of it. Dude wanted to kill me when I was dancing with his sister at the club on her birthday lol. And then my boys got the dude drunk so he'd blackout and not remember anything for the rest of the night.
Lol why on earth would I have control over another human beings decisions? To all you dudes talking about you wouldn't or you would deny some and let others what makes you think it's up to you? I'm 8 years older then my sister and she's a kid so of course I'd lay any of my boys out if they even look at her funny. But when shes of age if that's something she wants to do I'm sure my input wouldn't matter.
depends on the friend... and on his intentions/her intentions... wouldn't wanna ruin a friendship over a nut
yeah i would, only if he was someone i truly knew and knew his full intentions, and they were good ones of course
My best friend's growing up little sister feels me hard, but I have never even approached the thought. I see her as a little sister yano, and never realized it until two Christmases ago she got a gift for me for my gf from where she works and I went to scoop it up from her apartment and she was at the door all dressed up and was like are you gonna come in? And not thinkin nothing of it was like "Nah I'm in a rush, that you soooo much etc etc" and just bounced, driving home I realized and was like dammmnnnn. But i left it alone. Why make things awkward for everyone if things don't pan out.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^if DC had his way she'd be a 45 yr old virgin before she even laid eyes on a man
Of course that would be it. Why would I want any man touching her?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What if you had a friend that was actually the type of dude that you approve of, would you still not let him talk to your sister?

i was thinking of this exact topic earlier today and also thinking about scarface being mad at his friend for being with his sister
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^if DC had his way she'd be a 45 yr old virgin before she even laid eyes on a man
I got two older sisters, one good, and one hood. Oldest sister is 8 years older than me, so I don't really care. (She gets drunk like every day in San Diego, go figure what happens over there.)

2nd sister seems like a straight edge and has pretty good judgment, so I'm not too worried.
My sis introduced me to some dude said it was her friend. Started going to the gym with dude and we was mad cool or whatever and we would be talking about like how dudes talk or whatever bout females and whatnot. Turns out later my sister is like yo me and him talking now. Entire thing just switched up after I saw him come out her room. Don't even talk to buddy like that anymore.
thk god i'm an only child.  even if my boy had no limits, i was about to say yeah I would respect him and lay off his sis.  Then, I realized that one of my my friends probably didn't invite me to his recent party cuz last time I was at his crib his sis. was straight up hugged up on me and tryna kiss all over me in front of everyone at the party; I had disappeared with her for awhile during the party.  Luckily, I'm not tht tight with him.
tough question...on the one hand, it would be good cuz you'd know if the guy has good intentions and such.

but then again, if things go bad with them, same could happen to your friendship.

luckily, i have no sister to worry about
My relationship with my sister isnt very close so i really wouldnt care. However if he rubbed it in my face i would do a Pacquiao on him
lol, in high school, i used to kick it mainly with 3 friends, well when we were seniors, one of my friends sister was entering freshman year.
well one day during finals week, me and 2 of the homies basically ran a train on my dudes lil sis

ran through a couple more times that summer
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