Islamic Extremist have the entire world scared.

Originally Posted by Cz7

To think Christianity and Islam at are not at odds and are some how compatible is utter nonsense. They agree on many moral doctrines mostly because islam is largely a plagarism of the bible.

The disagree on the fundamental aspect of attaining salvation, which central to both religions. Christians say its ONLY through Jesus Christ. Muslims say its only through the teachings of Muhammad. They reject the divinity of christ. Therefore the two are fundamentally at odds. According to the bible muslims will not enter heaven, and vice versa for the muslims. This is what you have to believe if you call yourself a true muslim or christian.

BUT that is NOT what this post is about at all.
I got respect for every religion, but this is SOUTH PARK, if everyone would get upset on all the jokes then there would be a few world wars going on beacuse of this show, no?
I don't know man, when you constantly have to defend your "group" or drop an excuse like "but (other people) do it too" to make things seem level, then you're really just deflecting criticism rather than finding solutions to the actual problems.
Originally Posted by nocomment6

I got respect for every religion, but this is SOUTH PARK, if everyone would get upset on all the jokes then there would be a few world wars going on beacuse of this show, no?

I'm sorry, but the general assumption that South Park makes fun of everyone is a myth. The only other religion that they truly made fun of were the Catholics.. And Scientology. People say that because they constantly make fun of Jews because they mention them all the time, but if you're really paying attention, they don't make fun of the Jews, they make fun of how ridiculous it is to make fun of the Jews.


I'm done with this thread. I'm gonna go back to putting my head in the sand. At least there I can live under the delusion that people are sane.
Yeah I guess if you want a deathwish all you have to do is make fun of Islam and you got it. Dudes from the Revolutionary Muslim will find you and its a wrap ahahahha!
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Yeah I guess if you want a deathwish all you have to do is make fun of Islam and you got it. Dudes from the Revolutionary Muslim will find you and its a wrap ahahahha!
if that is all it takes, I am so on it!
Originally Posted by whywesteppin



I'm done with this thread. I'm gonna go back to putting my head in the sand. At least there I can live under the delusion that people are sane.

word up
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by nocomment6

I got respect for every religion, but this is SOUTH PARK, if everyone would get upset on all the jokes then there would be a few world wars going on beacuse of this show, no?

I'm sorry, but the general assumption that South Park makes fun of everyone is a myth. The only other religion that they truly made fun of were the Catholics.. And Scientology. People say that because they constantly make fun of Jews because they mention them all the time, but if you're really paying attention, they don't make fun of the Jews, they make fun of how ridiculous it is to make fun of the Jews.
they dont really make fun of islam, whats ur point?

jesus, budha, krishna, moses, joseph smith, (and sea man

how many more religions do u want?
Oh, hey, um, Muslim Group....I saw this on Tyler Perry's Twitter, I swear. Terrible. Please take action...

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by Cz7

To think Christianity and Islam at are not at odds and are some how compatible is utter nonsense. They agree on many moral doctrines mostly because islam is largely a plagarism of the bible.

The disagree on the fundamental aspect of attaining salvation, which central to both religions. Christians say its ONLY through Jesus Christ. Muslims say its only through the teachings of Muhammad. They reject the divinity of christ. Therefore the two are fundamentally at odds. According to the bible muslims will not enter heaven, and vice versa for the muslims. This is what you have to believe if you call yourself a true muslim or christian.

BUT that is NOT what this post is about at all.
Okay So this deserves a serious reply, if people continue to harp on it without giving any serious refutations.
The Qu'ran is largely a plagiarism 

Christopher Hitchens says it a bit more eloquently in this video

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by nocomment6

I got respect for every religion, but this is SOUTH PARK, if everyone would get upset on all the jokes then there would be a few world wars going on beacuse of this show, no?

I'm sorry, but the general assumption that South Park makes fun of everyone is a myth. The only other religion that they truly made fun of were the Catholics.. And Scientology. People say that because they constantly make fun of Jews because they mention them all the time, but if you're really paying attention, they don't make fun of the Jews, they make fun of how ridiculous it is to make fun of the Jews.

there went your credibility

all of you defending them probably didn't even watch the episode. there was nothing outrageous in there
Seriously this thread is to much. A lot of ignorance going on for no reason. Just to defend south park this cz7 whatever dude is bashing a whole religion... for south park dog? come on man. Maybe its just a matter of respect man, a matter of manners. What laugh really do you get from seeing a cartoon rendition of Jesus, or the Prophet ? you have a wack sense of humour. Makes me see why a lot of you Americans are so jaded in your thoughts.
no sense of spirtiuality, love or anything. Ns just living life day by day no morals. Regardless of religion my dude you are messed up. You are mad because a whole lot of people got love and respect for someone? because we will take it to the death to defend our beliefs? your brainwashed homie.
Islam does not claim to be a new religion.  The claim of Muslims is that Islam has been around since the beginning of man.  Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad are all Prophets of Islam.  It's just that it wasn't called "Islam."

Islamically we believe that all these great men were messengers of God.  We believe that there are around more than 2,000 messengers of God.  So when people talk about Bhudda and other messengers, it's possible that they are all the same message.

This being said, the last and final "testament" to this chain of transmission from God to Man ended with Muhammad.  He is the last and final messenger, none will follow him.  The seal of the Prophets, and he sent down the final message.

So in essence, the Qur'an is an update of the Bible.  It never claims to be something entirely different. 

I hope you see now that when you say "it's plagarism" and when Hitchens says it's a compilation, it really shoots both yours and his credibility right out the window.

I had more respect for Hitchens before that video, not to say I had a lot for him initially.  The mere thought that he thinks you can go over the entire Qur'an in a 9 minute video is astoundingly ignorant.  Not to mention that all his conclusions exist just to discourage people from actually opening up the book and reading it for themselves.
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Seriously this thread is to much. A lot of ignorance going on for no reason. Just to defend south park this cz7 whatever dude is bashing a whole religion... for south park dog? come on man. Maybe its just a matter of respect man, a matter of manners. What laugh really do you get from seeing a cartoon rendition of Jesus, or the Prophet ? you have a wack sense of humour. Makes me see why a lot of you Americans are so jaded in your thoughts.
Now who is being disrespectful and ignorant.
"You have a wack sense of humour"

"Americans are so jaded in your thoughts"

"no sense of spirituality, love or anything"

"N's living life day by day no morals"

"you are messed up"

"your brainwashed"

, wow I am amazed at your flawless rhetoric and eloquently delivered insults.

First of all how dare you say, because I choose not believe in light of absolutely no evidence the revelations of any one calling himself a prophet or divinity of any god or religion, that I am one thats jaded, without love and without morals, deranged, and brainwashed. How presumptuous of you to make such absurd assumptions and attempt to debase me in such a vile way. In no way does morality or spirituality or love follow from believing in the vile, hateful, immoral religions that riddle this earth. You've made yourself to look like a fool with that reply.

and Ill say it, if you are criticizing me for getting worked up about defending south park. Then how crazy and foolish are the people that you presumably share a common belief look by threatening to kill it's creators? 
In no way does morality or spirituality or love follow from believing in the vile, hateful, immoral religions that riddle this earth

You've already made it obvious to everyone in this thread that you know nothing more about Islam that what you've seen in youtube videos and on the news.

I suggest you open up the Qur'an and read it for yourself, or at least read some credible Western scholarship on the subject before you make very charged comments like.  I'd be more than willing to suggest some scholarly books. 

If you do read the Qur'an and come to the same conclusion, than by all means continue to call it vile.  But don't let your opinion and mind be so easily swayed.

All I ask.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

In no way does morality or spirituality or love follow from believing in the vile, hateful, immoral religions that riddle this earth

You've already made it obvious to everyone in this thread that you know nothing more about Islam that what you've seen in youtube videos and on the news.

I suggest you open up the Qur'an and read it for yourself, or at least read some credible Western scholarship on the subject before you make very charged comments like.

If you do read the Qur'an and come to the same conclusion, than by all means continue to call it vile. All I ask.
How can you assume all I know about islam is what I've seen on youtube video and on the news? Do you know what I've read in my personal life? I gave a youtube video because that was easier than me typing a long-winded reply, I cited a news story because it was important to my post. That is some logic you've used there.
I stand by everything I've said. Religion is vile, hateful, and immoral. 
certain vile immoral hateful people use religion to back their agenda but the religion its self is not that...
How can you assume all I know about islam is what I've seen on youtube video and on the news?

Because you think the Qur'an is just plagiarism of the Bible. That's all.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

certain vile immoral hateful people use religion to back their agenda but the religion its self is not that...

You've been keeping it too real lately.

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