Isn't she an NT member?

I have always separated Floyd the person from Floyd the boxer.

Floyd the boxer is an all time great. No question.

Floyd the person partakes is a ton of buffoonery. And has been doing so for quite a while.
I have always separated Floyd the person from Floyd the boxer.

Floyd the boxer is an all time great. No question.

Floyd the person partakes is a ton of buffoonery. And has been doing so for quite a while.
I now feel bad for rooting for Floyd at my local theatre during the McGregor fight. I was trolling too and saying outrageous stuff. Smh Floyd got me for $40.
Yikes Floyd

Why these brothas still kissing Trump ***?

Floyd got another bag and feels he's equal to Trump. I guess Floyd didn't know about the housing discrimination lawsuit. Floyd up there sounding like Charles Barkley. I hope he goes broke now.
@guccjermaine2 I checked out your youtube channel, if you really want to build it up you should reach out to Ninja to do some content as he's done some great content for others before on there like the "Kickin it in the heights" video. You should also reach out to EWD for great content down there in Houston with his firearms and building up his drone startup and the growth from the Dodge Durango to the Benz GL Truck as the company vehicle. Also on the west coast you should reach out to HBW and Goldenarmz and get great content for that LA Lifestyle.
Yeah I didn't know sexual harassment and assault was the new wave.

Floyd needs to have a god damn seat.
Floyd always allegedly been a women beater so I'm not surprised smh. I guess the allegations are true. I always wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He got that check and feels he's a new Black now.
Wow this fox sports dude on cnn told Brooke burke the only 2 things he believes in in America is the first amendment and boobs lol.

Talking about jemmele. Her reaction priceless
I don't accept that premise., in da context of what they were talking about it belonged in da political genre that its specifically being reference about.

this is why ESPN pulled her chain.

Jemelle hill expressed a political point of view (which ESPN already had warning her & her colleagues about it)

Kurt Shilling got warned, then let go cuz he was persistent about it.

Jemelle already got suspended for that dumb *** comparison to equating Celtics fans to Adolf Hitler, she lucky she ain't get canned for that or for her Twitter rant now.

ESPN analysts need to just shut up about politics, cuz its obvious they're not equipped for it.
You don't "accept the premise," but you're doing a fantastic job living up to it.

A reminder: "the premise" was that you're making a false equivalence between saying something racist and calling something racist. "The premise" was that you seem to feel racism is a conservative political belief, and accusing someone of racism is a liberal political belief.

Everything you've said has reinforced, rather than challenged, that premise.

And if you think Schilling and Hill are on equal ground, why have you only defended Schilling? Where were you when he was under fire? Posting the ESPN terms and justifying his termination?

No, you defend racists because they're on "your team."

News flash: those White Nationalists don't think you're on their team.

wait...a minute, which elected republican has gone on record to call Trump a white supremacist?

this current generation is extra loose blurting that every 5 seconds accusing folks who don't adopt almost exclusive liberal ideology.

half of America voted for Trump, half of America ain't ripped outta America History X in skinhead motifs.
What do you think you're arguing again? The point was that your own framing suggests that racism is a conservative political view and calling people out on it is a liberal political view. If you're going to argue that Republicans categorically don't stand up to racism, you're disagreeing with me by making an even stronger statement than I did in support of my argument.

I know the math thing has been problematic (65,844,610 votes for Clinton, 62,979,636 votes for Trump, 200,081,377 registered voters, 323.1 million Americans in total) but this is just basic logic.

Your performance here is a great example of what can happen when contrarianism goes wrong. If everything you say and believe is driven by disagreement, you can get herded like a sheep with little more than reverse psychology.

If you think it's possible to be a Republican AND oppose racism, why aren't you opposing racism? Why are you defending people like Curt Schilling?

Have you added your voice to the chorus of elected Republicans who called Trump out for his failure to reject White Supremacists?

If you want to prove me wrong on this, you need to oppose White Supremacists. Demonstrate that, as a principled conservative, you reject racism. Nitpicking and whataboutism won't cut it.

Prove that racism isn't left vs. right, but right vs. wrong. Opposing racism shouldn't be a "political goal," but a moral one.
The premise" was that you seem to feel racism is a conservative political belief,

more like da injection of identity politics is where schillin/hill convo lives and i repeated steered da conversation back to that, while you're making it a "there's no conservative/liberal position on racism" which NO ONE here is even talking about.
If you think it's possible to be a Republican AND oppose racism, why aren't you opposing racism? Why are you defending people like Curt Schilling?

clearly you're not understanding what this conversation is about, or you're steering it into something else.

in no way shape or form have i took ANY position other than

"either let all da analysis express their political points of views, or NO ONE can"

ESPN is having a problem corralling their on air talent to abide by their own rules.

that's where da foundation of this discussion is at, not anymore or less.
Dude you are the one trying to make it a conservative/liberals thing.

You know other members are able to read your previous post?
This is the principled stance you are taking.

Not that bigotry and racism is wrong. But let conservatives keep their jobs for spewing bigotry.

Your argument is based on a false equivalency, a petty partisan beef and ignoring the fact ESPN have given conservatives like Curt Schilling slack for years.
I watch golf too. ESPN and ABC have employed conservatives like Tom Watson and Paul Azinger to cover the British open two men who have constantly insulted Barrack Obama.

So again, the talking points that ESPN is being unfair in some way is garbage.
So again, the talking points that ESPN is being unfair in some way is garbage.

except that dozens and dozens of articles citing da exact opposite prove your assessment dead wrong.

hell Linda Cohn got sent HOME by upper management by admitted as such :lol:
try again.
It's like listening to a old white racist with this dude. :lol: He so dug in with this conservatives & liberals nonsense. This is Racism and people fighting against the racism.
Kurt got fired, Jemelle is still there.. Freudian slip..
How many times must it be explained to you that Schilling got fired after years of ESPN letting his vile social media post slide.

What's wrong, do you think reality a Libby talking point now?
"either let all da analysis express their political points of views, or NO ONE can"
You are constantly presenting racism as a "political point of view." In so doing, you're reinforcing exactly what I referenced in my first post in this thread.

Hill criticized Donald Trump. She was not fired. Schilling said that Hillary Clinton should be "buried under a jail." He was not fired for that statement.

You're not making an apples to apples comparison here. Schilling got all types of leeway before he was let go - and if you continue to act like the statements leading to his dismissal all qualify as "political views," then you're just proving my point over and over and over again.

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