Isn't she an NT member?

but you are though? :lol:

time to pack it in b.

I never claimed I was

I'm just making more cogent points than you. Which to be honest, is not that hard.
Hill shouldn't be disciplined more than a warning that she already received, period point blank. So if Sage Steel can be insensitive of the struggles of POC by bemoaning the inconvenience of the protesters out in LA that may have caused a flight delay, then Jamelle should be good to go to. I mean someone will get on here and talk rules and guidelines about ESPN and how Jamelle is a representative of the network whether she is on the clock or not, then so is Sage.

These are my very own thoughts. They weren't influenced by any major network. I am a free thinking self aware individual. I also realize we are all created equal, just not treated as such.
except i formulated my opinion days before, and Chris Wallace reinforces what i already said days ago. try again.
Based on the opinion of other people you listened to during your 18 hours of political news absorption.
Based on the opinion of other people you listened to during your 18 hours of political news absorption.

i knew ish was gonna hit da fan cuz i was already familiar with da struggles ESPN is going thru, plus da Kurt Schilling comparisons i knew about last year, it was pretty much axiomatic da controversy was headed to a boiling point.


what has hit the fan? what boiling point?

is jemele still working? she been on tv all week?

you keep hoping shell get fired but she not

you know you're not factoring in da context of time between:

-when Kurt got fired

-ESPN issues political guidelines

-Kemelle goes on a twitter tirade.

idk why you even pressing me on it when articles are still tending about da perception of a double standard.

Chris Wallace Hits ESPN: Not Firing Jemele Hill Shows ‘Double Standard’

  • JOE DEPAOLO SEP 15, 2017 4:47 PM

As he does each Friday, Chris Wallace weighed in on the topics of the week during Shepard Smith Reporting. Seldom do matters of sport intrude upon Wallace’s regular segment. This week, however, it was unavoidable.

The Fox News Sunday anchor opined on the White House’s ongoing battle with ESPN over a Tweet from SportsCenter anchor Jemele Hill in which she called President Donald Trump a white supremacist. And while Wallace ultimately questioned the wisdom of the White House getting involved, he did back their message.

“It does seem that conservatives like [former ESPN baseball analyst Curt] Schilling get fired for comments they make,” Wallace said. “But this woman who called the president a white supremacist––so far, at least, they’re giving her a pass.”

Schilling — the former major league pitcher and baseball broadcaster whom Wallace referenced — was fired by ESPN after sharing an anti-transgender Facebook post.

“ESPN is an inclusive company,” ESPN said in a statement at the time. “Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated.”

Wallace believes Hill’s case is similar to Schilling’s.

“There certainly does seem to be some double standard in terms of how they deal with political commentary by their people who are supposed to be commenting on sports,” Wallace said. “And which comments are considered acceptable — or at least not fireable offenses — and those that are.”


literally minutes ago :lol:

my stance has always been, either

A. let em ALL get political

B. shut em ALL up about politics and have em abide by da guidelines.

sorry meth, can't corner me on a position that trending world wide on google. :lol:

You don't get to have this both ways. You just said that there was no double standard.


he was still disciplined, ala Jemelle hill.

if Jemelle hill does it again and nothing happens (cuz she's already been suspended for da Boston fans Hilter quip) she should expect to see da same fate as Kurt.

You said IF she "does it again and nothing happens" and she doesn't "see da same fate" THEN there is a double standard. Chris Wallace & co. believe there's evidence of a double standard now.

If you agree with Chris Wallace, you're not just disagreeing with me, you're disagreeing with yourself.

You'd also be chasing your tail, because you'd be right back to square one - defending a position you have since disclaimed - and equating the criticism of racism with the expression of racism as a "political view."

Now, if you are of the revised belief that nobody affiliated with ESPN should ever publicly express a political opinion, you must also:

a) Believe that Rush Limbaugh and Curt Schilling were justifiably terminated.

b) Believe that no ESPN employee should ever criticize any politician or public official for any reason - even if they commit murder or some other reprehensible act, like Anthony Weiner. Otherwise, you're sticking your hand back in the hornet's nest and admitting that you do, in fact, consider racism a "political opinion," and "criticizing a racist" an equal and opposite offense. (Charlottesville redux.)

If you're satisfied that you're "right" (despite the now glaring inconsistencies in your shifting position) merely because you've found others on the Internet who share your outrage, I'd remind you to check the scoreboard that is Trump's approval rating.

Merely latching on to a popular opinion doesn't make it correct or justified. White Supremacy is, itself, a commonly held belief.
You don't get to have this both ways. You just said that there was no double standard.

da double standard was revealed from da pattern ESPN left.

so uhh, yeah, i kinda can cuz my point always was:

"you either let em all talk about politics or you shut em all up and make em abide by da guidelines"

so....:emoji_shrug: still dunno where u coming from.
, I'd remind you to check the scoreboard that is Trump's approval rating

you seen da media's approval rating lately? :lol:

putting that aside, da more "old-school ESPN" they do da less they'll get in trouble.

Scott Van Pelt is da most superior sportcenter on any block and he comes ob @ midnight.... maybe ESPN should enforce their own guidelines, unless they wanna continue to circle da drain with their viewership.
so uhh, yeah, i kinda can cuz my point always was:

"you either let em all talk about politics or you shut em all up and make em abide by da guidelines"
If that's so, you believe those guidelines you've posted should've been in place from the start. In that case, you would therefore agree that:

a) Rush Limbaugh and Curt Schilling were justifiably terminated.

b) Schilling should've been terminated far sooner, given that he racked up far more offenses than Jemele Hill.

c) No ESPN employee should ever criticize any politician or public official for any reason - even if they commit murder or some other reprehensible act, like Anthony Weiner.

I assume you also agree that NBC should've immediately severed ties with this television personality for calling the President of the United States a racist:
Scott Van Pelt has commented on politics too.I guess he should be fired as well.

Schilling got fired because he was a bigot, not because he was conservative. He had a long record of bigotry that he got a pass on. He could have stated his opinion about the bathroom situation in a less vile manner. He chose not too. The most famous person transgender person in the country is also a conservative. So supporting transgender rights (or at least not being a n *** about it) and being conservative are clearly not mutually exclusive.

It is so weird that Ninja argument is based on the assumption that spewing bigotry is just saying some conservative talking points.

If we are keeping score. Jamele Hill needs to be reckless for 6 more years to reach Schilling's level.
If that's so, you believe those guidelines you've posted should've been in place from the start.

OR let everyone get political and be a equal opportunity merchant of their politics.

c) No ESPN employee should ever criticize any politician or public official for any reason - even if they commit murder or some other reprehensible act,

if its not connected to sports barring a extraordinary event (like 9/11) no they shouldn't.

and you forget one, since we're taking da way back machine and all...

Nothing like a over the hill dude still trying to be edgy.

I guess when you nothing intelligent to says, you go for the shock factor.

Kinda like the white supremacist currently occupying the white house.
Bruhhhh loool

its like you took a tank and put it on a Nascar track.

there's a reason sports talk radio & political shows are 2 different genres, everything you expect these people to say they did :lol:

im telling you sports broadcasting is gonna end up spawnin off into 2 factions depending on your politics in da very near future...
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