Isn't she an NT member?

ESPN is in partnership with the NFL and both depend on sponsorships, and some of you don't see what she said wrong? From their point of view?

This is similar to Colin Cowherd and MLB or Bill Simmons criticizing Roger Goodell

The NFL is their biggest asset, with Dallas being the most popular team, and they're going to protect it.
Thing is do you think she even gets a warning if she makes those tweets without the prior President is a white supremacist tweets and all of attention that garnered?

I didn't want to speak it in to existence initially but going off of her personality on air when I use to watch ESPN and the way DC is on NT I just knew at some point she'd say something charged and incendiary (even if it was right) to get reprimanded.

ESPN just got her on some bull ****.
Hold up. Kate Fagan is on NT?!

:lol: i remember when Jamele Hill got loud with Stephen A Smith on air about domestic violence against women. From then on, i knew she was a woman who couldnt just keep her opinions to herself. Has to show out for national TV.
Espn definitely made this move to appease their partners. At the end of the day is all about the bottom line. Jemel is smart enough to know this. Her heart seems like it’s in the right place, but she still is an employee of a corporation that has powerful partners. If she don’t chill she will be escorted out of the premises brown box in tow.
She lost a lot of brothas when she retweeted that article that called "black men are the white people of black society" and calling the article "heat".

Im still riding with her tho because its bigger than putting brothas against sistas. But that tweet makes it hard.
:lol::lol: @ anyone that calls Trump a white supremist. Beyond lazy and ignorant.

As far as Jamal Hall, dumb of her to say that. Pushed too many buttons. Guy above me was dead on
:lol::lol: @ anyone that calls Trump a white supremist. Beyond lazy and ignorant.

As far as Jamal Hall, dumb of her to say that. Pushed too many buttons. Guy above me was dead on

Uh he is one
:lol::lol: @ anyone that calls Trump a white supremist. Beyond lazy and ignorant.

As far as Jamal Hall, dumb of her to say that. Pushed too many buttons. Guy above me was dead on

Is there something in this I missed?
One thing I think is interesting is Michael Smith and her are sort of a team at this point, and actual friends. When she does something, everyone looks at him to see his reaction or what he's going to do. Jemele is dolo. Mike has a family to provide for. He has four small kids. I wonder if she's putting him in an awkward position at home.
Nothing from Trump on the white supremacists in Charlottesville again, but on Jemele first thing in the morning. She was right, but sadly the people who already support all of this are complete idiots stuck on stupid.
Nothing from Trump on the white supremacists in Charlottesville again, but on Jemele first thing in the morning. She was right, but sadly the people who already support all of this are complete idiots stuck on stupid.

Wonder if he says anything about Texas tech shooter..
Distraction, all planned

It was obvious the tweet was coming. He'll come with a few more.

and the media will respond to that
I honestly don't know what it is about Jamele other then her being an out spoken women.

Me personally could take her or leave her.

She's cool when she's not driving and in small doses.

But to have a strong dislike for her......

Can't stand might be a strong word. I'll put it like this, if she's on I'll change the channel. But to play the woman card that fast.....whew.
:lol::lol: @ anyone that calls Trump a white supremist. Beyond lazy and ignorant.

Michael Smith and Jemele should just take their talents to FS1. I find myself watching FS1 ALOT more now. Especially Undisputed with Uncle Shay, Milds and Yak and Jumpman Skip.

Used to love Stephen A., but he has changed alot as well. ESPN is just TOO corporate now.
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