Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

No immediate ceasefire. An israel loss is still a win though.
ICJ ruled that the "genocide" term is not too farfetched, what you got to say now 🤡 osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh ?

read past the headline buddy.

The IC did not call the Gaza war a genocide, it basically send they need to "prevent" genocide, it did not rule on the question
"Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention and also ensure that its troops do not commit any genocidal acts in Gaza."

in fact the Israeli judge on the panel who believes "there is no plausibility of genocide," voted for the ruling as well.
so clearly even he doesn't think this ruling means the war in Gaza is a genocide.
aka "don't do a genocide" aka they haven't actually done one.


so according to you this is some big own on me because a court basically said, "continue your war but don't do any genocide?" really?

this is all silly because if the ICJ rules its not, you would just ignore it or dismiss it, "something something jews control the world"
if it rules yes you will trot it out as evidence of something.
it's all confirmation bias and appeal to authority.

fundamentally if you think it's a genocide you gotta add in the iraq war, raq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan ect ect

yah this is why you shouldn't get your news from disingenuous activist tweeters.

totally misleading summary.
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foreign policy conflicts that have nothing to do with black people.
To you*.
I'd rather side with Malcolm X and his writings about the "Arab cause", Nelson Mandela's support of the PLO and his '97 speech or Angela Davis' '15 essay "Freedom is a Constant Struggle : Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement", just to name a few black people that seem to disagree.
Again, do you and keep aligning your views with them other folks
To you*.
I'd rather side with Malcolm X and his writings about the "Arab cause", Nelson Mandela's support of the PLO and his '97 speech or Angela Davis' '15 essay "Freedom is a Constant Struggle : Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement", just to name a few black people that seem to disagree.
Again, do you and keep aligning your views with them other folks

you couldn't accurately describe my views if your life depended on it.

My stated views are;

- Supporter of a two state solution.
- ending of Israeli settlements
- Bibi Netanyahu is Israel's biggest security threats

but because I won't sign on to the dumbest internet leftist hivemind takes, or I won't agree with your favorite Nazi tweets

you calling me racial slurs for "aligning" with them "other folks"

you don't seem to care about Palestinians, you haven't shown even the slightest bit of curiosity about realistic solutions to peace.

you just want to use them as a cudgel for sneaker forum insults.

again, nasty work, I implore you to do better.
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How CNN presenting the ICJ ruling:


read past the headline buddy.

The IC did not call the Gaza war a genocide, it basically send they need to "prevent" genocide, it did not rule on the question
"Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention and also ensure that its troops do not commit any genocidal acts in Gaza."

in fact the Israeli judge on the panel who believes "there is no plausibility of genocide," voted for the ruling as well.
so clearly even he doesn't think this ruling means the war in Gaza is a genocide.
aka "don't do a genocide" aka they haven't actually done one.


so according to you this is some big own on me because a court basically said, "continue your war but don't do any genocide?" really?

this is all silly because if the ICJ rules its not, you would just ignore it or dismiss it, "something something jews control the world"
if it rules yes you will trot it out as evidence of something.
it's all confirmation bias and appeal to authority.

fundamentally if you think it's a genocide you gotta add in the iraq war, raq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan ect ect

yah this is why you shouldn't get your news from disingenuous activist tweeters.

totally misleading summary.

They cannot rule on the fact if it is genocide yet as that can take years.

It's a big win still for South Africa because Israel didn't even want their ICJ case to proceed.

They didn't call for a ceasefire, but maybe that's because the U.S. is heavily involved and they'd have to wield their veto vote at the UN security council.

BUT, telling Israel they have to prevent genocide is in itself saying to stop the genocidal acts.

The fact the court found there's enough evidence and it is plausible they are committing genocide is a loss for Israel.

You were posts ago saying what's going on can't even be classified as genocide, but there's enough evidence and plausibility that it is, and it's a blow to Israel.
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Houthis got the Brit ship. Freaking moron Sunak hurting his own country for Israel

It's kinda hard to argue against people who say these militant groups don't care about their own people when they are willing to sink oil tankers in their own fishing waters...

Yemen was classified as major regional fish producer, accounting more than 50% of fish production and exports across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden (SUN MOPIC, 2019).
It's kinda hard to argue against people who say these militant groups don't care about their own people when they are willing to sink oil tankers in their own fishing waters...

This is top tier trolling/spin. Kudos.
This is top tier trolling/spin. Kudos.
My bad for looking at maps. I forgot that Twitter folks don't do that.


It's not like oil spills are without consequences on the ecosystem of a region (and its related economy), and it's not like if the Houthis cause one (or many) spills, they will clean it up.

It's almost like they don't care about what they strike as long as they strike something...
It's kinda hard to argue against people who say these militant groups don't care about their own people when they are willing to sink oil tankers in their own fishing waters...

Then again, that's a responsibility of the whole shipping industry. The environmental effects of shipping include air pollution, water pollution, acoustic and oil pollution.

But, yes sinking oil tankers also would affect the Houthis themselves and their fishing economy.

Also, while onus is put on Houthis who are reacting to the Israeli aggression and Gaza genocide, how about the superpowers that be stop it then? Then the Houthis will stop. Isn't it also their waters?
In my opinion, the Houthis have no business terrorizing that global trade route. There are Palestinian refugees over here in Europe and other parts of the world. Because of the dramatic decrease in trade volume, everyone will have to bear the cost this is doing to global trade.
I fully support the act of blowing the Houthi's military apparatus' to smithereens by a country that has been targeted.

The Houthis are largely striking ships indiscriminately, not just Israeli-linked ships. Civilian crews working flying under the flags of countries that have nothing to do with any of this, like Japan for example, are being affected by these indiscriminate strikes. I think the world generally likes to sit back and let the US do the dirty work but if Japan wanted to decimate Houthi military compounds, by all means go ahead.

The Houthis claim they're doing these strikes to protest the Gaza genocide but that is a delusional justification. If that were truly the case, why strike ships indiscriminately?
Given the delusion of that strategy, I'm going to assume they're the sub-section of Houthis behind the strikes are likely religious fundamentalist nutjobs so if that is the case, that's (in my view) all the more reason to blow them up.
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  • Haha
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Israel have no business terrorizing innocent people in Gaza.
I agree 100%. I don't see that as relevant to anything I said.

The Houthis do not have the power, much less the influence, to somehow accomplish the end goal of their stated justification that their attacks on ships are justified because of the Gaza genocide.
I believe their stated justification is most likely a complete lie and they just want to seize the opportunity to raise their regional and global status.
Doesn't really matter whether it's true or not, they're enacting a delusional strategy and indiscriminately target civilians with their ship strikes. Sounds familiar? The difference is they're really bad at sinking ships.
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In my opinion, the Houthis have no business terrorizing that global trade route. There are Palestinian refugees over here in Europe and other parts of the world. Because of the dramatic decrease in trade volume, everyone will have to bear the cost this is doing to global trade.
I fully support the act of blowing the Houthi's military apparatus' to smithereens by a country that has been targeted.

The Houthis are largely striking ships indiscriminately, not just Israeli-linked ships. Civilian crews working flying under the flags of countries that have nothing to do with any of this, like Japan for example, are being affected by these indiscriminate strikes. I think the world generally likes to sit back and let the US do the dirty work but if Japan wanted to decimate Houthi military compounds, by all means go ahead.

The Houthis claim they're doing these strikes to protest the Gaza genocide but that is a delusional justification. If that were truly the case, why strike ships indiscriminately?
Given the delusion of that strategy, I'm going to assume they're the sub-section of Houthis behind the strikes are likely religious fundamentalist nutjobs so if that is the case, that's (in my view) all the more reason to blow them up.
They aren’t attacking ships indiscriminately
It’s relevant because the houthis are using force to reciprocate what Israel is doing. Whether it’s indiscriminate or not (it’s prolly mostly not, and for sure some of these ships were on their way to Israel or out of it or have ties, I wouldn’t fully believe the media when it says no ties) it’s the only answer that nation figured the rest of the world would understand. I’d say they done a great job of letting the world know and what’s needed to stop.
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