IT Jobs

Yall can check out this website for videos if you are studying for the A+
Just click on the A+ Training guide and the videos will show up

Professor Messor is a good tool to use.
Some of y'all trying to get into IT solely for the money should reconsider, takes a specific mindset to be successful in IT.
This is the truth. You have to be willing to work/learn to get the positions you want unless you get the ultimate come up. :lol:

Also look around and see what area you have interest in. Helpdesk is cool for experience, but you may not want to do that for 5+ years.
I don't have the experience or my A+, but I still apply with an explanation of what it is that I'm looking to do. It's definitely time for me to buckle down and get my A+ because I'm still a semester or 2 away from just obtaining my associates.

having no experience, BUT with certification(s) will give you a leg up in the job hunt. And your certs you can do on your own (just have to pay and pass the exam) and don't need extra schooling (just own study time). Once you got your foot in the door, you can get work to pay for any further certs you'll need for work or whatever you think will help your career or the company as whole.

For example, A+ isn't that expensive compared to the MSCE or Cisco certs and that's something you can realistically do and get it over with.

We got some guys at work who are too lazy to take their A+ and management says, if you want that raise or bonus, you'll get the A+ out of the way. OR, they'll say, wow, you got all these cert on your own time while you've been working with us and it makes the company look good because we have certified techs, now here's your raise.
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So is getting this associate even necessary or am I just wasting my time ? I can get my damb A +,Security + and most likely my Network + by December. I plan to finish my bachelors when I get an actual job, so should I just get my certs and try to get a job or finish this damb associates ?
So is getting this associate even necessary or am I just wasting my time ? I can get my damb A +,Security + and most likely my Network + by December. I plan to finish my bachelors when I get an actual job, so should I just get my certs and try to get a job or finish this damb associates ?

If youre in school, on financial aid.. i'd finish.. also you didnt mention which course path.. Aside from that.. if you were serious about them.. youd just study and get them. Sounds like youre moreso, less than enthralled with school.. and using the certs as an out. Make a smart decision for your lifes path, not a snap one.
If youre in school, on financial aid.. i'd finish.. also you didnt mention which course path.. Aside from that.. if you were serious about them.. youd just study and get them. Sounds like youre moreso, less than enthralled with school.. and using the certs as an out. Make a smart decision for your lifes path, not a snap one.
No aid, I'm doing Information Security Systems. It's not that i'm not enthralled about school, but i'm taking all these classes when I could be working. I hate living at home after having lived on my own, and I need an income source. I've only been in this program for a semester and a half.
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You have an ideal situation to a degree.. you can goto school without incurring debt.. and youre not losing money on rent. Be patient.. knock out everything you can in the next few years.. then, kill it in the realworld. Patience really is a virtue
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in the end . . . I HATE work. if I had a choice, I'd stay in school for the rest of my life. you don't want to rush getting into the workforce. it's no fun. i clock in, i clock out and get my paycheck. 11 hours a day down the drain, 6 days a week for the rest of your life.
So is getting this associate even necessary or am I just wasting my time ? I can get my damb A +,Security + and most likely my Network + by December. I plan to finish my bachelors when I get an actual job, so should I just get my certs and try to get a job or finish this damb associates ?

I'm also in school for my associates as well. After speaking with another NT'er. I'm going to begin studying for my certs starting with my A+ and build on it. I will get my bachelors when I land the position I want then have the company pay for my bachelors. I'm not trying to incur anymore student loans. I'm @ $10K and that's enough for me.
in the end . . . I HATE work. if I had a choice, I'd stay in school for the rest of my life. you don't want to rush getting into the workforce. it's no fun. i clock in, i clock out and get my paycheck. 11 hours a day down the drain, 6 days a week for the rest of your life.

I feel you, but it doesn't have to be that way forever.

I'm an entrepeneur at heart and the cubicle life is only temporary for me. The Alternate Work Schedule helps having to only work 4 days a week and a lot of places provide teleworking too. The money is just an ends to a mean, until I can turn a solid side venture into a main hustle.

No need to spend the rest of your life hating something....find a way out my dude.

Da R Entertainment: Enjoy your trip to PR my dude and you seem to be on the right path. My girl got her associates then 4 year degree and started with an internship. She hit a GS-12 in less than 3 years and the Govt pays for all her certs and will pay her to go back to school. She does Information Assurance for the Marines.
in the end . . . I HATE work. if I had a choice, I'd stay in school for the rest of my life. you don't want to rush getting into the workforce. it's no fun. i clock in, i clock out and get my paycheck. 11 hours a day down the drain, 6 days a week for the rest of your life.

I feel you, but it doesn't have to be that way forever.

I'm an entrepeneur at heart and the cubicle life is only temporary for me. The Alternate Work Schedule helps having to only work 4 days a week and a lot of places provide teleworking too. The money is just an ends to a mean, until I can turn a solid side venture into a main hustle.

No need to spend the rest of your life hating something....find a way out my dude.

Da R Entertainment: Enjoy your trip to PR my dude and you seem to be on the right path. My girl got her associates then 4 year degree and started with an internship. She hit a GS-12 in less than 3 years and the Govt pays for all her certs and will pay her to go back to school. She does Information Assurance for the Marines.

Thanks man I'm enjoying it so far. I'm determined to get my foot in the door in IT and they require a lot of work from me.
thanks for the pep talk . . . ooh rah to that.

Mos def, we all get in those funks or time periods of the mundane work week/life but I always told myself this.....If I have a job that I hate, I will at least live in an area that I love. I can't fathom living in a place that I hate with a job that I hate, that's just too much negative energy floating around. And if you don't like the actual work you do, try to find something positive about the job you do like, whether it is the commute, the people, the work functions or maybe the work sports leagues.

The silver lining is important sometimes. :smokin
Finally figured Id start studying for my A+ and other general certs so I can try to get in somewhere doing IT work. Wife wants to have another little one and IT is the only lane where I could afford her not workin if she can't :lol:

I got a html and CSS ebook for free so I'll read that too and look into the Microsoft certs
If anybody wants to work on Ft Sill, Ok as an IT contractor (contract is safe) for approx 60k, hit me up ASAP so I can forward your resume. Mad people leaving at the same time and we have to hire fast to refrain from being in violation of the contract. You'd be doing mostly help desk stuff (active directory resetting user and computer accounts, imaging, my speakers don't work/my computer isn't online, etc.) type stuff and deadling with a/v equipment. If you don't already have Windows 7 and Sec + certs, you'll have either 60 or 90 days to get them
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I'm 20 and I decided I'm gonna major in Comp Systems.

I don't know what I'm doing or what I should be doing.
If anybody wants to work on Ft Sill, Ok as an IT contractor (contract is safe) for approx 60k, hit me up ASAP so I can forward your resume. Mad people leaving at the same time and we have to hire fast to refrain from being in violation of the contract. You'd be doing mostly help desk stuff (active directory resetting user and computer accounts, imaging, my speakers don't work/my computer isn't online, etc.) type stuff and deadling with a/v equipment. If you don't already have Windows 7 and Sec + certs, you'll have either 60 or 90 days to get them

I would be down but i'm still enlisted in the Air Force, hell i just started my AF career a few months ago. I'm cyber ops so i'm doing all this right now here at tech school and about to PCS to my first base. Learned all the active directory, resetting accounts, UNIX, SQL, etc. Got my TS clearance as well so hopefully i'll be able to land a job that pays well once my enlistment is over.
I fooled around for a year and finally focusin on my A+ cert and then some. I'm also self learning on codeacademy and w3 for other types of script and coding. I want to take the E-discovery cert but that thang's a cool grand
I fooled around for a year and finally focusin on my A+ cert and then some. I'm also self learning on codeacademy and w3 for other types of script and coding. I want to take the E-discovery cert but that thang's a cool grand
lol. That one dude on NT that did that **** and used to give advice and post links used to make like 250k an hr before taxes :lol:
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