Jay Z appreciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

i just got back from that jay-z/ mjb concert at the coliseum and i lost alot of respect for jay... i've seen him in concert before and i was really let down.. so right now after dropping $100 on those tickets im not appreciating jay-z

.... Care to explain why exactly that you lost respect for him? Is it because he didn't perform your favorite song?

it has nothing to do with my favorite song even though him and mary did do can't knock the hustle
... no guests except memph bleek.. alot of new songs as compared to his actualhits and a really short set.. i've seen him before and last time was more hyped and just an all around better show
Originally Posted by ejm205

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by ejm205

Ok I see people putting up Rakim and Biggie. Rakim is probally the best lyricist ever but that doesnt mean your the best.

Theres probally a dude in Hawaii that if given the chance would make Rakim, Biggie and Jay look like Dr. Seuss but that dude in hawaii doesnt have the total package.

Even if you say Biggie and Rakim are better lyricaly than Jay you obviously dont think its by alot

With that said...

Jay has 10 quality albums, Rakim as a solo artist I think 2 and Biggie 2. Are you seriously telling me that Although Jay might be slightly inferior lyricaly his 10 good or great albums doesnt close that gap.

Yea BIG might have been a little better but not by much but Jay got more titles.

Thats like saying Dr. J was better basketball player than Mike Jordan because Dr. J was a better dunker
Well to reverse this...Thats like saying Robert Horry is better than Kevin Garnett because he has more championships than him

So are you saying Jay Z is a role player?

Its clear that in the analogy I used that I used both Dr J and Micheal Jordan who are both LEGENDS and for the fact that many people swear that Dr J was the best player ever. While the two are similiar with skill. What one thing seperates them? MJ has wayyy more accolades under his belt (no !#@*). The same can be said with Jay (MJ) and Biggie (Dr. J)

The argument is made that if Biggie was alive this and that. I firmly believe if BIG was still alive there would probally be no Jay Z or at least not the one we hear today. But you cant make decisions with what ifs. Its cool to fantasize about alot of things but the fact is BIG is unfortunately not here to hold on to the Crown and what happens when the King dies someon succeeds him and that dude is undisputedly Jay Z
Who the hell thinks Dr J is better than MJ?
You guys need to keep into consideration the untimely death of B.I.G, who has more albums? That means nothing, of course Jay has more albums he wasn'tmurdered 2.5 albums deep so it's irrelevant. Could anyone here see BIG putting out a wack album if he was still around? It comes down to there is no GOATbecause everyone has their own opinion. My pick is B.I.G but between, B.I.G, Jay-Z, 2pac is there a wrong answer? How about we go with 1a, 1b, 1c

If you want to go by sales, 2pac, longevity? LL Cool J? Strictly lyrical skills? B.I.G, Rakim, Nas, KRS?
Found an older cd in my car with the Grammy Family freestyle. Always

"The more sucessfull, the more stressfull, the more and more I transform to Gordon Gecko/
In a race to a billion got my face to the ceiling, got my knees on the floor please Lord forgive him/
Has he lost his religion, is the greed gone get him, he's having Heaven on Earth will his wings still fit him?"

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