Jehova's Witnesses Knocking On Your Door on a Beautiful Saturday Morning

When I use to live in charlotte I had the privilege of a
Pretty lady, matter fact sexy lady come to my house.
I always let her in. They ride six deep back to back. O yeah,
One time she arrived early. I just woke up on slight, answered the
Door and she was there that didnt help at all. I let her in too.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i remember one day I had JUST finished fappin and opened the door and there they was.

I shook both of their hand.

This caught me so off guard.
There's used to be these two fine asian jehova witnesses that would come by. I was cool with it for a couple weeks but then I realized that I had no chance of getting it in so I had to tell em that I wasn't interested in converting. I felt kinda bad though cause the two chicks were really cool, but it wasn't worth the weekly lectures
I'm a Jehovah's witness..I knock on doors. Don't open the door if you dont want to...pretty simple.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

i had one that came week after week after we spoke about religion in general the first time. even told her i was an atheist. didn't phase her.

then one day she came by and I told her that I'd rather she not come and talk anymore. told her she was never gonna convert me. then she never came back. seemed very respectful, smart, and devoted. wasn't radical or anything.


If you guys really don't want them to come by just ask them to not come back anymore.  That should give you at least 6 months.  It's that simple.  We're not trying to waste our time.  We only keep coming by because sometimes people change their minds about the Bible's message.  Things change in people's lives all the time.  And yes, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  I've encountered just about everything you guys have mentioned.  It's just funny to me.

And the question about our "success rate".  It's probably about .001%......but it's definitely worth it.
Originally Posted by OneSole

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

i had one that came week after week after we spoke about religion in general the first time. even told her i was an atheist. didn't phase her.

then one day she came by and I told her that I'd rather she not come and talk anymore. told her she was never gonna convert me. then she never came back. seemed very respectful, smart, and devoted. wasn't radical or anything.


If you guys really don't want them to come by just ask them to not come back anymore.  That should give you at least 6 months.  It's that simple.  We're not trying to waste our time.  We only keep coming by because sometimes people change their minds about the Bible's message.  Things change in people's lives all the time.  And yes, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  I've encountered just about
everything you guys have mentioned.  It's just funny to me.

And the question about our "success rate".  It's probably about .001%......but it's definitely worth it.
I counted my post in this thread as time.
Originally Posted by EvansST

Originally Posted by OneSole

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

i had one that came week after week after we spoke about religion in general the first time. even told her i was an atheist. didn't phase her.

then one day she came by and I told her that I'd rather she not come and talk anymore. told her she was never gonna convert me. then she never came back. seemed very respectful, smart, and devoted. wasn't radical or anything.


If you guys really don't want them to come by just ask them to not come back anymore.  That should give you at least 6 months.  It's that simple.  We're not trying to waste our time.  We only keep coming by because sometimes people change their minds about the Bible's message.  Things change in people's lives all the time.  And yes, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  I've encountered just about
everything you guys have mentioned.  It's just funny to me.

And the question about our "success rate".  It's probably about .001%......but it's definitely worth it.
I counted my post in this thread as time.

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance

i have yet to encounter one, but when i do, i will flip on them.

how is that helping you out? i was raised to believe in god, but as i got older i realized a lot of things in life...

anyways, don't come to my house and try to lecture me. it didn't work in high school, it didn't work by my parents and it didn't work with my grandparents who are super religious.

apply some common sense and you'll realize that the afterlife is impossible.

that's all i gotta say.
Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance

i have yet to encounter one, but when i do, i will flip on them.

how is that helping you out? i was raised to believe in god, but as i got older i realized a lot of things in life...

anyways, don't come to my house and try to lecture me. it didn't work in high school, it didn't work by my parents and it didn't work with my grandparents who are super religious.

apply some common sense and you'll realize that the afterlife is impossible.

that's all i gotta say.
so does it make you feel good to disrespect someone? thats how you feel like a man? by "flipping" on someone.

You have no respect for yourself, or anyone else. You could use god in your life.
Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.

I work with a Jehova's Witnees. We spoke for a while and so I invited him over for a
meeting. His elder or whatever, you call him, led the discussion. The whole time I felt like they
were trying to change my thinking or brainwash me so to speak. If we read a scripture
or something he tried to direct my thoughts to go in line with waht they believe in. It's
not for me. I don't feel like they are trying to lead you closer to god byt they are trying to
just get you to join their cult.
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance

"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine,
receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: "

- 2 John 1:10

Just saying.

And who's to say every organized religious establishment "helps" someone?

Neither to say though I hear everyone's word out,
but when it steps into harassment......well then I got to either remove
myself from the situation or put you in check.

If I tell you no one morning then mark my house off the list.

"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil."

- Matthew 5:37

Sometimes the Bible makes sense.
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

Fell asleep on the living room couch. At about 9am the doorbell rings. I look through the peephole, and it's this huge African woman, and A VERY elderly white lady. Naturally, I assume these are just two dudes trying to catch people slipping, so I'm just staring at them through the peephole waiting for them to leave. About seven minutes later, they're still standing at the door, and I'm still staring at them through the peephole (now I'm really shook). Then all of the sudden, the old white lady (with walker) moves very slowly to open my screen door. Now I'm thinking they're about to break in, so I get in my Bruce Lee stance. Then the white lady slides a watchtower through my door so slowly, I mean takes about a good minute to fully slide the damn thing through, and the finally leave. Needless to say since then, I've been scared of Jehovah Witnesses.

but they are annoyin though. i don't blame you for your Bruce Lee stance.
Originally Posted by Juice man

I'm a Jehovah's witness..I knock on doors. Don't open the door if you dont want to...pretty simple.

dont open the door?

ya be knocking like if ya the police.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by Juice man

I'm a Jehovah's witness..I knock on doors. Don't open the door if you dont want to...pretty simple.

dont open the door?

ya be knocking like if ya the police.
Na...I don't
Duck wrote:

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance
Honestly I get annoyed with the "harassing" knocks on my door time after time. I don't agree with their practices and yes I do believe in God. I feel if you go around knocking on doors or people you don't know, when you weren't invited you should expect a reaction.  Blatant disrespect isn't necessary but then again it is frustrating to have the same people come by your house a you give them the same response. I admit I am the type to yell "No one is home" and that is because I feel they need to respect MY time, My house and MY sleep.

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

Originally Posted by al3x89

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance

i have yet to encounter one, but when i do, i will flip on them.

how is that helping you out? i was raised to believe in god, but as i got older i realized a lot of things in life...

anyways, don't come to my house and try to lecture me. it didn't work in high school, it didn't work by my parents and it didn't work with my grandparents who are super religious.

apply some common sense and you'll realize that the afterlife is impossible.

that's all i gotta say.
so does it make you feel good to disrespect someone? thats how you feel like a man? by "flipping" on someone.

You have no respect for yourself, or anyone else. You could use god in your life.
I normally peek out the window before I open then door. Damn they so annoying......

Best thing to do is putting this in front of the door....

Anyone ever had their friend let mormons into your house? Awhile ago me and a couple of my friends were kickin it at my house playing guitar hero and the doorbell rings. One of my friends said that he'd get the door because I was in the middle of a song. The next thing I know this dude is walking up the stairs and I look over and there's 2 mormons behind him with their bike helmets still on
I'm just shocked because my friend sits down with them and sets up an appointment to come back to my house a week later. I didn't stop him because it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I forget about it and a week later someone knocks on my door and I look out the peephole and outside my door are the same 2 kids who came a week ago and this tall @#% man in a suit looking like G-Man from half-life. Needless to say I didnt open up and these guys were standing outside in the rain for atleast 5 mins waiting for me to open up.
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

I like how all this kids in here brag about doing rude things to peple trying to help you Yall got no respect, and you act like its something cool, or something to be proud of. SMH

I believe in god, im not a jehovas witness though.

When they come by, i let them say their little message, respectfully tell them i already have god in my life and am satisfied with it. Thank them for their time, and let them be on their way.

No need to insult someone for trying to help you out. (even if you dont believe in it, thats ur choice)

NT you crack me up with your ignorance
1. Can you explain the helping out part. Just because someone is trying to get you to join their belief system doesn't mean they are trying to help you out per-say. I can understand why you or anyone would think that though. I am NOT saying that they are NOT trying to help you out (Before you respond).

2. Is not opening the door disrespectful? I usually don't even bother answering the door. I don't like being bothered by them at all. Why? Because I know I don't want to hear anything they say
EvansST wrote:

Originally Posted by OneSole

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

i had one that came week after week after we spoke about religion in general the first time. even told her i was an atheist. didn't phase her.

then one day she came by and I told her that I'd rather she not come and talk anymore. told her she was never gonna convert me. then she never came back. seemed very respectful, smart, and devoted. wasn't radical or anything.


If you guys really don't want them to come by just ask them to not come back anymore.  That should give you at least 6 months.  It's that simple.  We're not trying to waste our time.  We only keep coming by because sometimes people change their minds about the Bible's message.  Things change in people's lives all the time.  And yes, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  I've encountered just about
everything you guys have mentioned.  It's just funny to me.

And the question about our "success rate".  It's probably about .001%......but it's definitely worth it.
I counted my post in this thread as time.

I'm about to send a few PM's for Rv's 
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