Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Discussed this with @Antidope and was pretty pissed about it

I had to interview a grip of candidates recently, all of whom were 1-3 years out of college -- these young guns didn't do any research on our company at all

To confirm my suspicions, I asked this question at the end of every interview -- "Who is our CEO?"

Only 1 guy out of 14 got it right -- word of advice to everyone here interviewing: please know a decent amount about the company, how many people work there, etc. It should be basic knowledge and shows you actually care somewhat
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Got my final interview tomorrow for a tech company in SF. Thank you to some of you guys for some encouraging words a few weeks back, I hope to bring back good news to you all soon!!
Good luck to you fam.

On the subject of researching companies I've taken a few Ls because of lack of preparation in this regard. It seems tedious but just read stuff from the companies About US page or Wikipedia if they have one. Feeds you all those easy answers
Good luck to you fam.

On the subject of researching companies I've taken a few Ls because of lack of preparation in this regard. It seems tedious but just read stuff from the companies About US page or Wikipedia if they have one. Feeds you all those easy answers
On that tangent, the 1 guy who actually got the "Who is our CEO?" question right also did a few things right:

- told us about the company's background/story (read: shows he did his research, even if it was just reading the About Us page)

- what he liked about us (read: shows deductive reasoning, even if it was a guess)

- then transitioned into how he would "fit" into the company (read: answers the "Why am I here today?" question)

That's a 2-3 minute answer that covers 25% of the fit questions.
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I completely agree with doing research, but knowing who the ceo is pretty meaningless when applying for an entry level position.
Discussed this with @Antidope
and was pretty pissed about it

I had to interview a grip of candidates recently, all of whom were 1-3 years out of college -- these young guns didn't do any research on our company at all

To confirm my suspicions, I asked this question at the end of every interview -- "Who is our CEO?"

Only 1 guy out of 14 got it right -- word of advice to everyone here interviewing: please know a decent amount about the company, how many people work there, etc. It should be basic knowledge and shows you actually care somewhat

I'm curious, do you work in HR?
Discussed this with @Antidope
and was pretty pissed about it

I had to interview a grip of candidates recently, all of whom were 1-3 years out of college -- these young guns didn't do any research on our company at all

To confirm my suspicions, I asked this question at the end of every interview -- "Who is our CEO?"

Only 1 guy out of 14 got it right -- word of advice to everyone here interviewing: please know a decent amount about the company, how many people work there, etc. It should be basic knowledge and shows you actually care somewhat
I'm curious, do you work in HR?
Nope, I work in finance at a small(er) firm
I completely agree with doing research, but knowing who the ceo is pretty meaningless when applying for an entry level position.
I disagree. If someone walked into an interview where I work and didn't know who the CEO was, they'd probably be shown the exit.

I'd apply that logic to most places
I disagree. If someone walked into an interview where I work and didn't know who the CEO was, they'd probably be shown the exit.

I'd apply that logic to most places
Truth be told, I can't even tell you who the CEO, let alone any of the C suite at my current job or any of my 5-6 corporate jobs were aside from one. The one was special because he flew around the country on the company's private jet to have talks at all locations.

I can't speak in all fields but from my experience in aviation, manufacturing, nonprofit, healthcare, biotech, and now consulting....its 80 percent soft skills and 20 percent hard skills.

Soft skills are how you deal with customers, coworkers, etc.

Hard skills are actual technical skills. Aside from a few trades, a lot of the stuff can be taught on the job.

No one has ever asked me if I knew any of the C's while interviewing. Closest I get is "what do you know about our company?"

The positions I've interviewed for, and got hired or either turned down offers are management positions if that matters.
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Goes to show you that every place is different. I have zero doubt that if someone asked me that and I didn't know the answer, they would chastise me and look at me funny forever.
Its just crazy to me that unskilled retail jobs really hold three different interviews. By the Time they hire, 2-3 people got fired or quit. You holding 3 interviews for à part Time 10/hr job? I suppose.........
And what exactly does knowing a ceo's name prove? Isn't that just appealing to your personal (or maybe corporate culture) ego? "Oh you don't know nothing about us, huh? But you want a job?"

You know nothing about them, either, but aren't expected to jump through a pop quiz series of hoops.

Honestly, labor is so backward in the US. The companies need employees, but treat the population like they're giving out golden tickets to wonka factories

You brought up 3 disqualifiers which LITERALLY had nothing to do with an actual job, yet, somehow you are finding the best candidate?

How does that work?
i think in finance/banking, where correct me if I'm wrong, CEO's almost seem to have cults of personalities...

i am uninitiated so i wouldnt really know, still think that question was stupid...
Reading this makes me see the world for what it is.... slavery to the debtors of the world. We literally work for the system , will bend over backwards for 50k, but the system doesn't love us back.....never have never will... this ain't the way we were supposed to live
And what exactly does knowing a ceo's name prove? Isn't that just appealing to your personal (or maybe corporate culture) ego? "Oh you don't know nothing about us, huh? But you want a job?"

You know nothing about them, either, but aren't expected to jump through a pop quiz series of hoops.

Honestly, labor is so backward in the US. The companies need employees, but treat the population like they're giving out golden tickets to wonka factories

You brought up 3 disqualifiers which LITERALLY had nothing to do with an actual job, yet, somehow you are finding the best candidate?

How does that work?
The system needs employees yes but in a lot of cases you need the employer more than they need you.

I am fully aware of the fact that I need my employer more than they need me if they even need me at all. If I leave there's a couple thousand people who would jump at the chance to have my job.

I'm grateful for the opportunity that I have.
Reading this makes me see the world for what it is.... slavery to the debtors of the world. We literally work for the system , will bend over backwards for 50k, but the system doesn't love us back.....never have never will... this ain't the way we were supposed to live
The world was never fair, fam. It doesn't owe you anything.

Everyone (including myself) feels just like you at one point or another. I approach this game with the mentality of getting $$$, expanding my network, and accumulating a skillset until I can ultimately start/do my own thing.

Get yours while you can. F--- the noise.
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And what exactly does knowing a ceo's name prove? Isn't that just appealing to your personal (or maybe corporate culture) ego? "Oh you don't know nothing about us, huh? But you want a job?"

You know nothing about them, either, but aren't expected to jump through a pop quiz series of hoops.

Honestly, labor is so backward in the US. The companies need employees, but treat the population like they're giving out golden tickets to wonka factories

You brought up 3 disqualifiers which LITERALLY had nothing to do with an actual job, yet, somehow you are finding the best candidate?

How does that work?
The system needs employees yes but in a lot of cases you need the employer more than they need you.

I am fully aware of the fact that I need my employer more than they need me if they even need me at all. If I leave there's a couple thousand people who would jump at the chance to have my job.

I'm grateful for the opportunity that I have.

anti you just confirmed what enphan just said though. he didn't mean you specifically but any employee. even though there are a couple thousand people who can fulfill your spot, the company still needs a person to fill the spot.
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They need someone to fill the spot in the most literal sense of the word but I also want to fill the job.

Who's really more desperate here? Me or them? They could fill it in a day if they wanted to and could do do for any job in the company whereas I can't get a job that fast.
They need someone to fill the spot in the most literal sense of the word but I also want to fill the job.

Who's really more desperate here? Me or them? They could fill it in a day if they wanted to and could do do for any job in the company whereas I can't get a job that fast.

if the company lowers it's standards or doesn't vent the employee well enough, then sure the position can be filled in a day. Similar to how if an employee lower his or her standards and work for any company, a position could be had faster.
and i disagree with a company needs to fill a position in the most literal sense. they always need someone to add value lol.
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They still would have an easier time filling the spot than I would getting a spot and need me way less than I need them.

Maybe that's not the case with everyone but I know it's the case in terms of me and my employer.
Lol now employers don't need employees. The work does itself.

Why even have a payroll? Waste of money, since they don't NEED employees
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