Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

applied at 5 places i think. saw my bank account and with no means of income coming in, i hope i get a call soon 
applied at 5 places i think. saw my bank account and with no means of income coming in, i hope i get a call soon 

Go temp while you're waiting. They'll find you something within a couple days (data entry, manual labor, basically anything that matches your skills). I know it sucks to swallow your pride and do menial work, but it's better to keep busy and get some income while waiting on that call.
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Go temp while you're waiting. They'll find you something within a couple days (data entry, manual labor, basically anything that matches your skills). I know it sucks to swallow your pride and do menial work, but it's better to keep busy and get some income while waiting on that call.
man i went in at this temp agency, they got me a job at a warehouse type place loadin pallets and ****.  was a hard job, but i busted my *** errrrday.  had old ****** in there like, 'slow down chief we get paid by the hour' but i was tryin to maybe get off the temp and get hired full time so i was hustlin.  i come in one day about a month in and some security chick is like, 'oh well head of security said he seen you go through such and such forbidden door yesterday so you're fired,'.  oh man i was heated 
.  told em show me some footage of me doin that since there's a camera right there, otherwise ducktales and get the **** outta my face with that and let me cook.  ol girl stammerin, finally other security come by so i just give up the badge.  all this with my 'rep' standing there apologizing sayin nothing she can do about it.  these guys screen out hard workin temps and find some bs reason to fire them, constant turnover.  it's ridiculous.  
I start working for an insurance company through a temp service on Wednesday. I went on a couple of interviews before I went to the temp agency so hopefully I won't have to do it long. I have a start date for one of the jobs if I'm extended an offer but it doesn't start until July. I'm gonna stay with the temp service in the mean time in between time though.
Temp agencies that work on commission are the worst. I try to avoid them like the plague. I'm going togo to a few staffing agencies this work to see if I can get something. Haven't heard from these internship people in over a week.
USAJobs has too much red tape to go through plus the jobs will go to veterans first and those that have the required government clearance. Public sector jobs are almost never worth the trouble unless you have a definite in.


I applied for jobs on that site for 2 yrs. I only got one e-mail from them. Never again will I waste me time.
Been at Walgreens for 2 weeks now, pay isn't what I'm used to, schedule sucks, and I get bored very easily. But, ATLEAST I have some kind of income coming in, so I try and not to ***** too much lol
Not jobless yet but I will need to find something new by July 16th. My current job is at a dead end so i'm leaving in June. From July 1st - 14th Im driving cross country to clear my head and get some clarity.
currently looking for engineering jobs in the medical device industry in boston. the going is slow.
See if you can hire on as a conductor for a railway company.

It can be a crappy life as you have no schedule but if and when your seniority can hold a solid turn/job you'll make a good living. Most companies only require you to have completed high school.

I threw this out on the old site. If you think working for the railroad - they have MANY departments - is right for you, check it out.
See if you can hire on as a conductor for a railway company.

It can be a crappy life as you have no schedule but if and when your seniority can hold a solid turn/job you'll make a good living. Most companies only require you to have completed high school.

I threw this out on the old site. If you think working for the railroad - they have MANY departments - is right for you, check it out.
my pops been told me about this but i have to be called in for anything with the railroad 
One of the best trades to learn is welding...the money is great. If you guys can go to a trade school and learn how to weld its worth it. These guys are making close to $100...$90-150k+ a year and welders are always in demand.

If you are in the Gulf coast area check out Huntington Ingalls. I'm not sure if they still do this but they would teach you basic welding at MGCCC and once you completed the course they would hire you as a structural welder to work on the ships they are building out there. It was a basic welding job but it still pays 25-30 to start...
See if you can hire on as a conductor for a railway company.

It can be a crappy life as you have no schedule but if and when your seniority can hold a solid turn/job you'll make a good living. Most companies only require you to have completed high school.

I threw this out on the old site. If you think working for the railroad - they have MANY departments - is right for you, check it out.
There's a lot of red tape and I mean a lot with railroad. It can be years before you're ever called.
Not in today's age. It all depends where you are. In western Canada, CN has hired hundreds of conductors in the past few years to fill the demands of retirement and increased traffic. Eastern Canada will be needing guys soon as well.

I am not sure where demand is needed in the States but where there is demand it shouldn't take long to get on at all.

Waiting years for a call back is unheard of. A few months is normal.
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Not in today's age. It all depends where you are. In western Canada, CN has hired hundreds of conductors in the past few years to fill the demands of retirement and increased traffic. Eastern Canada will be needing guys soon as well.

I am not sure where demand is needed in the States but where there is demand it shouldn't take long to get on at all.

Waiting years for a call back is unheard of. A few months is normal.
Well that's Canada. I'm in the Northeast. I've read from people themselves in the Appalachia region and the Midwest that they've waited anywhere from 18 months to hear back. The unions here have a lot to do with that.
From what I know from forums and such, when it takes that long to hear back you're usually not high on their priority list for candidates.

I am assuming that in that region you're talking NS and CSX?

The railroad is a job where you want unions. The companies walk all over us as it is but it would be immensely worse without them.

I might have to disagree with the unions keeping people out. The union and the company set board numbers based upon available employees to train starts. If the company needs people, they'll hire.

There are many factors that will determine the need for employees. It's a terminal by terminal thing. One might need to try hiring in in a terminal they have no desire to work out of just to get their foot in the door. When their seniority allows them to move to the terminal they want to move to they can do so.

Layoffs are common so it's common to move around from city to city just to keep working.

Another common thing is getting forced to other terminals as a junior man.
I'M not working :smh:

This ain't eem right

I can't even get a job in retail :smh:

My PS3 controller just broke and Star Trek comes out next week

That struggle is real :frown:
From what I know from forums and such, when it takes that long to hear back you're usually not high on their priority list for candidates.

I am assuming that in that region you're talking NS and CSX?

The railroad is a job where you want unions. The companies walk all over us as it is but it would be immensely worse without them.
I might have to disagree with the unions keeping people out. The union and the company set board numbers based upon available employees to train starts. If the company needs people, they'll hire.

There are many factors that will determine the need for employees. It's a terminal by terminal thing. One might need to try hiring in in a terminal they have no desire to work out of just to get their foot in the door. When their seniority allows them to move to the terminal they want to move to they can do so.
Layoffs are common so it's common to move around from city to city just to keep working.

Another common thing is getting forced to other terminals as a junior man.

Damn. I got invited to a hiring event with BNSF next week for a Conductor Trainee position. Good money, but I'm worried about all this talk of layoffs.
From what I know from forums and such, when it takes that long to hear back you're usually not high on their priority list for candidates.

I am assuming that in that region you're talking NS and CSX?

The railroad is a job where you want unions. The companies walk all over us as it is but it would be immensely worse without them.
I might have to disagree with the unions keeping people out. The union and the company set board numbers based upon available employees to train starts. If the company needs people, they'll hire.

There are many factors that will determine the need for employees. It's a terminal by terminal thing. One might need to try hiring in in a terminal they have no desire to work out of just to get their foot in the door. When their seniority allows them to move to the terminal they want to move to they can do so.
Layoffs are common so it's common to move around from city to city just to keep working.

Another common thing is getting forced to other terminals as a junior man.

Damn. I got invited to a hiring event with BNSF next week for a Conductor Trainee position. Good money, but I'm worried about all this talk of layoffs.

Buddy of mine works for the railroad and has done for a quite a few years. He's been laid off maybe 2 or 3 times tops and it wasn't long periods of time. He also told me of a situation where if you lose a position that you can use your seniority to bump someone else out of their position that you want. Anyhow, he's currently traveling now, chain gang I believe is the name he told me, and he gets paid a pretty decent salary. He also works just as hard for it too.
Hey bros. I am moving to San Diego from Phoenix. I cannot stand this heat anymore. I have a class A cdl with a tanker endorsement. I am working in a job that doesn't even require me drive trucks :smh: straight dead end. Will me getting my hazmat once I get to San Diego help me out ? I don't want to live this poverty life anymore.
Just got some call backs for security...My uncle was also able to hook me up with a job with a security company, he knows the manager. It's 2 jobs that im basically in the hiring process right now..and I have a interview with Wells Fargo Bank on the 16th of this should I approach which job I take and which i dont accept? I know money will be involved..but how do i say im not interested?
I wanna get out the army but goin back to civillian life doesnt look good smh no jobs etc but im tired of the military:smh:
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