Jordan Brand x Fakes/Variants: At it again **pics**

Here are some quotes from fellow NT'ers that justify how i feel right now...

III's all over again..but for sale this time.


After the fiasco with the III's, this is terrible.

How can a company who bases their brand on a man who took so much pride in his game, and to build his legend to be #1 let it go down the drain.

Theres always someone trying to justifly thisits a fake shirt
This t-shirt seems to epitomize Jordan Brand and if the legacy isn't already dead, its at death's door.

If you still have unflappable faith in the people at Jordan brand, either you're new to the game or you haven't been paying attention

NOTHING and i mean NOTHING will ever get by niketalk.

JB cares about being a successful company on the books

Now let me address some of the issues being talked about in this it is needed at this moment..

Let me start with this one...

P.S. - I Suggest obtaining this shirt. It is sure to become a collectors
Just Great...all of them...from snuggles, to flip, to JM, to P0, they are all in on it.

Are you guys seriously starting to realize this? These guys are paid (probably indirectly by selling the samples they get) by Nike/JB to spread the hype.

If they really had access to priveledged info, They would just spill it, But they drop hints and spread hype on some guerilla marketing type stuff...I know if I had access to that info, I would reveal ALL of it...I would go to the library just to post it if I was so scared of losing my "connect"...F outta here...

It's just somethin' about them...They always seemed like Narcs...

Yessir. Anyone that can't see Nike's Guerilla Marketing technique through this message board is blind.

All I'm saying is that JB knows what it is doing by giving you guys info/samples and you guys are reaping the benefitrs of it.

All I'm saying is that JB/Nike is spreading hype through you guys.

I will address this and tell NT where I stand in this..

If i'm getting paid....Let me get the cash now... :rofl:

I don't even recieve samples.....I see them months ahead of its release date but that's it...
JB dosen't even know who i am as an "on-line persona"....
A know someone real deep in JB(leaving out names for obvious reasons) and they have placed me in a position that i have always dreamed of...

To work for Nike/JB!!! :wow:

But with these occuring events its hard to represent something like this...

Also the Cardinals released last Sat. i purchased for Retail + any other consumer...

I have hookups in JB/Nike like discounts/benfits...but dosen't anyone else who works get one...

Everyone recieves discounts/benefits from their job if it is permitted...
(EX:Any Retail Store,Restaurant,etc.)

I don't technically work for JB yet...But after i graduate in two more years...The vision will become a reality...Guaranteed..

But i do represent Nike/JB in various ways...

I'm just a prospect...

The reason i know what i know is because of my JB informant...but to me he is "Family"

Also...whenever i post info it's in one HUGE post is it not?

Occasionally i post hints here and there....

But i let NT know what i want to address in one go....

I don't create "Hype"...Don't address me as someone who creates this when it is the fellow NT'ers around you...

I simply tell what JB has in mind at the moment and any other info that i feel will be releveant/helpful/enjoyable to all the other NT'ers...

As you guys know JB changes things constantly...which is why i dont post everything i know..

So how is JB spreading hype through me when they technically do not know who "PO2345" is?

Also i dont approve of alot decisions JB makes...(EX:IV retro issue,oversaturation of the "Air Jordan" etc)

Maybe I'm wrong and some of you do it because you love sneakers, you get info and you want to tell everybody. If so, that's really great. I have a feeling that's not the case with most people who drop info on here.

Well address the others with this comment because your'e not classifying me.....
This is what i do it for the LOVE...nothing more...
You can ask anyone that knows me i only wear Nike/JB..

The info. i provide is for everyone to enjoy and to look forward to upcominmg releases....

Insinuating I get paid extra or get "hook ups" for posting info is insulting and untrue. Get outta here with that @#%$

Preach Billy....Preach....

Also seeing how TRUE feelings have been shown....

Maybe i should take the Billy Hoyle approach and stop "Endorsing" products as you guys say....Entirely....
Or less often...

Mistaking my LOVE for this community and JB was insulting and hurtful...

I always post what i post to NT only....Im not even a member of I$$....

So take my name out of this issue...Blame someone else

Please beleieve NikeJobs will have another opening up because of all this... :lol:

As far as the other informants who recieve SAMPLES ask them where they stand but now you know where i do....

That is all...


Im not going to even address the issue of "Shoe Molds" being sold by people inside JB....Too much controversy involved...

Yea, I refute my initial statement that started all the finger pointing.

Just Great...all of them...from snuggles, to flip, to JM, to P0, they are all in on it.

However, I do stand by Nike knowing damn well that by "leaking" info or samples they are giving full range for anyone and everyone who is willing to listen--ie, the NikeTalk community.
I worship Nike the God, Jordan the Son, and Sole the Holy Spirit
Yeah, no disrespect BabyJ, but I disagree with saying the tee is a collector's item also. I'd never pay for that shirt. I'd especially never pay for that shirt considering it's a blatant rip-off of a standard fake set-up.
You can bet you life I would never wear or sell fake shoes.

Honestly i don't want to turn this into a flame post but you can't even spell for a person who's a old head... I don't even need to bother. So you can just forget about hitting that "quote" button because i dont mess with E-Thugs.... :tongue:

but i can bet my life you didn't go to college :D
by college i mean one that you would have to be ACCEPTED TO )
Yo this is like when the Fonz jumps the shark. I dont know how JB plans to bounce back after doing this to hardcore collector.

I honestly don't think that this shirt was a mistake or a slip up. Any body who has ever been on ebay knows that that picture is the classic fake pic. I would highly doubt JB didnt know what they were doing. But I really cant think of a good reason why they would put this on a shirt.

Jordan Brand is is built on its reputation, so why would they employ any campaign that would tarnish that image?
Ouch... attacking the "hype-mongers" is it? I honestly felt that BabyJ's comment was to be taken as a joke. Like... "these shirts are going to be pulled, so get them while you can *wink*" sort of thing. Maybe misconstrued, but I highly doubt he would condone fakes.

Anyone, trying to put these people that give us information on blast, it's really sad, and I hope you understand that they are just trying to pass along info as it comes. Making a claim that they receive some sort of payment for what they do is very insulting. I understand where you are trying to come from, but how it sounds, you just grouped them into a category where they became the enemy.

In the end, this is truly not surprising. Not anymore. Quality control at its worst.

^ know better than anyone else that i'm scrowngin daily to just be able to get some authy chinese food...the thought of gettin paid off is hilarious...
Now i assume after Pkballr comments that Baby J will come in here and refer to his comment as a joke.... :smh:

Yo this is like when the Fonz jumps the shark. I dont know how JB plans to bounce back after doing this to hardcore collector


I got a good chuckle out of this, good thought for your 4th post. Yes the end is near, this is JB's shark jumping moment. :lol:
This issue has a lot of people heated, JB needs to address some of these control issues...
"did you rock fakes?"

"RockDeep wears fakes on the regular, hope he elaborates on this."

Sorry for not using the official Quote tool.. BUT...

Your reading Comprehension needs ALOT of improvement. If you need Eyes to elaborate on his comments so be it.

But If you have EVER looked at my Sig.. you would know why I am involved with Fakes. "rock fakes" No. Not until the Quality gets better.. *wink wink*

I acquire fakes via means most of you wish you could as posers. I know for a fact that MANY people registered ON NT and that visit here assist the Variant Market Directly and Indirectly...

By sending pics and supplying information. But thats neither here nor there.

I run the Fake Police site. Although it is not fully UP and Operational for Consumer interaction.. It's workin behind the scenes. Just realize how many Fake Sites have gone down in the last 6 months. 39 to be exact as a direct result of FP and Shoeheads alike.

The same way Billy White Dirk does Official Wear Testing for Nike.. I do it on a FLIP Side to test Technology improvements and Design Comparisons.

I have worn them in public places for Visual Tests to see who can by the common eye tell they are fake, and let people hold it and tell me what they think

..and YES.. I have had SEVERAL people wear them on the Court and PLAY in them for performance test.

NOW Brand Jordan folks are interested in information because the impact has grown largely and it's affecting pocket books........heavily.

I don't talk out of the side of my head when Posting. I don't post for E-FAME.... posting info I THINK is true...merely speculating.

Like Snuggles, CEO, JM, Billy White Dirk, and Countless others, we try to enlighten the others here.

Not build Hype behind it. If Hype happens, it's because WE the consumer ALLOW it to.

What now? You all complain..but what will you do other than complain? Some contribute to Fake Police and NT.. but most of you Complain and do nothing but buy the product you continue to complain about.

If anyone is getting paid to Hype a's not a crime.. Its you the sheep that is committed to making the Brand you love Richer no matter what they do.

Hell even they know if you did SOMETHING to revolt, they would change their ways about how they market and do things. But do most of you? No.. you keep on doing what you do...and buy even more.

But alas.. this isn't anything you don't know, because it's most of you doing it. I love Brand Jordan. I have Brand Loyalty. Do I buy everything they put out? No. Do I buy my yungins everything??? No.

I buy what I like...and when something like this Shirt Fiasco happens.. I am merely disappointed, but I don't lose sleep. They are a business. They Do not in fact care about YOU.. But your money.....they will care about you more when YOU the consumer show they can't just release ANYTHING and you purchase it.

Thats why they are a business. Some will figure that out when they actually work for a living....and not to buy kicks.

You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
Good points "PO," nice post on the JB perks/online personality stuff, maybe you and "billy" are right,
As for the babj statements about the tshirt i agree (jsut didnt have the balls to say it myself) with everyone else, that was just odd, sometimes babyj talks in riddles and its mad suspect. Talking about the shirt as a collectors item is just ludacris, I mean if you just want it cuz its such a huge joke, and u feel good about having proof of this JB mistake, I cant really hate on that, but me personally i wouldnt want that thing anywhere near my kicks or in my crib, it makes me sick.
who can say that the IIIs are fake?
maybe it's another colorway that's coming out.
by the way, people will line up to get them if they are released, espcially if they are limited. all those people saying fake this and that will be there also...
lol it still cracks me up that 14 pages later and after how long the post on the IIIs was originally people still come in and say:

"I dont think that shirt is real"
"Well those IIIs maybe coming out"

Its been confirmed, the IIIs will probably come out because they were fakes in the ad and JB will cover themselves.
The shirt is a JB shirt with fakes on it.

COPE people, COPE.
Santa Clause isn't real nor is the Tooth Fairy. I'm sorry for this breaking news..
You felt like you didn't need XBOX360 and now you regret it? Well take a look at my auction
nice post rock and i love the fakepolice website...its lookin' tight..
Stop *****N'
Start a Revolution
who can say that the IIIs are fake?

Do us a favor and please don't start this again. Everyone here knows those III's in the ad were fake. There is no need to make excuses and what ifs about the subject. The III's are fake and the IV's on the shirt are fake. How this slipped by i don't know but there shouldn't be any excuses made for the especially when they are fake. Face it got passed Jordan Brand on both the shirt and the ad and nobody here can make up anything to try to stand by it like "how do you know those are fake" or "they look real to me" etc etc. The only people I would like to hear an excuse from is Jordan Brand it self, not anybody on here protecting the fact that both were fake. And I would be pretty interested in hearing what he story behind both are and the reasoning by the brand itself.
New Jersey Nets
#15 Vince Carter #35 Jason Collins #24 Richard Jefferson #5 Jason Kidd - C #12 Nenad Krstic
#31 Lamond Murray #7 Bostjan Nachbar #34 Scott Padgett #10 Zoran Planinic #30 Clifford Robinson
#41 John Thomas #11 Jacque Vaughn #21 Antoine Wright
I acquire fakes via means most of you wish you could as posers. I know for a fact that MANY people registered ON NT and that visit here assist the Variant Market Directly and Indirectly...

I run the Fake Police site. Although it is not fully UP and Operational for Consumer interaction.. It's workin behind the scenes. Just realize how many Fake Sites have gone down in the last 6 months. 39 to be exact as a direct result of FP and Shoeheads alike.

The same way Billy White Dirk does Official Wear Testing for Nike.. I do it on a FLIP Side to test Technology improvements and Design Comparisons.

I have worn them in public places for Visual Tests to see who can by the common eye tell they are fake, and let people hold it and tell me what they think

..and YES.. I have had SEVERAL people wear them on the Court and PLAY in them for performance test.

NOW Brand Jordan folks are interested in information because the impact has grown largely and it's affecting pocket books........heavily.

I don't talk out of the side of my head when Posting. I don't post for E-FAME.... posting info I THINK is true...merely speculating.

Like Snuggles, CEO, JM, Billy White Dirk, and Countless others, we try to enlighten the others here.

Not build Hype behind it. If Hype happens, it's because WE the consumer ALLOW it to.

What now? You all complain..but what will you do other than complain? Some contribute to Fake Police and NT.. but most of you Complain and do nothing but buy the product you continue to complain about.

If anyone is getting paid to Hype a's not a crime.. Its you the sheep that is committed to making the Brand you love Richer no matter what they do.

Hell even they know if you did SOMETHING to revolt, they would change their ways about how they market and do things. But do most of you? No.. you keep on doing what you do...and buy even more.

But alas.. this isn't anything you don't know, because it's most of you doing it. I love Brand Jordan. I have Brand Loyalty. Do I buy everything they put out? No. Do I buy my yungins everything??? No.

I buy what I like...and when something like this Shirt Fiasco happens.. I am merely disappointed, but I don't lose sleep. They are a business. They Do not in fact care about YOU.. But your money.....they will care about you more when YOU the consumer show they can't just release ANYTHING and you purchase it.

Thats why they are a business. Some will figure that out when they actually work for a living....and not to buy kicks.

Well said, Rock. I commend you doing something about the fakes/variants as opposed to the countless numbers here who just gripe about them.

I have been duped via eBay for a bunch of fakes years ago. Those same Fire Red IV's pictured, blk/silver V's, Aqua 8's, Cool Grey IX's and two pairs of XI's. Call it being a newb, but I had no was perfect on all of them....but they all ended up being fake.

I agree that someone with the molds FLINTGREY
[email protected]
i rmeber the 3's incident
and i still belive they were some kind of customs
I dont even need a sig
I see reading comprehension is at an all time low here. Dudes will flip anything thats said here, lol.


- basically, yeah. what you'd expect i mean we are still in the JB forum. page after page of people taking things the wrong way. :smh:

- :smh:
@ people still not understanding what I SEE YOU HOVKid.

"did you rock fakes?"

"RockDeep wears fakes on the regular, hope he elaborates on this."

Sorry for not using the official Quote tool.. BUT...

Your reading Comprehension needs ALOT of improvement. If you need Eyes to elaborate on his comments so be it.

But If you have EVER looked at my Sig.. you would know why I am involved with Fakes. "rock fakes" No. Not until the Quality gets better.. *wink wink*

- c'mon now dont try and play the reading comprehension line with this one. if you this is the JB forum and you are a mod so i would think you would know better than to put something like that out in the open without explanation regardless of whats in your sig.
- good to see you come back with an explanation and insight to what really goes on with the FP, wish we could of seen it pages back. :rolleyes

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