Jordan VI Infrared23, Toro?

Just checked out both of my carmines too see if the lower right hand 9 digit numbers match between the 2 pairs,

No they do not match so must be different 9 digit number for every shoe.
for those of you who copped a pair from release day or restock, and DF last weekend. The production tag all match up the same 
numbers. Production dates are different from NDC pair, and DF pair. Anyone else numbers match or are they Different.

NDC pair production dates are 10/20/13 - 12/17/13
DF pair productyion dates are  9/10/13 -   12/05/13
The 9 digit number at the bottom left corner on the DF pair reads 104597628
9 digit number on the NDC pair reads, 201289287

Just checked out both of my carmines too see if the lower right hand 9 digit numbers match between the 2 pairs,
No they do not match so must be different 9 digit number for every shoe.

g calm down
why would numbers on the infrared 23 match the carmines?
g calm down
why would numbers on the infrared 23 match the carmines?
No I was checking both pairs of my carmines too see if maybe the 9-digit numbers are all the same, or different too each pair. I wasnt comparing

the Toros to the Carmines. Each sho has its own 9-digit number.
Is they're any web-sites that you can send your shoes too or call for Authenticity check other than Shoe Con?
Jordan/nike account? Last time I checked with Nike they weren't an authorized retailer. Sneakers still authentic tho. I've bought a lot of the same pairs from DF that I was able to get on release date in the US.
Normally non authorized retailers wouldn't have the amount of kicks they get in stores or wouldn't be able to sell online unless they had a high tier account with nike/jb. Nike/jb would come down pretty hard on them or just stop supplying them.
g calm down

why would numbers on the infrared 23 match the carmines?
No I was checking both pairs of my carmines too see if maybe the 9-digit numbers are all the same, or different too each pair. I wasnt comparing
the Toros to the Carmines. Each sho has its own 9-digit number.

Is they're any web-sites that you can send your shoes too or call for Authenticity check other than Shoe Con?

you doing way too much AFTER being told flat out these were authentic with nothing to worry about
No I was checking both pairs of my carmines too see if maybe the 9-digit numbers are all the same, or different too each pair. I wasnt comparing

the Toros to the Carmines. Each sho has its own 9-digit number.
Is they're any web-sites that you can send your shoes too or call for Authenticity check other than Shoe Con?
The easiest way to tell authentics apart from fakes/unauthorized is to look at the lacing.

Its kind of tough to explain but on authentics, the lace coming from the outside of the shoe always go over the lace on the inside. I've seen only 1 or 2 fakes do this. For whatever reason fakes tend to lace their shoes with the inside lace overlapping the outside either on one shoe or both. Every Nike/Jordan I ever got was laced like this but I might be wrong on that.

Also on the 6's, authentics are always laced all the way to the top (correct me if I'm wrong). Unauthorized 6's usually skip the 2nd to last hole, probably because they're using a shorter lace length or just too lazy to do it right.



There are a few other differences in the lacing but I'll leave it at that. Hope this helps someone, any thoughts?
Haaaaaaaa! salty haterz in here. Adm Hating cuz he didnt get A pair.

no one is salty, J would be saying these same things if he got his or not.
you went from attempting to spread incorrect info to free posting after being told you were wrong
The easiest way to tell authentics apart from fakes/unauthorized is to look at the lacing.

There are a few other differences in the lacing but I'll leave it at that. Hope this helps someone, any thoughts?
I dont think you will be able to tell by looking at the laces. You need to look at the quality of materials and other (non human error features) These are hand laced. If they were laced by a robot, then you could probably say they would be 100% the same everytime.  But since different factories might not lace them the same as another factory 1000 miles away, it doesnt warrant a fake flag.
The easiest way to tell authentics apart from fakes/unauthorized is to look at the lacing.

Lol the top pair is my pair in picture

Its kind of tough to explain but on authentics, the lace coming from the outside of the shoe always go over the lace on the inside. I've seen only 1 or 2 fakes do this. For whatever reason fakes tend to lace their shoes with the inside lace overlapping the outside either on one shoe or both. Every Nike/Jordan I ever got was laced like this but I might be wrong on that.

Also on the 6's, authentics are always laced all the way to the top (correct me if I'm wrong). Unauthorized 6's usually skip the 2nd to last hole, probably because they're using a shorter lace length or just too lazy to do it right.

View media item 1022912

View media item 1022922

There are a few other differences in the lacing but I'll leave it at that. Hope this helps someone, any thoughts?
I dont think you will be able to tell by looking at the laces. You need to look at the quality of materials and other (non human error features) These are hand laced. If they were laced by a robot, then you could probably say they would be 100% the same everytime.  But since different factories might not lace them the same as another factory 1000 miles away, it doesnt warrant a fake flag.
Sorry but I disagree. The fact that laces have to be done by hand is my point. Nike/Jordan pretty much does all lacing the same but fakes could care less how their shoes are laced as long as everything else look on par with authentic. Some would say even unauthorized shoes are made in the same factories as authentics but even they are laced differently.
Finishline Pair to the Left, DopeFactory pair to the right.

I'll begin with the Finishline (FL) Pair:

-FL (Toe ain't Tumbled)

Now unto the DopFactory (DF) Pair:

-DF (Toe is tumbled) 

Side by Side Comparison. (FL on the Left. DF to the Right)

Now for an "Early Release" Pair From Overseas.  (apparently authentic; going with the seller's word)

-The Right toe appears (barely) tumbled while the Left isn't. 

 Mix/Matching all pairs. Up to you to figure 'em out. 
All in all, to the few naysayers or those in doubt, DF is legit. Their pair even appears to be of higher quality than the Finishline pair.

With regards to the ER pair, i leave that up to you to pass verdict. 

Picture overload y'all. My bad on that. 
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Picture overload y'all. My bad on that. :nthat:

so what's your verdict...
the one with the lower suspect rear spoiler has a different ankle bubble. from here judging by all my sixes just on shape alone that one looks fake to me

I've got over a dozen sixes. my fav shoes of all time. i had the originals in high school in 91 i think it was. this top pair i wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
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the pic could be off though also. could be the angle. you can hold them in your hand and tell. i don't have them in hand .
One of those is from the DF pair but i'd rather leave y'all with the guess-work. This might get interesting. 
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