Kanye West Assaults 18 Year Old For Extremely Racist Remarks...

Tough call.. Would you risk imprisonment for the sake of 'protecting' your family over a "verbal" threat? Risking time AWAY from them... It's ingrained in a lot of our minds to protect at all costs. Not that anyone should EVER be verbally assaulted and get away with it, but I still feel its a tough situation here.. One acts on instinct.

I was recently driving my car home from work and had a pedestrian nearly hit me (or myself hitting him) as I had a green left arrow. It was obviously his fault. He yelled some stuff at me. I was solo in the car. And still took offense to what he said. It took a few seconds to process what he said. But then I stopped on the side of the road, honked my horn, and dude came running at me.. Luckily he was 300 ft away, and I was able to have some time to think things through and decided to drive away peacefully. Less time to think... Family in the car? I dont know what I would have done.

I wonder if some celebs ever decide to just move away to the Midwest or other locales where its less stressful? You're set for life monetarily.. Now take care of yourself and fam and get out of that scary situation of people praying on you.
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Let me ask you all something; Regardless of your race, if you knew you'd get 1 million dollars out of a settlement, would you call a black celeb the N word if you had 100% confirmation that they would assault you? Theoretically speaking that is.


That's what Jordan called Chamillionaire...
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if i were kanye i would just whip out my phone if someone ever did it to me, point a video camera at a guy yelling at him like that and he will shup up real quick. well that or the vid gets posted online and he has a real hard time finding a job in the future 

violence is never the answer 
Publicity stunt? I know I'm not the only one thinking this....
Naw.  These fools have made themselves targets.  Now trouble follows them where ever they go.  They worth to much bread to be out here arguing and fighting with buffoons.  The b should've keep her mouth close and kept it stabbing.  Just goes to show how truly foolish and moronic Kimye truly are.  Now they're going to have lowlifes constantly coming at them looking for a quick payday.
It is odd to me that the dude is literally 18...

I mean, thats the only odd coincidence in this whole mess in my eyes.

He couldnt have been 17... or 19. He was literally exactly the age of legal adulthood.

I dont know... maybe im the only one that finds that a little odd.
there are like 30 people with cameras there, how is there no footage of this going down?
Let me ask you all something; Regardless of your race, if you knew you'd get 1 million dollars out of a settlement, would you call a black celeb the N word if you had 100% confirmation that they would assault you? Theoretically speaking that is.


That's what Jordan called Chamillionaire...
the video of him describing it was funny as hell lol
*Kanye shrug*

Would've done the same thing. In some cases (like this) an *** whooping is deserved. Shouldn't be charged.
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*Kanye shrug*

Would've done the same thing. In some cases (like this) an *** whooping is deserved. Shouldn't be charged.
well i think everyone can agree that he shouldnt be charged. but with the current legal system he probably will be charged so fair or not attacking the guy is not worth whatever amount of money ye will end up paying 
Forget what all you guys say the kid is the winner here. Kanye might have punched him but the kid is bout to punch out some extra bills from his atm.. Hard to believe someone as young as 18 in Cali is still getting that kinda deep indoctrination with racism.  The ****** lover comment makes he think he got the wrong message from that Chapelle skit

The south is more racially tolerant then SoCal.  Hard to believe there is very strong and blatant racism in BH oh that's rich

But on topic Ye stay losing these days.
this is the truest statement that I've read in awhile.  The Inland Empire is a white supremecists wet dream.

My old roommate was from there.....we used to beef
*Kanye shrug*

Would've done the same thing. In some cases (like this) an *** whooping is deserved. Shouldn't be charged.
well i think everyone can agree that he shouldnt be charged. but with the current legal system he probably will be charged so fair or not attacking the guy is not worth whatever amount of money ye will end up paying 

Why shouldn't he be charged?
Kanye is a damn near 40 year old man who just let an ignorant kid half his age get the best of him. :smh:

Kanye is a self destructive hothead and everyone knows it. Im willing to bet this kids intention was to get hit the whole time.
*Kanye shrug*

Would've done the same thing. In some cases (like this) an *** whooping is deserved. Shouldn't be charged.
well i think everyone can agree that he shouldnt be charged. but with the current legal system he probably will be charged so fair or not attacking the guy is not worth whatever amount of money ye will end up paying 
Why shouldn't he be charged?
well yeah.. i meant people can all see why he would attack the guy as what the dude did would make anyone mad. i actually agree that a verbal assault is not enough to warrant physical violence since it would leave a lot of grey area as to what words are bad enough to make it okay to punch someone which wouldnt work well in the legal system
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