Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

in my sunken place. s/o to ye for helping me get here.
I like what he's saying, but black people will forever be behind the 8 ball, and it was setup that way.

Black community is a mostly:
1) fighting to survive for an individual bloodline or
2) competing with one another.

The wealthy people are too busy making white people rich.

Only time black people come together is when it's time to condemn a white person. Usually a cop.
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I like what he's saying, but black people will forever be behind the 8 ball, and it was setup that way.

Black community is a mostly:
1) fighting to survive for an individual bloodline or
2) competing with one another.

The wealthy people are too busy making white people rich.

Only time black people come together is when it's time to condemn a white person. Usually a cop.

He could have made a point about the lack of generational wealth but really he isn't doing that.

He is complaining that there isn't a bigger class of extremely affluent black people that can leverage crony capitalism and nepotism to help their friends.

Even worse, he was doing it to make a point about supporting him becoming even more wealthy should be looked at as some pro-black economic program. Which was dumb

In the general scheme of things, having a few more black billionaires does little to nothing for most black people, Kanye becoming one would do even less. What Ye is peddling is some is just some self-serving black crony capitalism
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Yea not a fan when this girls start over doing it with the plastic surgery

but ain’t been a fan of Kim and that family as a whole for a minute
That...wasnt the point of the doc.

I ain't watched a second of it yet, but I get the feeling the guy who dropped everything he was doing just so he can follow an up and coming rapper back in 2003 didnt plan to **** on the subject of his film.

Missed a chance? Man go do your own doc and hit the points you want.
That...wasnt the point of the doc.

I ain't watched a second of it yet, but I get the feeling the guy who dropped everything he was doing just so he can follow an up and coming rapper back in 2003 didnt plan to **** on the subject of his film.

Missed a chance? Man go do your own doc and hit the points you want.

he could have just gone in thinking the subject or subject matter was interesting and would see where things went

like you, I haven’t watched.. but if I were going to watch, I’d hope we could figure out how things have changed for dude and explain why he is the way he is now

get the behind the scenes of the guy who felt complied to say George bush doesn’t care about black people.. and now he’s working with trump who has over half a century of evidence of blatant racism.. trump was literally being sued by the federal government for housing discrimination before kanye was even born

im not saying to shh on dude.. but you follow the story where it takes you.. also have to factor in how much control the subject has over the whole thing
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