Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

serious question, if we could call Kyrie an antisemite for posting a film that has antisemetic themes in it.

Are those white companies who make continuous slave films also all racist? the constnt images of black people getting whipped, dehumanized, called ******, raped etc etc What message does that relay? How does that not add to the hate & ignorance applied to black peopl in this country.

Would it be okay if a black media company decided to start making films about the Holocaust?
You may get a better answer here as the film is being discussed more in depth.
I think dude is banned from this thread

He was whining about getting banned from threads in the Umar thread a lil while back
ahhhh I see.

I would say the message of most, if not all movies about American slavery (in the modern era) is that slavery was inhuman, and an embarrassment. I never seen any of these films paint slaves are non-sympathetic figures and the slave owners are the righteous ones. But if there are films to the contrary, please let me know.

If anything , these films gives a reason to all the horror and injustices put on black people historically and currently. I would think these films help people who may not be black, become more sympathetic to black people.

Also is there a white company that's continuously pushing out slave films? What white owned film studio is this?

If black media companies are interested and want to financially produce more films on the Holocaust, I say sure why not?

Imagine needing a cosign from Hitler in your documentary to get your point across.

Imagine having a threshold > 0 for fake Hitler quotes in your "interesting video."

"This documentary, directed by Dominik Wessely, tells the story of a forgotten crime. It also explains how propaganda and toxic "fake news" reports can create an environment in which horrific crimes can be committed."

But does it cite any heretofore unseen "secret documents" from A. Dolph Hatler?

Inquiring minds want to know.

I would say the message of most, if not all movies about American slavery (in the modern era) is that slavery was inhuman, and an embarrassment. I never seen any of these films paint slaves are non-sympathetic figures and the slave owners are the righteous ones. But if there are films to the contrary, please let me know.

While there are overtly racist films about slavery, recent films most often succumb to "White savior complex" and outright invent or grossly exaggerate the role of White people in "righting the wrongs" of racism to assuage historical guilt while reducing Black characters to mere vessels of suffering devoid of agency and timidly awaiting deliverance by White benefactors.

It isn't necessary for such films to portray slavery itself as benign in order to practice self-serving historical revisionism that ultimately serves to reinforce contemporary racism. (e.g. "Racism happened a long time ago and White people fixed it, so what are you complaining about?")
with da kanye gif
a zinger if i ever did seen one mane

i need to see a more legit source for this

given the foothold adidas has in soccer plus the various college sports teams

kanye was more valuable than any nba player they sponsored.. but was he more valuable to the brand than say Messi
i need to see a more legit source for this

given the foothold adidas has in soccer plus the various college sports teams

kanye was more valuable than any nba player they sponsored.. but was he more valuable to the brand than say Messi

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That cachet, and the premium pricing it allowed, has paid off: Morgan Stanley analyst Edouard Aubin estimates that the Yeezy line has been generating €1.8 billion ($1.8 billion) in annual sales, about 8% of Adidas’s total revenue and more than 40% of the company’s profits.

It seems like they are saying if you take the sales number from Yeezy and divide by Adidas' total profit, it would be 40%

Not that the profit from Yeezy is responsible for 40% of Adidas' total profit
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