Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

I had to read between the lines a little bit, but I see what you're saying.
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

how many MAGA hats do you have?
What does that have to do with you getting yours? I honestly don't care about Trump or Ye personally. But the message is the truth. So what if Trump is rich. So what if Trump was poor. Has nothing to do with me. All I know is if you want something this is the land of opportunity for you to make it happen. Aren't you doing well as a photographer @ksteezy ? You are the example of someone working for what they want. I sound like an idiot? You're on a message board calling me names like a child because you don't agree with me. Have some respect lil ***.

Boy, you sure are riding their pipes hard for someone who doesn't care.

Log off and stop pepe trolling in your MAGA hat, white polo, khakis and yeezy's.
Does anyone here actually listen to Chance? Dude has always been trash to me for some reason.

Not a fan of his whole "independent" schtick either. We get it brah--you did it on your "own". *wink wink*

y u mad? chance is good music. he just...doesn't put out a lot of it for some reason lately lol. he teased a track with future a while back. joint sounded mean but it never got released (as far as i know :nerd:).

side rant..i hate when artists do that. don't tease damn near the whole track on some phone, and not release the joint. tf. either give it to the people or keep it to yourself.
I'd like to know what adidas thinks about this. Nike knew what kind of a nutcase Kanye was but I guess not to the extent like THIS :lol:
The funny thing about opinion is that we feel so good sharing our right and the one we value and then when someone flips who we say shares that opinion which is also an opinion, we freak out. That entire process is rather crazy and pretty revealing. This to is also an opinion. Stuff’s crazy family but we’ll see what happens.
You referring to the Future collab Smoke break? Chance a decent rapper way better than mumble rappers. His last mixtape isnt relatable for most people though so I get all the hate.
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.
The funny thing about opinion is that we feel so good sharing our right and the one we value and then when someone flips who we say shares that opinion which is also an opinion, we freak out. That entire process is rather crazy and pretty revealing. This to is also an opinion. Stuff’s crazy family but we’ll see what happens.
more like :

  1. pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.
People like to feel like they are right and others are wrong
Chance got a very punchable face
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