Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Lol at an independent candidate winning the presidency in the us, they'll go the sanders route and coopt whichever one of the major 2 parties that closest matches their policies.

Why do we take these people seriously outside of their area of expertise? Even folks we consider "smart" like NDT say some seriously stupid stuff when they get too far up their own ***.


Not the same Ye no mo
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.
u know dam well u don’t have any black or Mexican friends :rolleyes

The plant was successful in 2016.


Will the same be the case in 2020?

It's actually a really clever strategy to reelect Trump. Way more effective than what Kanye is up to. Because Kanye is overdoing it and now everyone just thinks he's plain crazy. But this "independent" rout is much more potent. It's way more realistic to try and convince the normally 90% democrat voting black demographic that both parties equally don't give a **** about black people, and every black vote driven away from Democrats and towards non-voting or voting for a third party is 90% as good as a vote for Trump.
The reason people like/support Trump is because he is all about you going out and getting yours, period. If you want something, then go work for it and get it. The people who disagree with that fall back on excuses like they usually do. Please show me an example of how Trump hates black people, Mexicans, and women. And find it on your own. Don't post a CNN reporter saying some BS. Trump hasn't said anything that I haven't heard from my black, Mexican, or white friends myself. Stop playing the victim. Yeah sure you may not be starting the race with some advantages other people have but that has nothing to do with you reaching the finish line. Cry babies.

Yeah, this is dumb. Tell me, oh Trumpist, where was the state when it was time to protect the folks of Black Wall Street when they had theirs?

Oh yeah, in the crowd of assaulters!

So read a bit about who you surround yourself with in the middle of the Trump adoration. Read a bit about the Central Park 5. Remember that Trump questioned the aptitude of an American judge because his background was Mexican.

Spent an hour of my morning reading r/The_Donald. Super litty over there. Was entertained.
The funny thing about opinion is that we feel so good sharing our right and the one we value and then when someone flips who we say shares that opinion which is also an opinion, we freak out. That entire process is rather crazy and pretty revealing. This to is also an opinion. Stuff’s crazy family but we’ll see what happens.

One thing we seem to have forgotten in America is that not all opinions are created equal. The belief in the opposite statement is the largest contributor to the campaign of disinformation currently led by a lot of people on the right side of the political spectrum.
Also, ****** don't listen to chance? I know he has a large white fan base but coloring book was dope
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