Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"


plural prostitutes

sometimes offensive: a person who engages in sexual intercourse in exchange for pay: SEX WORKER

a person (such as a writer or painter) who deliberately debases his or her talents (for money)

DeSantis the governor prostituted the state of Florida to that strategy.—Sun Sentinel Editorial Board, Sun Sentinel, 10 Jan. 2024

Prostitution is exchanging money/compensation for sexual activity

A swimsuit model monetizes their sexuality

So does a Hooters waitress

I think it would be silly to categorize those things as prostitution
in this modern era that’s the business front, behind the scenes is where the real money is made.
I ain’t got no problems with women capitalizing off simps and ducks. If these dudes are willing to pay to play even without having to, I have no sympathy or remorse. Dudes be tricking and don’t even take care of their kids. Dudes will alienate their whole offspring and family for a skeezer, then return 30 years later, disabled and seeking help from said kids. But, the woman he left them for bled him dry and left as soon as he was broke and sickly :lol: :lol: happens all the time

Don’t blame the modern women, blame the modern man being a mark.

Lastly, I still can’t understand why black America even supports or is enamored with that all fake everything Kardashian clan. It’s baffling to me. To each their own though.

But prostitution and women capitalizing off their looks is older than us and primal. Even female animals use tactics to gain the best suitor. It is what it is.

I’ve NEVER been mad at women using what they got to get what they want. Again, blame men, not women
The spirits of both Jezebel and Ahab are dangerous. Neither one should get a pass IMHO.

Allowing our culture and society to base itself upon those principles hasn't worked well for us judging by the results.

Half of me knows that silence implies consent and that if I'm not part of the solution, I'm part of the problem.

The other half:

Monetizing your sexuality = prostitution

I’d argue that we’re vastly approaching a point here in America where a good majority of our women are prostitutes and won’t own it.

wholeheartedly disagree, altho it is fasho the case that many more women (at least in here in the states) are 'comfortable' w/the idea of sexuality, be it their own or women in general, being a possible profit proposition without judgement/a negative connotation...which does have implications on how women are viewed by men
The military is about bravery and sacrifice, not just a transaction. That’s clearly a misrepresentation of a noble intentions and responsibilities of people who put their lives on the line for the safety and security of others.
The military is about bravery and sacrifice, not just a transaction. That’s clearly a misrepresentation of a noble intentions and responsibilities of people who put their lives on the line for the safety and security of others.

Do you believe people would go into the military if there were no benefits, and/or they had other choices. From the people I've been around joining the military was never a dream or goal it was a "I don't have any other way out" or "Its this or be broke" option. Never from patriotism. I've also never met a valedictorian with full rides to the college of their choice turn it down for the military as well.

I come in peace.
The military is about bravery and sacrifice, not just a transaction. That’s clearly a misrepresentation of a noble intentions and responsibilities of people who put their lives on the line for the safety and security of others.

This is a half truth. There are A LOT of bad people in the military. I’d argue a good majority. Some end up being police
This is a half truth. There are A LOT of bad people in the military. I’d argue a good majority. Some end up being police

What that got to do with the weather in Alaska. Is that why people call themselves not giving a damn about the troops? Yall see them as some sort of authority?
We talking about troops fam.

I know. And I said a lot of them end up on police forces.

And yes, most see them as virtuous authority figures simply because they are military without knowing anything about them personally. Which is why I don’t advocate for blindly worshipping the troops. Some of the most heinous crimes in American history were committed by people who were in the military. I’m not saying they’re all bad people but I’m not with that blind support across the board stuff
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I've been a high school teacher since 2018. I've worked in 2 different schools with polar opposites demographics and socio economic status.

One is predominantly white, suburban, upper middle class. Hardly anyone rides the bus these kids are parking BMW M4''s and Telsas in the student parking lot. A 4.0 gpa will put you at aound 40th in the class ranking. Kids are going to Ivy's, and top tier public schools like UVA, UNC, South Carolina, Michigan, UCLA just to name a few.

Every morning they say the pledge on the intercom and some teachers will even stop kids in the hall and make them stop walking until it's done. The National anthem is played before every sporting even regardless of how big the crowd is. At this school military recruiters would come TWICE a year, one time in each semester.

On the flipside same state, still a public school but this one majority black most kids are living below the poverty line lower test scores, more behavior problems and fights, less parent involvement y'all know how it go. At this school military recruiters used to show up once a month. Sometimes I would see them at the school during lunch multiple times a week especially in the spring semester. This school we never said the pledge in the morning, they didn't do the national anthem before games unless there was someone there who wanted to sing it live (on a big rivalry basketball or football game).

I say all that to say I don't really believe the whole "sacrifice" and "bravery" angle. Yeah sure thank you for your service but lets not sit here and act like you didn't do it for the paper. Captain America is fictional for a reason.
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