Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Do you believe people would go into the military if there were no benefits, and/or they had other choices. From the people I've been around joining the military was never a dream or goal it was a "I don't have any other way out" or "Its this or be broke" option. Never from patriotism. I've also never met a valedictorian with full rides to the college of their choice turn it down for the military as well.

I come in peace.

Comparing military service men/women to an Only Fans situation is oversimplify the complexities of both experiences. I do beleive people may enter the military for financial reasons or lack of alternatives, there are also those who genuinely feel a sense of duty, patriotism, or desire for adventure. Including, benefits beyond just a paycheck; educational opportunities, job training, and a sense of camaradie.

Reflecting on my own experiences, enrolling myself in military school would have prevented many of the mistakes I made during my teenage years and provided me with greater focus, discipline, and direction. It could have kept me away from negative influences and off the streets; probably had an easier outcome.
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Comparing military service men/women to an Only Fans situation is oversimplify the complexities of both experiences. I do beleive people may enter the military for financial reasons or lack of alternatives, there are also those who genuinely feel a sense of duty, patriotism, or desire for adventure. Including, benefits beyond just a paycheck, such as educational opportunities, job training, and a sense of camaradie.

Both are true, but which one do you think outweighs the other?
I say all that to say I don't really believe the whole "sacrifice" and "bravery" angle. Yeah sure thank you for your service but lets not sit here and act like you didn't do it for the paper. Captain America is fictional for a reason.

Financial stability may be the motivation for some, it's UNFAIR to dismiss the sacrifice and bravery of those who serve based solely on monetary reasons. Every last one of them enlist knowing the risks and challenges they will face, yet they still choose to put their lives on the line. Regardless, they haivng to have the willingness to leave behind familes, to endure tramua/hardship and to uphold the their duties. Lets not diminish and reduce that to a finanical transcation.
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That's a difficult question to answer. I think we need to recongize and respect their duties regardless of their primary reasoning for joining.

I disagree. The sentiment behind this argument is everyone who enlists is honorable in one way or another regardless and that simply isn’t true. You’re insulating bad people from accountability.

Back in the day if you were drafted, your primary reason for joining was because you did so under duress. Was that honorable?

I understand there’s a lot of nuance behind the subject but this attitude is how you get random people saluting anyone they see in an airport with fatigues on and for all you know they beating their wives or have literal or proverbial bodies in the basement. Honor is rare and the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Financial stability may be the motivation for some, it's UNFAIR to dismiss the sacrifice and bravery of those who serve based solely on monetary reasons. Every last one of them enlist knowing the risks and challenges they will face, yet they still choose to put their lives on the line. Regardless, they haivng to have the willingness to leave behind familes, to endure tramua/hardship and to uphold the their duties. Lets not diminish and reduce that to a finanical transcation.

The monetary benefits provided with enlisting makes it no longer a sacrifice. Personal financial gain isn't an ideal or belief that I should be in debt to someone for pursing. (Pat Tillman might be the only person this doesn't apply to and at this point part of me believes they killed that man so they could push this patriotism angle.)

Sacrifice - to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end.

The recruiters pitch to high schoolers is always centered around how they can further their education, save/earn money, set themselves up for financial stability down the line. It's not centered around a sense of purpose, patriotism, or serving the country. Personally I think it's predatory given the possibilities of what could go wrong but that's a different discussion. I can give you bravery because I'm not risking my life for a GI bill.

Mia Khalifa wasn't TECHNICALLY wrong because in a sense you are selling your body to the government so they can further their pursuit of "democracy and a free world" (unless the oppressors are Israel but I digress). To me the military is a job, just like the rest of us. We all know the risks and what comes with our professions they knew what is was when they signed up. If they got NOTHING for joining or were drafted my stance would be completely different.


ALSO I'm not saying they shouldn't get paid they absolutely should get everything they do and then some. But those benefits from my tax dollars is my thank you.
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I know. And I said a lot of them end up on police forces.

And yes, most see them as virtuous authority figures simply because they are military without knowing anything about them personally. Which is why I don’t advocate for blindly worshipping the troops. Some of the most heinous crimes in American history were committed by people who were in the military. I’m not saying they’re all bad people but I’m not with that blind support across the board stuff

You must live in a non-military city and dont really know many people in the military because this is such a weird and twisted way to view the military. Like you trying to find a reason to not like them(because you see them as an authority....for some reason. Even if you dont realize it.) Well, to you, a civilian, they are not an authority. They can't tell you to do ****. Being seen as "virtuous" and an "authority" is 2 wildly different things. Seeing the military as an 'authority' would be like seeing you house alarm system as an authority. They exists to protect he country from outside threats. Inside, they just some government employees. I I'd even go as far as to say most people don't even feel that way. Yes, there are some weirdo old guys that do have a thing for the military, but for the most part people aren't revering the actual person in the uniform, the revering the function and purpose of the military and signing themselves up for that ****. Because anyone in the know, know its a LOT of BS. So its like, what the hell are you mad at? Aint nothing wrong with not giving a damn, I don't give a damn. A bunch of my family were or are in the military, none of them became police officers, none of them walk around looking for admiration. Hell, my cousin did 2 tours in Iraq and took the veteran plates off his car once he moved to Texas because he got tired of old white dudes trying to talk him up on it. It almost sound like your problem with the military itself, its with people giving them praise. Like you're jelly.
I’ve got many military people in my family. Some active. I’m just not drinking the kool aid. Sorry

The fact that all the nonsense you just spewed is what you took from what I said is wild lol

Please tell me where I said virtue is synonymous with authority? Why would I say both? Wouldn’t that be a redundancy? Yes they’re 2 different things. And? Don’t deflect and go on a diatribe that has zero to do with my point. Take the cape off
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I know. And I said a lot of them end up on police forces.

And yes, most see them as virtuous authority
That aint you?
I’ve got many military people in my family. Some active. I’m just not drinking the kool aid. Sorry

The fact that all the nonsense you just spewed is what you took from what I said is wild lol

Please tell me where I said virtue is synonymous with authority? Why would I say both? Wouldn’t that be a redundancy? Yes they’re 2 different things. And? Don’t deflect and go on a diatribe that has zero to do with my point. Take the cape off
The fact that you think what I said is a deflection or caping FURTHER proves you on some childish ****. How you going to say you not drinking the Kool aid when you in the country, paying the taxes, voting in the politicians that maks sure the Kool aid gets made? You aint gonna do that tho. "Im not drinking the Kool aid", boy you got the biggest Kool-aid smile right now. :lol:
That aint you?

The fact that you think what I said is a deflection or caping FURTHER proves you on some childish ****. How you going to say you not drinking the Kool aid when you in the country, paying the taxes, voting in the politicians that maks sure the Kool aid gets made? You aint gonna do that tho. "Im not drinking the Kool aid", boy you got the biggest Kool-aid smile right now. :lol:

I’m not gonna question your comprehension skills even though I have reason to right now.

Most people, view military personnel, as virtuous, they also view them as authority figures. These are facts. Nowhere did I say that the 2 go hand in hand or that EYE personally feel that. I said 2 different words that have 2 different meanings. Can you at least grasp that part before we move on?
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Virtuous (adjective) is describing authority (noun)

That does not mean they are synonyms

Hope this clears things up :D
Personally I don't stand up for the pledge or national anthem.

George Bush doesn't care about black people

I'm a chelsea boot fanatic but I will side with a proud prostitute before I serve this country.
Personally I don't stand up for the pledge or national anthem.

George Bush doesn't care about black people

I'm a chelsea boot fanatic but I will side with a proud prostitute before I serve this country.

Whoa, whoa This is not high value behavior.
I always found the US' national anthem obsession very cult-like. Over here we've had a Prime Minister who didn't know any of the words to our national anthem.
I recall learning our national anthem once in elementary school but that's the only time I've ever recited it.
I couldn't tell you a single sentence from our national anthem. Neither do my family or friends. It's not something you ever hear anywhere, so naturally you forget everything about it.

So the idea of caring about the national anthem is a very foreign concept to me, much less having to recite it. To me, the Belgian national anthem is just pointless nonsense that I couldn't care less about. When our former Prime Minister got exposed for not knowing any part of the anthem, it was dubbed a scandal (especially in international press), but I just thought it was hilarious.
Stumbled upon this tweet and thought about this convo:

Did she lie?

I mean, from a risk management standpoint, she's got a point.

You take a shot to the face in the theater of war, you coming back in a wooden box. You take a shot to the face in the porn studio (pause), you coming back with a stack of cash and you just might become the next Kim K.

Damn, everyone got a soapbox now a days, huh?

Like, I really ain't trying to defend Kanye's words, but "caused untold heartache to many"? Word?

I must have really put my head in the sand on this one.
Do you believe people would go into the military if there were no benefits, and/or they had other choices. qpit was a "I don't have any other way out" or "Its this or be broke" option. Never from patriotism.
Many people wouldn't, but there are plenty of folks who do go into military service because their parents were service members.

Who serves when not all serve? This is a fundamental question for a nation that relies on volunteers to staff its military. In the United States, perhaps the strongest predictor of military service is having a family member who served—allowing for extended family members, it averages to about 80 percent of new recruits across the services. Going a step further, between 22 and 35 percent (depending on the service) are the child of a service member.

I've also never met a valedictorian with full rides to the college of their choice turn it down for the military as well.

I come in peace.

Military academies are free, and you graduate as an officer with a 4 yr degree.

As the article above says, most Americans will not meet these folks because they mostly live in, around, and between stateside/overseas bases.
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