KC Chiefs player kills girlfriend, then commits suicide at team facility

Stuff like this bothers me even though I don't know them. It's crazy how a split second can change the lives of so many people so quick. I'm not going to bash him even though I think it's messed up that he made people witness the murder and suicide. People just snap sometimes. I want to know more of what he said to Romeo and the GM. Ima give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that If it were possible to wake up and do the entire morning over differently, he would. Things just happen so quick. I feel for all of the family and friends involved with both Jovan and Kasandra.

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Per my sources the game is still going on as planned tomorrow....

Good news for my fantasy team 
I see y'all on your best Chris Broussard impression with this "my sources tell me..." nonsense. ***** It's plastered all over ESPN and NFLNet.
I jocked it from op 

was not srs bout having sources
honestly I dont feel the child will be affected
He or she is only 2 months old.......does any one remember anything in detail at 2 months old?
I feel as the child gets older the family will tell what happened but the child wont be attached to them cause he or she never really knew them
this same thing happend to my older cuzin
his dad shot his mom in the head and his dad got caught by the police and was sentenced to life all while he was a baby
he was adopted and raised by my grandmother and has never went to visit his dad to this day and I ask him all the time how he feels and he says he doesnt really know em so how can he feel hurt
now if this child was like 4 or 5 years and older then I could see the child being effected heavily
BUT then again its all in how the 2 families come together ad raise the child
I think the families will have a hard time tho! you have to plan 2 funerals and then you gonna have split family and friends like "oh he killed my daughter/niece/cousin/friend" then you gonna have his family with the "she drove him crazy" or something like that......just a big mess
On top of all this it was at the team facility in front of coaches and GMs :smh:
scary none the less

Yeah, the child won't be affected......only for the rest of their life. You serious. The child no longer has their parents. It's a pretty rough way to start off your life.
I just thought of something. Do you guys think one of his teammates was smangin ol girl and he went to arrowhead to settle the score?
It's just kinda strange that he went to the facility and then offed himself there. Maybe the coach and GM stopped him for doing further damage.
Whatever the case, it's just a terrible situation all around. :smh:

maybe the 3 month old baby "might" not have really been his........
if moms called 911, then she gave a police report, which will be available shortly, so we'll know what was up.
I don't judge suicide. People have their reasons and it's up to their families to cope. However you are going to defend a murder?
I can't, committing suicide is one thing, taking someone with you is indefensible. It's a cowardly act, not giving dude the benefit of the doubt.
I'm not defending the murder at all. But I'm also not going to start judging the guy without knowing if he was fighting some kind of emotional issues. Having been close to a couple of people that committed suicide, I've seen firsthand that you can go from completely normal to ridiculously irrational in the span of minutes for no reason whatsoever. The brain is such a ridiculously complex thing that even the best people studying the brain don't fully understand how it works or why people do some of the things they do. At this point there's no telling what was going on with him.
It was all over twitter like 15 minutes before it hit any major news outlet 
This is so sad. My sympathy & condolences go out to Belcher & Perkins families. I feel for that little baby. I hope she at least goes to a family member that will love & care for her. Sad to think she will grow up missing parents she will never be able to meet, get a hug from, etc.

As if the season wasn't tough enough to deal with, I feel for Crennel, Pioli, & anyone else in the Chief org that had to witness this. It will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Feel for KC fans too... Damn this is such a tragedy...
That's how I feel.

If you're going to go out, go out solo.

No reason to take people down with you

Sad enough the kid grows up with only one parent, now both are gone and a mother has to cope with witnessing her child being taken away in front of her.

I get the idea he didn't take anyone with him. I think he messed up real bad and killed her either on purpose or accident. He wasn't depressed or suicidal when he woke up that morning. He killed her realized what he had done and took his own life because he couldn't live with himself due to what happened. That's my theory at least.
Wow...my guess is...something went down, he didn't mean to kill her...knew he was done once the police found out...and ended his life where his dream started.

Crazy man. RIP

That's what I feel as well. Once he realized how badly he messed up in killing his girlfriend, he realized the dream was over and took his own life.
It damn sure doesn't help any situation when the local media, fans, and the nation crucifies then Chiefs for being the worst team in the league. Although the problems seem minor to us, the problems he had at home/away from home were of major issues to him.
Wow...my guess is...something went down, he didn't mean to kill her...knew he was done once the police found out...and ended his life where his dream started.
Crazy man. RIP

If you pull a gun on someone and shoot, there's obviously some intention there.

You just never know what's going through people's heads OR what can make them reach their breaking point.

Stuff like this bothers me even though I don't know them. It's crazy how a split second can change the lives of so many people so quick. I'm not going to bash him even though I think it's messed up that he made people witness the murder and suicide. People just snap sometimes. I want to know more of what he said to Romeo and the GM. Ima give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that If it were possible to wake up and do the entire morning over differently, he would. Things just happen so quick. I feel for all of the family and friends involved with both Jovan and Kasandra.
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From what I've been reading, he thanked both Crenell and Pioli before walking off and shooting himself.
She was at a trey songz concert the night before and came home late supposedly. Then they started arguing
I don't think it was an accident because he shot her multiple times
Such a sad situation for the wife and daughter, growing up without both parents is something i could never imagine.

I'm sure dude overreacted to whatever the situation was and panicked. Emotions can be a *****

Hopefully somebody somewhere will learn from this.
:x :rolleyes :smh: at all the speculation in here man. please just stop. no one knows anything. the story could come out and have all of y'all like "oh...well never mind i just figured..." shut up. y'all don't know these people.
i just feel so bad for the daughter.
life is scary.

Let's leave it at that. No need for everyone to act like detectives at this moment.
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Chiefs player Jovan Belcher kills girlfriend, then himself
Jovan Belcher shoots longtime girlfriend with family nearby, then drives to Arrowhead for suicide.
The Kansas City Star

The argument apparently started about 1 a.m. Saturday, when Kasandra Perkins returned to her Kansas City home from the Trey Songz concert at The Midland and drinks afterward with friends.

Her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, lived with her and was mad that she’d stayed out so late, a friend of Perkins said.

The disagreement ended tragically about seven hours later, when Belcher killed Perkins by shooting her multiple times at the couple’s home, witnessed by his mother who was in from New York visiting the couple and their 3-month-old daughter.

Belcher then drove the few miles to Arrowhead Stadium, where, in a parking lot outside the team’s practice facility, Belcher fatally shot himself as Chiefs General Manager Scott Pioli, Coach Romeo Crennel and other team personnel tried to stop him.

News of the deaths spread quickly and resonated around the nation. Expressions of sympathy poured in from current and former Chiefs, other National Football League players and teams, college football coaches and others.

“I am devastated by this morning’s events,” Chiefs linebacker Tamba Hali tweeted Saturday afternoon. “I want to send my thoughts and prayers out to everyone affected by this tragedy.”

Police Capt. David Lindaman said Belcher, 25, and Perkins, 22, were arguing at their home in the 5400 block of Crysler Avenue in Kansas City. Around 7:50 a.m., Lindaman said, Belcher shot Perkins.

Lindaman said Belcher’s mother called 911, and Perkins was taken to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Belcher left the scene on Crysler and drove his Bentley to the Chiefs practice facility at Arrowhead, said police, who were called to the training facility there

When Belcher arrived there he encountered Pioli, Crennel and another team coach. Police said Chiefs staff attempted to keep Belcher from committing additional acts of violence.

“He had a conversation with Scott Pioli,” Lindaman said. “There was no threat and it was quite friendly, from what I understand. The Chiefs organization had been very supportive of him and he was expressing that.”

Belcher then walked a few feet away and pulled out a handgun. Chiefs staffers tried to intervene, but Belcher shot himself in the head.

Police were called about 8:10 a.m., and when they arrived they heard the gunshot and found Belcher fatally wounded.

Relatives of Perkins declined to comment, and Belcher’s family could not be reached. Lindaman said Belcher’s mother was interviewed by police.

The friend of Perkins who said the argument started after the Trey Songz concert did not want her name to be used because of the sensitivity of the situation. As news of the deaths spread, she and other friends gathered outside the home where Perkins and Belcher lived.

Perkins went to high school in Austin, Texas, and came to Kansas City about three years ago. The friend said she and Belcher had dated for most of that time.

Another friend, Jennifer Ashley, said Perkins started dating Belcher after being introduced to him by the wife of another Chiefs player.

“She was sweet, very nice and down to earth,” Ashley said. “She cared about people. She was a person who didn’t talk about her problems.”

Ashley said Perkins had been a student at Blue River Community College and was studying to become a schoolteacher. Ashley said she had not enrolled in classes for the fall semester because of her daughter’s birth.

Ashley said she last spoke to Perkins on Friday as they left a yoga class at the 24 Hour Fitness in Independence. Ashley told Perkins that she missed seeing her. They hugged and went their separate ways.

“I’m really glad I got to see her,” Ashley said. “She is a really good person. This is surreal.”

Pictures on Perkins’ Facebook page show she was a proud mother, displaying images of the baby sleeping, smiling, taking a bath and looking up at her dad. Just 10 days before her death, Perkins posted photos from the baby’s checkup at the doctor.

She told her Facebook friends that her daughter received three inoculations and joked that the baby didn’t like the nurse. Back in October, she posted a photo of her and the baby with the words, “Just hangin w/mommy.”

A friend posted that the baby looked like “Jovan’s twin.” Perkins replied: “Jovan Jr.”

On Sept. 14, three days after the baby’s birth, Perkins posted a photo on Facebook of Belcher holding their daughter. She wrote: “My loves.”

Brianne York, 21, described herself as a close friend of Perkins.

“She was a very good person, she was fun to be around and very loving,” she said. “I don’t know why he’d want to hurt her like that.

“I love her and I wish she was still here … and I wish Jovan was still here, too. I think they could have worked it out. It shouldn’t have happened.”

York said the couple appeared to be getting along well the last time she visited.

“I was just over there a few days ago and everything seemed fine and they seemed to be happy,” she said. “We were good friends, but they liked to keep their relationship personal.”

But other friends who came to the home on Crysler said the couple argued frequently.

The friend who asked not to be identified said early Saturday morning seemed no different.

Perkins had accompanied a group of friends to the Trey Songz concert. Afterward, the group went for drinks and was having a good time, the friend said.

Belcher called Perkins’ cellphone, wanting to know when she was coming home, the friend said, and after Perkins arrived about 1 a.m., the couple argued.

Belcher, originally from Long Island near New York City, had been with the Chiefs for four years. He joined the team as an undrafted free agent out of the University of Maine.

Chiefs owner Clark Hunt released the following statement: “The entire Chiefs family is deeply saddened by today’s events, and our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy, thoughts and prayers for the families and friends affected by this unthinkable tragedy.

“We sincerely appreciate the expressions of sympathy and support we have received from so many in the Kansas City and NFL communities, and ask for continued prayers for the loved ones of those impacted. We will continue to fully cooperate with the authorities and work to ensure that the appropriate counseling resources are available to all members of the organization.”

The Star’s Kevin Collison contributed to this report.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/12/01/3943246/chiefs-player-kills-girlfriend.html#storylink=cpy
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