Keep it real...Why does America hate my people?

Not to be a crab in a barrel. But honestly why do Mexican people complain about the way they are treated?? Yet when Central American immigrants(El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala) go through Mexico they are routinely beaten, robbed, raped, killed and pretty much treated worse then the United States treat you. Yet you sit on a soap box complaining about the treatment of your people and turn around and pretty much make it a living hell for anyone that goes through Mexico to cross here. I feel bad the way immigrants are treated in this country but maybe you Mexico should look in the mirror before they try to protest about the treatment of there citizens as illegal immigrants.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Still Georgia

Ballerific703 wrote:

I was raised in a Puerto Rican house and it's just how we view y'all. I'm not gonna say what my uncles, aunts, cousin or mother has said but let's say I've been brainwashed and I see everything they say

That really hurts coming from a fellow hispanic. How did your family come to the US?

you're in luck that Ricanw/e is banned, or else you'd be EXTREMELY disappointed how racist he was towards Mexicans.
I don't know how any of this is surprising, I've heard Dominican's say some WILD shh about Ricans, Cubans and all of that. I've heard Salvadorians say crazy shhh about cats from Guatemala. That's how Spanish people are, the only time we stick up for another Latin culture is when white people or black people wanna talk about another hispanic culture, other than it's always pretty much war. If you don't think so than you were raised in a polite and nice household. 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Still Georgia

Ballerific703 wrote:

I was raised in a Puerto Rican house and it's just how we view y'all. I'm not gonna say what my uncles, aunts, cousin or mother has said but let's say I've been brainwashed and I see everything they say

That really hurts coming from a fellow hispanic. How did your family come to the US?

you're in luck that Ricanw/e is banned, or else you'd be EXTREMELY disappointed how racist he was towards Mexicans.
I don't know how any of this is surprising, I've heard Dominican's say some WILD shh about Ricans, Cubans and all of that. I've heard Salvadorians say crazy shhh about cats from Guatemala. That's how Spanish people are, the only time we stick up for another Latin culture is when white people or black people wanna talk about another hispanic culture, other than it's always pretty much war. If you don't think so than you were raised in a polite and nice household. 
Originally Posted by REDUCE523

Not to be a crab in a barrel. But honestly why do Mexican people complain about the way they are treated?? Yet when Central American immigrants(El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala) go through Mexico they are routinely beaten, robbed, raped, killed and pretty much treated worse then the United States treat you. Yet you sit on a soap box complaining about the treatment of your people and turn around and pretty much make it a living hell for anyone that goes through Mexico to cross here. I feel bad the way immigrants are treated in this country but maybe you Mexico should look in the mirror before they try to protest about the treatment of there citizens as illegal immigrants.

Originally Posted by REDUCE523

Not to be a crab in a barrel. But honestly why do Mexican people complain about the way they are treated?? Yet when Central American immigrants(El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala) go through Mexico they are routinely beaten, robbed, raped, killed and pretty much treated worse then the United States treat you. Yet you sit on a soap box complaining about the treatment of your people and turn around and pretty much make it a living hell for anyone that goes through Mexico to cross here. I feel bad the way immigrants are treated in this country but maybe you Mexico should look in the mirror before they try to protest about the treatment of there citizens as illegal immigrants.

Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Still Georgia

Ballerific703 wrote:

I was raised in a Puerto Rican house and it's just how we view y'all. I'm not gonna say what my uncles, aunts, cousin or mother has said but let's say I've been brainwashed and I see everything they say

That really hurts coming from a fellow hispanic. How did your family come to the US?

you're in luck that Ricanw/e is banned, or else you'd be EXTREMELY disappointed how racist he was towards Mexicans.
I don't know how any of this is surprising, I've heard Dominican's say some WILD shh about Ricans, Cubans and all of that. I've heard Salvadorians say crazy shhh about cats from Guatemala. That's how Spanish people are, the only time we stick up for another Latin culture is when white people or black people wanna talk about another hispanic culture, other than it's always pretty much war. If you don't think so than you were raised in a polite and nice household. 

Spanish people are from Spain

There really is no Latin culture. There are many nationalities from Latin America each with their own culture, but there is no one Latin culture or all encompassing culture that defines Latin American people. Everyone is different - different histories, ethnicities & races, traditions, etc.

Maybe that (tries to) happen here in the US with so many different nationalities being lumped into one group by everyone just cause it's easier to categorize and label people (and the ones who are doing that are usually not of Latin American background to begin with), but just because your Dominican doesn't mean you have any close, personal relationship with someone who might be from Chile and so on.
Originally Posted by Ballerific703

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Still Georgia

Ballerific703 wrote:

I was raised in a Puerto Rican house and it's just how we view y'all. I'm not gonna say what my uncles, aunts, cousin or mother has said but let's say I've been brainwashed and I see everything they say

That really hurts coming from a fellow hispanic. How did your family come to the US?

you're in luck that Ricanw/e is banned, or else you'd be EXTREMELY disappointed how racist he was towards Mexicans.
I don't know how any of this is surprising, I've heard Dominican's say some WILD shh about Ricans, Cubans and all of that. I've heard Salvadorians say crazy shhh about cats from Guatemala. That's how Spanish people are, the only time we stick up for another Latin culture is when white people or black people wanna talk about another hispanic culture, other than it's always pretty much war. If you don't think so than you were raised in a polite and nice household. 

Spanish people are from Spain

There really is no Latin culture. There are many nationalities from Latin America each with their own culture, but there is no one Latin culture or all encompassing culture that defines Latin American people. Everyone is different - different histories, ethnicities & races, traditions, etc.

Maybe that (tries to) happen here in the US with so many different nationalities being lumped into one group by everyone just cause it's easier to categorize and label people (and the ones who are doing that are usually not of Latin American background to begin with), but just because your Dominican doesn't mean you have any close, personal relationship with someone who might be from Chile and so on.
Originally Posted by Noskey

They're lazy.
They take our jobs.

That's why.

that makes sense
Whether they came here illegally or not, Mexican immigrants are generally really nice and humble people. I don't support illegal immigration but put that @#$% aside for a second you'll see that there's nothing that warrants outright hatred and disgust for Mexicans.
This country always makes its citizens fear certain groups when times are bad. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Arab, Mexican, etc...We are always searching for a scapegoat 
Whether they came here illegally or not, Mexican immigrants are generally really nice and humble people. I don't support illegal immigration but put that @#$% aside for a second you'll see that there's nothing that warrants outright hatred and disgust for Mexicans.
This country always makes its citizens fear certain groups when times are bad. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Arab, Mexican, etc...We are always searching for a scapegoat 
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by REDUCE523

Not to be a crab in a barrel. But honestly why do Mexican people complain about the way they are treated?? Yet when Central American immigrants(El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala) go through Mexico they are routinely beaten, robbed, raped, killed and pretty much treated worse then the United States treat you. Yet you sit on a soap box complaining about the treatment of your people and turn around and pretty much make it a living hell for anyone that goes through Mexico to cross here. I feel bad the way immigrants are treated in this country but maybe you Mexico should look in the mirror before they try to protest about the treatment of there citizens as illegal immigrants.


Because the actions of a few doesn't represent the sentiments of a larger majority?
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by REDUCE523

Not to be a crab in a barrel. But honestly why do Mexican people complain about the way they are treated?? Yet when Central American immigrants(El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala) go through Mexico they are routinely beaten, robbed, raped, killed and pretty much treated worse then the United States treat you. Yet you sit on a soap box complaining about the treatment of your people and turn around and pretty much make it a living hell for anyone that goes through Mexico to cross here. I feel bad the way immigrants are treated in this country but maybe you Mexico should look in the mirror before they try to protest about the treatment of there citizens as illegal immigrants.


Because the actions of a few doesn't represent the sentiments of a larger majority?
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