Keep it real...Why does America hate my people?

I like Mexicans, especially their food and the woman. .

Mexicans also know how to party. Throw some Carne on the grill and drink some Pacifico. .
*On a side note*

I just seen the illest documentary that I've seen so far in 2011 "The Anatomy of Hate". It's coming back on at 11pm, on 'The Documentary Channel". Highly recommend it.

Carry on.....
*On a side note*

I just seen the illest documentary that I've seen so far in 2011 "The Anatomy of Hate". It's coming back on at 11pm, on 'The Documentary Channel". Highly recommend it.

Carry on.....
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

You guys didn't get it.
He said they're lazy....and followed up with they take our jobs. can they be lazy when they are taking our jobs? Who are the lazy ones now?

Thank you
I thought it'd be an easy enough joke for you people to get...

Yeah, I changed your quote just so I could I say that... I honestly don't know how people didn't get your joke earlier
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

You guys didn't get it.
He said they're lazy....and followed up with they take our jobs. can they be lazy when they are taking our jobs? Who are the lazy ones now?

Thank you
I thought it'd be an easy enough joke for you people to get...

Yeah, I changed your quote just so I could I say that... I honestly don't know how people didn't get your joke earlier
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

You guys didn't get it.
He said they're lazy....and followed up with they take our jobs. can they be lazy when they are taking our jobs? Who are the lazy ones now?

Thank you
I thought it'd be an easy enough joke for people to get...

not funny I| keep them racist jokes to your family son

Making fun of stereotypes =/= racist joke. But sorry if I offended you.

apology accepted
e-fist pump
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

You guys didn't get it.
He said they're lazy....and followed up with they take our jobs. can they be lazy when they are taking our jobs? Who are the lazy ones now?

Thank you
I thought it'd be an easy enough joke for people to get...

not funny I| keep them racist jokes to your family son

Making fun of stereotypes =/= racist joke. But sorry if I offended you.

apology accepted
e-fist pump
Not even close to all Americans... but for those who do, a good majority it is because they were pushed to it by the fear machine... Seems to work every time..

Then there are those who are just racists, so it really doesn't matter fear machine or not.
Not even close to all Americans... but for those who do, a good majority it is because they were pushed to it by the fear machine... Seems to work every time..

Then there are those who are just racists, so it really doesn't matter fear machine or not.
I got nothing but respects for Mexicans in general too. They're hard-working and take the jobs that most people don't want to do, just to have an opportunity to live in America. As a son of Asian immigrants I think I can really relate to that.
I got nothing but respects for Mexicans in general too. They're hard-working and take the jobs that most people don't want to do, just to have an opportunity to live in America. As a son of Asian immigrants I think I can really relate to that.
My parents came from Mexico to live a better life. They birthed my sister and I here

They don't have papers or ANYTHING, my dad has a full-time job and my mom was laid off last year from her job of 13 years, because she had no papers.

They pay taxes too
I don't know why people say Mexicans don't pay Taxes. My parents also bought a house and without papers or a license, don't know how. Had to move out since it was expensive.

They are excited, because once I turn 21 in Dec i can hook them up with papers.

Well point is my parents have worked their entire life here in U.S along with their friends and family. they work really hard and pay their taxes.
My parents came from Mexico to live a better life. They birthed my sister and I here

They don't have papers or ANYTHING, my dad has a full-time job and my mom was laid off last year from her job of 13 years, because she had no papers.

They pay taxes too
I don't know why people say Mexicans don't pay Taxes. My parents also bought a house and without papers or a license, don't know how. Had to move out since it was expensive.

They are excited, because once I turn 21 in Dec i can hook them up with papers.

Well point is my parents have worked their entire life here in U.S along with their friends and family. they work really hard and pay their taxes.
Originally Posted by Prime Suspects 36

just the illegal ones....$$$
Hell....The MEXICANS i know hate illegal`s......

The 2 mexican supervisors at my old job used to DOG illegal`s all the time.  They say that if their parents could go the legal way and get into this country, then they should do it that way also.

They also @%*%% and moan because of the tax`s thing too...saying they are costing them money was funny at first, but i understood after awhile.
Originally Posted by Prime Suspects 36

just the illegal ones....$$$
Hell....The MEXICANS i know hate illegal`s......

The 2 mexican supervisors at my old job used to DOG illegal`s all the time.  They say that if their parents could go the legal way and get into this country, then they should do it that way also.

They also @%*%% and moan because of the tax`s thing too...saying they are costing them money was funny at first, but i understood after awhile.
Originally Posted by Mjvskb24vs23

My parents came from Mexico to live a better life. They birthed my sister and I here

They don't have papers or ANYTHING, my dad has a full-time job and my mom was laid off last year from her job of 13 years, because she had no papers.

They pay taxes too
I don't know why people say Mexicans don't pay Taxes. My parents also bought a house and without papers or a license, don't know how. Had to move out since it was expensive.

They are excited, because once I turn 21 in Dec i can hook them up with papers.

Well point is my parents have worked their entire life here in U.S along with their friends and family. they work really hard and pay their taxes.

A toda madre..

Originally Posted by Mjvskb24vs23

My parents came from Mexico to live a better life. They birthed my sister and I here

They don't have papers or ANYTHING, my dad has a full-time job and my mom was laid off last year from her job of 13 years, because she had no papers.

They pay taxes too
I don't know why people say Mexicans don't pay Taxes. My parents also bought a house and without papers or a license, don't know how. Had to move out since it was expensive.

They are excited, because once I turn 21 in Dec i can hook them up with papers.

Well point is my parents have worked their entire life here in U.S along with their friends and family. they work really hard and pay their taxes.

A toda madre..

Originally Posted by Still Georgia

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

because this is a troll thread let me go back and note that the OP showed just one negative element of "his people" - which should lead everyone to believe that he ain't of mexican descent in the first place

most mexicans aren't jumping fences and crossing rivers or even standing outside home depot. mexicans are much more than the stigma they've been labeled with. that being said, the issue of illegal immigration is much larger issue attributable to one or even a small grouping of nationalities

You can label me a troll all you want's cool. The reason I decided to use those pics is because that is what "most" close-minded people think of when they hear the word Mexican. Not that it should matter but I am Mexican-American. Basically what that means is that I am one of those rare mexicans that is lazy.
it was sort of the equivalent of entrapment the way you posted, but if that was your true intention then i apologize.

i think the general consensus that mexicans, or certain other nationalities of latin american immigrants as being invaders or job and/or social welfare thieves is completely misguided and draws attention away from a lot of negative sentiment people in this country have of foreigners or "marginalized" ethnicities in general.

i don't agree with the way many people (mexican or otherwise) have entered this country illegaly and made it even more difficult for those who actually try to follow the rules to become legal residents and citizens, but i definitely don't side with those who use that argument as a guise for their extremist views.
Originally Posted by Still Georgia

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

because this is a troll thread let me go back and note that the OP showed just one negative element of "his people" - which should lead everyone to believe that he ain't of mexican descent in the first place

most mexicans aren't jumping fences and crossing rivers or even standing outside home depot. mexicans are much more than the stigma they've been labeled with. that being said, the issue of illegal immigration is much larger issue attributable to one or even a small grouping of nationalities

You can label me a troll all you want's cool. The reason I decided to use those pics is because that is what "most" close-minded people think of when they hear the word Mexican. Not that it should matter but I am Mexican-American. Basically what that means is that I am one of those rare mexicans that is lazy.
it was sort of the equivalent of entrapment the way you posted, but if that was your true intention then i apologize.

i think the general consensus that mexicans, or certain other nationalities of latin american immigrants as being invaders or job and/or social welfare thieves is completely misguided and draws attention away from a lot of negative sentiment people in this country have of foreigners or "marginalized" ethnicities in general.

i don't agree with the way many people (mexican or otherwise) have entered this country illegaly and made it even more difficult for those who actually try to follow the rules to become legal residents and citizens, but i definitely don't side with those who use that argument as a guise for their extremist views.
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Honestly, I used to not be a fan of Mexicans because of illegal immigration. I allowed those who came to this country illegally to influence my opinion of the Mexican people as a whole. I used to be angry that illegal immigrants mothers would intentionally come to US soil and show up at a hospital that could not refuse service to them by law and give birth to her child to take advantage of the 14th Amendment birthright citizenship clause, all while bailing on the bill and forcing tax payers to pay it.

Then, I spent three years in Texas and now live in southern California, and I have a completely different opinion of Mexicans. I love Mexicans. I love the determination of the people to do whatever it takes to try to better the lives of their families. When you think about it, we all are extremely fortunate to be American citizens. We could have easily been born in a repressive country that doesn't recognize individual rights. How can you fault someone for just wanting fairness? That's all these people want. They want an opportunity to earn a living and raise their families. This sense of entitlement that we have as American citizens is ridiculous. Yes, I understand that we pay taxes for the rights that we have, and yes, there is a system in place for foreigners to acquire citizenship, but I don't think anyone can tell me with a straight face that if they were forced to live in a country dominated by vicious drug lords and terrible government, that they wouldn't do everything in their power to help their families have a better life. These people risk everything for freedom. That's incredible to me. Those Mexicans who are here illegally and are currently bypassing taxes would gladly pay taxes for the opportunity to live in this country without fear of being deported. I don't think you can fault anyone for trying to better there family.

Additionally, Mexicans are extremely hospitable people. It seems that there is no such thing as a stranger. I love how warm they embrace one another and don't exploit each other. Mexicans are great people, and I wish more people would take the opportunity to learn about their culture and be empathetic to the the circumstances contributing to their plight.

I got nothing but love for my Mexican people.

We need more people like you.
Why the United States hates mexicans? Because we people don't hate our own kind...
Why the United States hates mexicans? Because we people don't hate our own kind...
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

Honestly, I used to not be a fan of Mexicans because of illegal immigration. I allowed those who came to this country illegally to influence my opinion of the Mexican people as a whole. I used to be angry that illegal immigrants mothers would intentionally come to US soil and show up at a hospital that could not refuse service to them by law and give birth to her child to take advantage of the 14th Amendment birthright citizenship clause, all while bailing on the bill and forcing tax payers to pay it.

Then, I spent three years in Texas and now live in southern California, and I have a completely different opinion of Mexicans. I love Mexicans. I love the determination of the people to do whatever it takes to try to better the lives of their families. When you think about it, we all are extremely fortunate to be American citizens. We could have easily been born in a repressive country that doesn't recognize individual rights. How can you fault someone for just wanting fairness? That's all these people want. They want an opportunity to earn a living and raise their families. This sense of entitlement that we have as American citizens is ridiculous. Yes, I understand that we pay taxes for the rights that we have, and yes, there is a system in place for foreigners to acquire citizenship, but I don't think anyone can tell me with a straight face that if they were forced to live in a country dominated by vicious drug lords and terrible government, that they wouldn't do everything in their power to help their families have a better life. These people risk everything for freedom. That's incredible to me. Those Mexicans who are here illegally and are currently bypassing taxes would gladly pay taxes for the opportunity to live in this country without fear of being deported. I don't think you can fault anyone for trying to better there family.

Additionally, Mexicans are extremely hospitable people. It seems that there is no such thing as a stranger. I love how warm they embrace one another and don't exploit each other. Mexicans are great people, and I wish more people would take the opportunity to learn about their culture and be empathetic to the the circumstances contributing to their plight.

I got nothing but love for my Mexican people.

We need more people like you.
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