Kid Really Enjoyed Sitting Courtside Next to Rihanna at the Lakers Game

You mad ppl not feeling a hood rat ? :lol:

Unrustled over here.

I'm too old to let you rustle my jimmies over a who you think is hotter discussion lol.

Over 2 people I don't even know at that lol.

It's all a matter of taste in the end and I just don't see the hype in RiRi. I'm actually baffled over it.
Meh personally rather my chick look like this in a paparazzi pic

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Then this

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KC cute but ain't no way I'm choosing her over Rihanna :lol:

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Yup y'all right, this ***** is a 10

I forgot, NT is the place where you count down the years until a 16 yr old is of age n where a boys body is fit, and a women's is fat/NT thick.

You mad ppl not feeling a hood rat ? :lol:

you sir are smoking wet
KC over rih all day every day
Type of dudes to wife a ******* then wonder a year later why a man with a orange jail suit is knocking at your door :lol:
So you rather argue Rihanna's skin tone then be offended homeboy said if she was your color she wouldn't be successful? I guess

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I cant be offended off of people's mindset, and his assumption is not without reason based off how Hollywood works.
In general since she lacks vocal talent a lot of people question why she is so successful,It comes with the territory.
But Jordin sparks is light skin and she can actually sing yet sadly she doesnt have rih success
So rihanna must have something going on for her other than being light.

I was just shocked you dont think she is light.

That kid really does look like the dopple ganger of freewille kid
I cant be offended off of people's mindset, and his assumption is not without reason based off how Hollywood works.
In general since she lacks vocal talent a lot of people question why she is so successful,It comes with the territory.
But Jordin sparks is light skin and she can actually sing yet sadly she doesnt have rih success
So rihanna must have something going on for her other than being light.

I was just shocked you dont think she is light.

That kid really does look like the dopple ganger of freewille kid

Rihanna lacks vocal talent? I understand if you don't like her music, but she has an incredible voice.
And yes a dime preppy black chick>>>>>

I don't know what y'all team Keisha Cole cats be on.

I dated a dime hood chick for 2 years and dropped her *** this past summer. Chick was way too clingy and sad inside to be as bad ash she is. On top of that she had a horrible attitude simply because no dude ever checked her since she was like 11 due to her looks.

Either the dime hood chicks have no souls or their like these wounded animals or they're just super angry and conceited.

It took you two yrs to realize she was ratch

Stop downplaying her success because you don't like her, that's a female trait.

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I don't dislike her I just happen to like real rnb music not liking gimmicky artist who come out with albums every year so they can stay relevant and monopolize is not a female trait,
I also don't like Miley :lol:
My dad was a jazz singer so I have had the Greats in my ear all my life .

But I didn't realize you were a Stan, my bad carry on.
Body wise kiesha wins but Rihanna face is better.

I understand if you don't like her music, but she has an incredible voice.

Incredible? :lol:

Most of these celebs don't sound good live consistently taylor, selena,katy...,this is one of the reasons why Adele made it so big she came at a time where mainstream pop singers can't sing for ****

Studio enhancement are miracle workers
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aw mane, i was gon say it look like hes annoying her based off of the first two pictures, shes leaning over like "ew"

but i see the finesse

but if he aint get her number, what we talkin bout?
Y'all can't act this way in real life man :lol:

Some of y'all are the weirdest, most awkward people I have ever come across.

And Nomad I can't believe you think you're on a higher level of intelligence than people around you and feel so entrapped by your own intellect when you say some of the dumbest **** I have ever seen. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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NT is the land of extremes

KC is not a 10 and Rihanna is not a 4

KC not even as attractive as someone like Keri Hilson who isn't a 10

And Rihanna is not below average

Y'all throw around 10 easily. Calling someone a 10 means no other females look better than her, equal at best.

If KC is a 10 I hate to see what y'all are calling 7s/8s
Y'all ****** crazy.

Rihanna is all types of BAD.
She's on my "I'd let her per on me " list.

You dudes crazy.
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