KRS One Speaks On Politics & Barack Obama("The NWO Just Put On A Black Face")

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

NWO is supposed to be what? A trillion dollar machine years in the making. And yet, they would let a simpleton like KRS One figure them out. It all makes sense.

It's not the NWO, Illuminati, or any other !%@!.

It's called "those with real power". No, not the politicians.

"Those with the gold make the rules."
The people with the gold haven't changed much throughout history.
Their only goal is to maintain that stash.
p.s. Wait. So in a nation that exhibited and still exhibits racism towards blacks, Obama just made it on his own? Seriously?
The power structure which has used racism to drive domestic politics for so long just let Obama roll through?

No offense, but your own ignorance leads you to that conclusion, that he needed the help of various vanilla men to get to where he is. Just because youaren't aware of how he shot up to prominence so fast, doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

It's not the NWO, Illuminati, or any other !%@!.

It's called "those with real power". No, not the politicians.

"Those with the gold make the rules."
The people with the gold haven't changed much throughout history.
Their only goal is to maintain that stash.

I said NWO because that is what that idiot Krs One said. As far as what you're saying is concerned, names? Evidence? Please, keep the weird conspiracysites to a minimum.
^^^Why do you keep fronting like you are going to look into the evidence that people present to you.

I still remember the thread last year when people presented you with an assortment of legit info, including Harvard grad Carrol Quigley's first handexamination of the American power structure...and you totally ignored it all.

No one is forcing you to believe anything that you don't want to but stop being so patronizing.
he's making some valid points with the nwo crap aside. You guys discredit a guy because he can't beat Nelly in a rap battle? Cmon, that isirrelevant.
^^^Why do you keep fronting like you are going to look into the evidence that people present to you.

I still remember the thread last year when people presented you with an assortment of legit info, including Harvard grad Carrol Quigley's first hand examination of the American power structure...and you totally ignored it all.

No one is forcing you to believe anything that you don't want to but stop being so patronizing.

Find thread, don't remember. Second, why shouldn't I be patronizing? On what grounds do you agree with him? Assuming I won't read evidenceisn't grounds to not present evidence. Did you vote this election? Obama? If so, you know you're just supporting a puppet right? According to Dr. KrsOne.
Sure it is.

Im not in the habot of wasting my time trying to explain something to someone who is not willing to listen.

Yes I voted. I voted Obama.

Yes I know I voted in a puppet.

I agree with him that there are greater forces at work propelling America's destiny behind the curtains and that a Obama's agenda and the agendas ofmany blacks who are investing so much hope in him...don't necessarily match.
Hey, if not for me, do it for all the blind sheep out there who aren't listening to this uneducated rapper. I'm not sure why you voted for Obama then.You might as well have not voted, it would have been more true to what you believe in. Hopefully, you didn't vote for him because he is black. Cause yousure as hell didn't vote for him because of his policies...since he's not the one in charge of anything.
Things are not always as cut and dry as people like you want to make it seem....but it really doesn't matter.

A debate with you is pointless.

Been down that road already.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Hey, if not for me, do it for all the blind sheep out there who aren't listening to this uneducated rapper. I'm not sure why you voted for Obama then. You might as well have not voted, it would have been more true to what you believe in. Hopefully, you didn't vote for him because he is black. Cause you sure as hell didn't vote for him because of his policies...since he's not the one in charge of anything.
Why would you say He is uneducated?
All politicians are puppets.

You think that changed because Barack is half black?

Lobbyist, special interests and financiers run America.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

All politicians are puppets.

You think that changed because Barack is half black?

Lobbyist, special interests and financiers run America.
Im having a hard time grasping why you would vote if thats your mindset
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

The Commander-in-Chief telling the American public, in his own words, that we have lost control of our political apparatus to the influence of corporate interests.

Wait which president signed the agreement with the federal reserve? Wasn't it Eisenhower? I remember whoever it was saying they regretted doing so a shortwhile after because of the power they gave away.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

p.s. Wait. So in a nation that exhibited and still exhibits racism towards blacks, Obama just made it on his own? Seriously?
The power structure which has used racism to drive domestic politics for so long just let Obama roll through?

No offense, but your own ignorance leads you to that conclusion, that he needed the help of various vanilla men to get to where he is. Just because you aren't aware of how he shot up to prominence so fast, doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

It's not the NWO, Illuminati, or any other !%@!.

It's called "those with real power". No, not the politicians.

"Those with the gold make the rules."
The people with the gold haven't changed much throughout history.
Their only goal is to maintain that stash.

I said NWO because that is what that idiot Krs One said. As far as what you're saying is concerned, names? Evidence? Please, keep the weird conspiracy sites to a minimum.

You can't be serious can you?

Obama came on up on his own without the assistance of the power structure in the US.
C'mon now. For real.

Do you realize how fast a politicians campaign can be annihilated. Simply destroyed.
These folks run the media. If they want you out. You will be out and there's nothing you can do.

The fact that Obama has been on the fast track to the Presidency ever since his Illinois State Senate days should only add impetus to the argument that thereare powerful forces that were/are behind him.

It has very little to do with conspiracies. It has to do with reality.

You're talking about ignorance? Go pick up some history books. Start with early written history, end with today. You'll notice ever present commondenominators. Lots of them.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

All politicians are puppets.

You think that changed because Barack is half black?

Lobbyist, special interests and financiers run America.
Im having a hard time grasping why you would vote if thats your mindset
Couple of different reasons....

I try to stay involved and educated in the political process. Just because my family is dysfunctional....doesn't mean I have to turn my back on themcompletely.

Obama's rhetoric was great.

His community organizing background is admirable.

His election opens up the floor for debate on many needed topics in American society.

My children can see a black face at the top of their blackboard in school.

I admired his earlier stances and agreed with many of his proposals and views.

I had (and still do) have some faith in his sincerity.

For a variety of reasons....
You can't be serious can you?

Obama came on up on his own without the assistance of the power structure in the US.
C'mon now. For real.

Do you realize how fast a politicians campaign can be annihilated. Simply destroyed.
These folks run the media. If they want you out. You will be out and there's nothing you can do.

The fact that Obama has been on the fast track to the Presidency ever since his Illinois State Senate days should only add impetus to the argument that there are powerful forces that were/are behind him.

These folks, they, them. Who are these people? You need to start putting names to what you're saying, or else people will just think you're scared ofan invisible enemy.

Obama's rhetoric was great.

His community organizing background is admirable.

His election opens up the floor for debate on many needed topics in American society.

My children can see a black face at the top of their blackboard in school.

I admired his earlier stances and agreed with many of his proposals and views.

I had (and still do) have some faith in his sincerity.

You admitted Obama is a puppet. Meaning everything you think you admire about just based off what the puppeteer wants you to believe. In essence, youare still supporting the Machine.
Yes and 1 + 1 = Jupiter.

I don't get how you can deny you're being a hypocrite by voting for Obama. You view him as a puppet, under the control of some dark shadowy secretsociety, yet you voted for him. All the qualities you think Obama has, in your own view, is attributed to whoever controls him. Since, he has no real powerhimself.

Why would you be proud to show your children Obama's picture in the future? After all, he wouldn't be there without the help of a bunch of good 'olboys and if you look closely enough at his portrait, you can see the clear strings attached by his shoulders and elbows.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

You can't be serious can you?

Obama came on up on his own without the assistance of the power structure in the US.
C'mon now. For real.

Do you realize how fast a politicians campaign can be annihilated. Simply destroyed.
These folks run the media. If they want you out. You will be out and there's nothing you can do.

The fact that Obama has been on the fast track to the Presidency ever since his Illinois State Senate days should only add impetus to the argument that there are powerful forces that were/are behind him.

These folks, they, them. Who are these people? You need to start putting names to what you're saying, or else people will just think you're scared of an invisible enemy.

Start with Federal Reserve Bank of NY, GS, JPM, C, MS, BK, XOM, RDS, BBH, NT (Northern Trust) ,SST ,and on and on.

Study the country's founding starting with Jamestown (the Virginia company) -- no these folks didn't come here to seek "freedom"--- and laterNew Netherlands (Dutch East India Company).

The purpose of the US was never "freedom". It sounds good.
We got lucky that men like Jefferson, Madison, etc. knew what the [historical] game was and tried to protect future generations (albeit 'white'generations because they were racists in their own right).

"The business of America is Business" were the truest words ever spoken.

Politicians don't run countries. Money runs countries because money is the single most integral part of "civilization".
Ignore the theatre (politicians), follow the money.
Yeah, he doesn't even really have the power to speak words out of his own mouth or render independent opinions....the scary NWO reptilians really controlhis thoughts and speech remotely from their hidden lair in Sweden

You can be a puppet in your position at work...does that mean that someone is controlling your every thought and action?

Grow up and use your brain.
Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

who the hell does KRS think he is?

all of a sudden he's a political advisor?


dude WAS an ok rapper.

but i doubt he's even been to college
you don't have to be a political advisor or a college graduate to understand this !!%$, it's about intellect.

americans have the power to question their government, KRS is hitting a pretty valid point. He is so hyped right now, a lot of the things like "taking usout of the recession" will take time. War with Iran or Pakistan is a very real possibility, what happens if we do go to war? They aren't even closeto taking troops out of Iraq, that could take up to 5 years or more.

at people who take KRS-One's interviews seriously.
Really? because he is saying everything that the a lot of critics are saying right now, he's speaking the truth.

Damn I voted for Obama but some of yall went on and drank the kool-aid
Start with Federal Reserve Bank of NY, GS, JPM, C, MS, BK, XOM, RDS, BBH, NT (Northern Trust) ,SST ,and on and on.

Study the countries founding starting with Jamestown (the Virginia company) -- no these folks didn't come here to seek "freedom" and later New Netherlands (Dutch East India Company).

The purpose of the US was never "freedom". It sounds good.
We got lucky that men like Jefferson, Madison, etc. knew what the [historical] game was and tried to protect future generations (albeit 'white' generations because they were racists in there own right).

Usually how a debate works, is that you come up with the evidence to support your conclusion. Giving me names of companies without providing a causal linkbetween them and being the puppeteer is not evidence. It isn't up to me to sift through thousands of years of human history to prove YOU correct. If youmake these claims, you have to make the connections and present them here, not me.
Yeah, he doesn't even really have the power to speak words out of his own mouth or render independent opinions....the scary NWO reptilians really control his thoughts and speech remotely from their hidden lair in Sweden You can be a puppet in your position at work...does that mean that someone is controlling your every thought and action? Grow up and use your brain.
Yeah...except his job happens to be the President of the United States. Any action or thought that is of any relevance to you, would come downthrough laws, decrees, etc. By your theory, you really think the puppeteer wouldn't have their hands on EVERY action he makes as president? I thinkyou're just having a hard time justifying supporting a puppet along with voting him in as president. I really hope the fact that he was black wasn'tthe main reason you voted him in. But it sure is looking that way.
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