KRS One Speaks On Politics & Barack Obama("The NWO Just Put On A Black Face")

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Start with Federal Reserve Bank of NY, GS, JPM, C, MS, BK, XOM, RDS, BBH, NT (Northern Trust) ,SST ,and on and on.

Study the countries founding starting with Jamestown (the Virginia company) -- no these folks didn't come here to seek "freedom" and later New Netherlands (Dutch East India Company).

The purpose of the US was never "freedom". It sounds good.
We got lucky that men like Jefferson, Madison, etc. knew what the [historical] game was and tried to protect future generations (albeit 'white' generations because they were racists in there own right).

Usually how a debate works, is that you come up with the evidence to support your conclusion. Giving me names of companies without providing a causal link between them and being the puppeteer is not evidence. It isn't up to me to sift through thousands of years of human history to prove YOU correct. If you make these claims, you have to make the connections and present them here, not me.
I can't sit here recounting to you what others have written about in tens of thousands of pages. I still have hundreds of thousands of pages to go. I know that I still don't know much.

Your claims are historical fiction.

Its pointless man.

I cant believe anyone who has ever taken the time to look for their own conclusion (for both sides of the argument) and has not scratched their head at what they have found and instantly been motivated to find out more is not part of the solution. Which ever side you fall on in this discussion is irrelevant but to deny the countless inconsistencies from credible sources (sometimes even "them" themselves) is someone who is never going to open their eyes.

If someone has ever read quotes of David Rockefeller they would at least acknowledge it MAY be true to some extent. There are sheeps on bothsides however

And people making an ad hominem argument against KRS-One make me chuckle oh the irony.



i mean, there MAY be truth behind this...


KRS One has been a ranter for over a decade...

please, please, please don't try to give this man any sort of credibility on any topic...

even if you agree with him, citing KRS One automatically weakens your argument

that's like someone in an human rights debate citing adolf hitler...

Your comparison is so silly its not even funny. We know the sky isnt made of glass because we can test it and we know that we dont breath in sugarvapor because we can test it. Just like we know there maybe be something behind the scenes because people behind the scenes have SAID SO. You act like there isonly theoretical evidence. And that is beside the point. The evidence is irrelevant to most people obviously but the fact there is credible evidence and to notacknowledge what is right before your eyes is stupid...point blank.

And I am not giving KRS-One any credibility at all but to make an ad hominem fallacy against him for what ever he is saying makes you just as stupid as he verywell may be.
David Rockefeller:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.

If this doesn't tell you anything, I don't know what will...
Originally Posted by nnarum

David Rockefeller:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
If this doesn't tell you anything, I don't know what will...

Ill one up you
David Rockefeller:
For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government? Don't you think things would be much more peaceful? Travel would be easier? There would beno conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again. There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies firstclass and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago. Ifanything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worryabout what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united peopleto confront them head on and take care of them.

Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also saidthis.
David Rockefeller
I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master.

By the way, if you're going to quote the mans memoirs, at least give the FULL quote. Its easy to take things out of context and make it whatever you want.

"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

"The anti-Rockefeller focus of these otherwise incompatible political positions owes much to Populism. 'Populists' believe in conspiracies, and one of the most enduring is that a secret group of international bankers and capitalists, and their minions, control the world's economy. Because of my name and prominence as the head of the Chase for many years, I have earned the distinction of 'conspirator in chief' from some of these people.

"Populists and isolationists ignore the tangible benefits that have resulted from our active international role during the past half-century. Not only was the very real threat posed by Soviet Communism overcome, but there have been fundamental improvements in societies around the world, particularly in the United States, as a result of global trade, improved communications, and the heightened interaction of people from different cultures. Populists rarely mention these positive consequences, nor can they cogently explain how they would have sustained American economic growth and the expansion of our political power without them."
Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government?
Well we want Independence. Us God followers know what the bible says about it. 2000+ years ago and its talking about whats going on now. But forme, a one world government is backed by the anti-christ/satan and is doom for the human race. I'll go more into detail if you are willing to listen.

Don't you think things would be much more peaceful?
Peace cannot be obtained in this current world. Anyone who preaches this and can deliver cannot be trusted. Trust me on this one duke.

Travel would be easier? There would be no conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again.
Please dude I hope you are being sarcastic. A one world economy is complete bad news. It sounds good but trust me, IT ISN'T.
There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies first class and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago.
Yeah instead it would be one powerful stable of countries and your under the power of someone who you really don't want to be affiliated with.

If anything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worry about what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united people to confront them head on and take care of them.
We do need to improve this world but I doubt we can. I believe the best bet is putting stock into saving people. I know many NT'ers don'tbelieve what I believe but realize what I'm saying. I'm not preaching death onto you. I'm not sugar coating anything. I don't have any secretmotives. I just want to let you know there is a way out. There is light at the end of the tunnel if you follow it.
Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also said this.
Well not quite but He sure doing him favors.

IMO it is just history repeating it self..and as we can see how the corruption of government by religion and a one world religion turned out cant we?
They want a one worlds religion to. And you know what. Its not a terrible idea in the right hands (God's hands) but these dudes have a oneworld religion all right. You'll think your praising God/Jesus but end up worshiping the beast.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government? Don't you think things would be much more peaceful? Travel would be easier? There would be no conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again. There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies first class and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago. If anything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worry about what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united people to confront them head on and take care of them.

Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also said this.
David Rockefeller
I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
Well that is a whole different discussion and frankly I look to history to tell me that it IS a bad thing.

Think about history and think of what this situation is analogous to and here are some clues

Bankers = Priests
Money (or more practically debt) = Religion.

IMO it is just history repeating it self..and as we can see how the corruption of government by religion and a one world religion turned out cant we?

By the way, if you're going to quote the mans memoirs, at least give the FULL quote. Its easy to take things out of context and make it whatever you want.

Good points you make at least you seem to be looking at this with some clarity but it was pretty obvious by the quote that I quoted that David thinks he isright and doing it for the good of the people. So did Hitler.. The point is you are letting someone pick what is best for you. I dont agree with thatregardless of how much they think they know what is best for me. So yea his intentions may be wonderful just like all people before him but that doesnt meanthe results wont be disastrous.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government?
Well we want Independence. Us God followers know what the bible says about it. 2000+ years ago and its talking about whats going on now. But for me, a one world government is backed by the anti-christ/satan and is doom for the human race. I'll go more into detail if you are willing to listen.

Don't you think things would be much more peaceful?
Peace cannot be obtained in this current world. Anyone who preaches this and can deliver cannot be trusted. Trust me on this one duke.

Travel would be easier? There would be no conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again.
Please dude I hope you are being sarcastic. A one world economy is complete bad news. It sounds good but trust me, IT ISN'T.
There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies first class and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago.
Yeah instead it would be one powerful stable of countries and your under the power of someone who you really don't want to be affiliated with.

If anything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worry about what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united people to confront them head on and take care of them.
We do need to improve this world but I doubt we can. I believe the best bet is putting stock into saving people. I know many NT'ers don't believe what I believe but realize what I'm saying. I'm not preaching death onto you. I'm not sugar coating anything. I don't have any secret motives. I just want to let you know there is a way out. There is light at the end of the tunnel if you follow it.
Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also said this.
Well not quite but He sure doing him favors.

RKO, I have deep respect for your religious beliefs and the way you continuously defend yourself on this board without losing it is pretty amazing, however Iam not a believer in a Christian sense. I don't believe that a man/group of people who can possibly bring peace are evil. They aren't Gods either, buttrying to bring peace is not a rational sign of something evil. While I can understand that we all want independance, we are all human. We are all equal, andwe all share this world. No peice of land on this earth belongs to one group, race, or religion. It is ours, and we need to realize this. Why do you have somuch doubt that we could possibly improve our world if we all really put our heads together. I don't want to wait for that light at the end of the tunnelwhen death comes, I want that light to be US, the human race. We need to be our own saviors. The power of one person could be an issue, so maybe if we weredivided up into a Parlimentary system such as a number of European countries are, only on a much larger scale. We could all be represented then. Just throwingthese ideas out there. I'm all for nationalism at times, but I think if we, as humans, got together as one, we could do a lot for one another.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

It's not being caught up in a matrix, it's about giving somebody a CHANCE. Dude JUST got in office... and lol@ people still riding Dead Prez.. droppin knowledge,,,??? about the white man being the devil and robbin white boys and #@+%??? Come on...

Seriously??? Hating somebody because of their race and telling people to do the same thing is not droppin knowledge. I don't care what race you are. Granted, they do drop SOME, but cancel it out by being so hateful.

I understand what you mean about the hateful part... That comes with the anger some people have against a RACE of people...... I for one dont hate white peoplebut I hate people who are greedy for power and money who happen to be white... If Obama is down with them he's on the kufi list as well.. I for one dontdiscriminate ... This NWO is bigger than race it US vs THEM.... KRS was rocking with Alex Jones so that right there cancels out a race issue... If he spittingat a Black Isrealite rally then we'd have a race issue
Another thing you are leaving out of your analysis CallHimAR is the economic concept of "diminishing returns"

History pretty much shows us that when civilizations and societies get to big they well...fall

I guess it comes down to do you believe what he thinks is best for you is best for you? And do you believe he can be successful in his vision? I dont reallybelieve either are true so by that I am going to oppose what is taking place here.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government? Don't you think things would be much more peaceful? Travel would be easier? There would be no conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again. There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies first class and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago. If anything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worry about what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united people to confront them head on and take care of them.

Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also said this.
David Rockefeller
I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
Well that is a whole different discussion and frankly I look to history to tell me that it IS a bad thing.

Think about history and think of what this situation is analogous to and here are some clues

Bankers = Priests
Money (or more practically debt) = Religion.

IMO it is just history repeating it self..and as we can see how the corruption of government by religion and a one world religion turned out cant we?

By the way, if you're going to quote the mans memoirs, at least give the FULL quote. Its easy to take things out of context and make it whatever you want.

Good points you make at least you seem to be looking at this with some clarity but it was pretty obvious by the quote that I quoted that David thinks he is right and doing it for the good of the people. So did Hitler.. The point is you are letting someone pick what is best for you. I dont agree with that regardless of how much they think they know what is best for me. So yea his intentions may be wonderful just like all people before him but that doesnt mean the results wont be disastrous.

I mean you have a slight point, but there wasn't a complete one world religion. I do see what you're getting at though. However, debt andconsumerism are both products of the United States. We are horrible when it comes to this and we know it. We use credit for nearly everything we buy, and nowits coming back to bite us. The only people we need to blame for debt are ourselves. No one is forcing me to go out and buy a pair of $180 shoes when I onlyhave $100 in the bank, that's my choice.

As soon as he starts talking about the extermination of specific people and things of that nature, he will clearly be wrong in everyone's eyes. Howeverthere really does not seem to have a malevolent tone. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

See the post I made regarding what RKO said about one person choosing what is best. I agree that that is wrong.

Another thing you are leaving out of your analysis CallHimAR is the economic concept of "diminishing returns"

History pretty much shows us that when civilizations and societies get to big they well...fall

I guess it comes down to do you believe what he thinks is best for you is best for you? And do you believe he can be successful in his vision? I dont really believe either are true so by that I am going to oppose what is taking place here.
Good point as well. Everyone would need to be kept happy, which is a pretty impossible task. But, my view isn't that there should be a oneworld totalitarian rule, but possibly a one world democratic rule with a Parliament type system. This way it would be changing in intervals.

Many times societies collapse because of degradation of morals, excessive amounts of war, and separation of people by class. If there were no classes andpeople were kept content with what they had. If we all helped one another out then that would be eliminated. Constant war would be eliminated because we wouldall be together in the struggle to survive, and realize that we need one another. The moral issue is something that is completely different, but could besolvable.
Originally Posted by gladiator25

He couldn't even beat nelly in a rap battle.
You should find the tallest building in your area, make way to the roof and leap off of it.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government? Don't you think things would be much more peaceful? Travel would be easier? There would be no conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again. There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies first class and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago. If anything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worry about what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united people to confront them head on and take care of them.

Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also said this.
David Rockefeller
I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
Well that is a whole different discussion and frankly I look to history to tell me that it IS a bad thing.

Think about history and think of what this situation is analogous to and here are some clues

Bankers = Priests
Money (or more practically debt) = Religion.

IMO it is just history repeating it self..and as we can see how the corruption of government by religion and a one world religion turned out cant we?

By the way, if you're going to quote the mans memoirs, at least give the FULL quote. Its easy to take things out of context and make it whatever you want.

Good points you make at least you seem to be looking at this with some clarity but it was pretty obvious by the quote that I quoted that David thinks he is right and doing it for the good of the people. So did Hitler.. The point is you are letting someone pick what is best for you. I dont agree with that regardless of how much they think they know what is best for me. So yea his intentions may be wonderful just like all people before him but that doesnt mean the results wont be disastrous.

I mean you have a slight point, but there wasn't a complete one world religion. I do see what you're getting at though. However, debt and consumerism are both products of the United States. We are horrible when it comes to this and we know it. We use credit for nearly everything we buy, and now its coming back to bite us. The only people we need to blame for debt are ourselves. No one is forcing me to go out and buy a pair of $180 shoes when I only have $100 in the bank, that's my choice.

As soon as he starts talking about the extermination of specific people and things of that nature, he will clearly be wrong in everyone's eyes. However there really does not seem to have a malevolent tone. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

See the post I made regarding what RKO said about someone choosing what is best. I agree that that is wrong.

I think you are wrong here.

I do not doubt for one second that people over spent and share some blame. But the system in which this all happened is based upon debt. And this system wascreated by the Federal Reserve which is owned by its member banks and the main member bank is JPMorganChase which is the Rockefeller bank.

So you have to ask your self was this done in YOUR best interest or their's? If you read upon the history of the battles between bankers and the common manthroughout history I think the answer becomes clear. Even if it wasnt by intelligent design the fact that Mr Rockefeller is not doing anything to change thepitfalls in the system, in fact he is perpetuating these pitfalls and trying to make them larger, tells me at least he is not operating in my interest but hisown no matter how much he tries to mask it by pointing out his accomplishments.
RKO, I have deep respect for your religious beliefs and the way you continuously defend yourself on this board without losing it is pretty amazing,
Thank you it is not is. Sometimes I be sitting here about to flip out though.

however I am not a believer in a Christian sense. I don't believe that a man/group of people who can possibly bring peace are evil.

I see where your coming from and I understand. You know the easiest way to win people over? Give them what they want and tell them what they want to hear. Ibelieve the surface idea is cool, but with me I know what they are planning. I honestly don't even think most of the people involve even know who they areworking for. I wouldn't say they all sit there and say "We almost got their souls", I believe they say "Our way is the way and they mustfollow by any means". But the problem is their way is also leading us into the hands of evil.

Why do you have so much doubt that we could possibly improve our world if we all really put our heads together. I don't want to wait for that light at the end of the tunnel when death comes, I want that light to be US, the human race. We need to be our own saviors.
I know. I understand. I said the same thing before. If things weren't going to happen as they are I have faith in the human race to turn thisworld around. I actually believe we control our destiny and the rate in which the world goes. But when you have so much bad it takes away from the good. Forevery good thought you and I have, there is four more people to come up with bad thoughts. The end is inevitable, but I believe we possibly can prolong things,but I also know its only band aids over a much bigger wound. It almost brings me to tears that this world has to end the way it does. Life is a great thing. Asmuch as I argue with dudes on here I still got love for all of them. But the problem is there are more and more people who are being lost. Its getting worseand worse everyday and there is a force who prays off our wants and desires.

There is a time and place for peace. We just have to get there. And remember, people may knock God/Jesus/The Bible but they are still standing. The bible waswritten long ago and said avoid a one world way of government/religion/economy. Its another warning we do not follow.
If one world government would be better than why do Empire's spread so much discontent and death?

It doesn't matter what they say. Look at what they do.
If they're all for peace than why do they fund global wars and empire's?

p.s. it's cuz they make lots of money from it and keeps them on top.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Honestly, why is everyone so afraid of a One World Government? Don't you think things would be much more peaceful? Travel would be easier? There would be no conversion of money. Maybe money would actually be backed by gold again. There would be no extremely powerful, elite countries where everyone flies first class and has three cars or heavily impoverished nations where children are starving and dying of diseases that the wealthier nations cured 100 years ago. If anything we need to focus on a more global scale. We need to learn to help one another instead of solving our problems with bombs and bullets. We need to worry about what we are doing to our environment, because the U.V. Rays do not discriminate. Instead of ignoring these issues, we would be forced, as a united people to confront them head on and take care of them.

Also, I'm not entirely sure if this is the same David Rockefeller since you guys make him seem like the devil himself, but he also said this.
David Rockefeller
I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
Well that is a whole different discussion and frankly I look to history to tell me that it IS a bad thing.

Think about history and think of what this situation is analogous to and here are some clues

Bankers = Priests
Money (or more practically debt) = Religion.

IMO it is just history repeating it self..and as we can see how the corruption of government by religion and a one world religion turned out cant we?

By the way, if you're going to quote the mans memoirs, at least give the FULL quote. Its easy to take things out of context and make it whatever you want.

Good points you make at least you seem to be looking at this with some clarity but it was pretty obvious by the quote that I quoted that David thinks he is right and doing it for the good of the people. So did Hitler.. The point is you are letting someone pick what is best for you. I dont agree with that regardless of how much they think they know what is best for me. So yea his intentions may be wonderful just like all people before him but that doesnt mean the results wont be disastrous.
I mean you have a slight point, but there wasn't a complete one world religion. I do see what you're getting at though. However, debt and consumerism are both products of the United States. We are horrible when it comes to this and we know it. We use credit for nearly everything we buy, and now its coming back to bite us. The only people we need to blame for debt are ourselves. No one is forcing me to go out and buy a pair of $180 shoes when I only have $100 in the bank, that's my choice.

As soon as he starts talking about the extermination of specific people and things of that nature, he will clearly be wrong in everyone's eyes. However there really does not seem to have a malevolent tone. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

See the post I made regarding what RKO said about someone choosing what is best. I agree that that is wrong.

I think you are wrong here.

I do not doubt for one second that people over spent and share some blame. But the system in which this all happened is based upon debt. And this system was created by the Federal Reserve which is owned by its member banks and the main member bank is JPMorganChase which is the Rockefeller bank.

So you have to ask your self was this done in YOUR best interest or their's? If you read upon the history of the battles between bankers and the common man throughout history I think the answer becomes clear. Even if it wasnt by intelligent design the fact that Mr Rockefeller is not doing anything to change the pitfalls in the system, in fact he is perpetuating these pitfalls and trying to make them larger, tells me at least he is not operating in my interest but his own no matter how much he tries to mask it by pointing out his accomplishments.

He himself is not in complete control of the Fed however. If he were then you would have every right to say this, but he can't control whathis peers do. Hes only one piece of a broader puzzle.
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