**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

sluggish finish to the first half. Team's a little flat with no Larry and Jose is old and slow but he's getting acclimated in his first action. Not sure if I like him playing at all though. Hopefully Luke gets the team going in the 2nd.
DLO starting to irritate me now. For the past 3 games his body language on the court has been piss poor. He runs around nonchalant, he looks disinterested like he doesn't wanna be there.
When his teammates does something good he is not as excited as the rest of the team ...ionno whats going on behind doors with him but it's something. He isn't being aggressive or nothing.
Its almost like he reverted back to his rookie year. I am not sure if its because he thought he was gonna be the man when Luke got here or what. Like he thought he was just gonna be Steph Curry and put up 30 shots a game and play 40 min a night.

And his passing continues to be horrible....

Oh won't you look at this....as soon as I start ripping him he wants to wake up.....
I had a bad feeling going into tonight's game this would be a trap game.

I really HATE how the Lakers are making Seth Curry look like an allstar tonight :smh:
Staples center sounds DEAD. There is no excuse for a lack in energy at home. They win 3 games in a row and this is how they ack. :smh:
Gotta ride the three point shooting the rest of the game because it surely won't be the defense.
I figured the days of Deng being a "stopper" were over, but gahdammie he is getting cooked by Barnes.
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