LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

No room for comments about slobbing or pole riding or anything along those lines, though.
He should come back with a better jumper....who am I kidding though, he has been working on that jumper for 12 years and it just got worse :lol:
LeBron James Jr is probably a better shooter than his daddy

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His jumpshot is mechanically flawed, he'll never be an elite or even good shooter, his #s outside the paint in the playoffs were despicable.
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Lebron seems like the type of athlete that's gonna really balloon up when he retires.... Damon Jones-esque
That's what happens when you get off the juice, just look at Busta Rhymes and Timbaland all that muscle gone turn to flab.
duncan 1999 nba finals - 45.8 minutes per game

payton 1996 nba finals - 45.7 minutes per game

hakeem 1995 nba finals - 44.8 minutes per game

jordan 1993 nba finals - 45.7 minutes per game

45.7 minutes per game aint ish
Guys settle down, focus all your hate at LeBron please
Hash out your Kings/Lakers rivalry elsewhere k thx

Kobe has gone multiple seasons with first & second round losses but nobody is keeping score of that just Finals records
As someone posted recently, LeBron basically gets a bye into the Finals every single year.  Him making the finals regularly and comparing that to Kobe, Duncan and other greats who have been bounced out in the 1st or 2nd round a few times is not a fair comparison.

Kobe and Duncan literally have had to face a team lead by a Hall of Famer pretty much every round of the playoffs they have ever played.  LeBron has faced Hall of Famers ONCE in his career, and that was when they were in their mid 30s and played on the same team.

I wish he would, but Bron would never come to the West.  He will continue to play Junior Varsity, when players like Kobe and Duncan have been playing Varsity their whole careers.
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