LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

Same ****, Different Year 
So this may be trivial, but there was a play early in the game yesterday that was a perfect example of why I hate Lebron so much.

Kevin Love was completely oblivious to the shot clock being at around 4 seconds.  At around 1.5 seconds, the ball was passed to LeBron (who was fully aware of the shot clock situation).  Bron takes one dribble, passes the ball, and the buzzer goes off for a shot clock violation.  

What does Bron do?  Throws both hands in the air, rolls his eyes, and shoots a "dude what the eff are you doing" look at Kevin Love.  Yes, Love was completely unaware of the situation.  But Bron got the ball with PLENTY of time to attempt a shot. He didnt.  And then he chose to show up his teammate on the court, when it was just as much his own fault for the violation as Love's.

THat may be the smallest of things in the grand scheme of things.  But it just shows how much of a little baby Lebron is.  At least to me it did. 
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From the jump LeBron looked like he wasn't looking for his shot. Nothing new for this guy, he'll go to Cleveland, win a game or two, pump his chest, tweet a few things and disappear again. I could be wrong, but a zebra doesn't change his stripes.
So this may be trivial, but there was a play early in the game yesterday that was a perfect example of why I hate Lebron so much.

Kevin Love was completely oblivious to the shot clock being at around 4 seconds.  At around 1.5 seconds, the ball was passed to LeBron (who was fully aware of the shot clock situation).  Bron takes one dribble, passes the ball, and the buzzer goes off for a shot clock violation.  

What does Bron do?  Throws both hands in the air, rolls his eyes, and shoots a "dude what the eff are you doing" look at Kevin Love.  Yes, Love was completely unaware of the situation.  But Bron got the ball with PLENTY of time to attempt a shot. He didnt.  And then he chose to show up his teammate on the court, when it was just as much his own fault for the violation as Love's.

THat may be the smallest of things in the grand scheme of things.  But it just shows how much of a little baby Lebron is.  At least to me it did. 
he's not going to jack up a shot, he can't possibly ruin he's efficiency.

Yet, he think he is a shooter and takes about 3 3s and 2 mid jumpers with plenty of time left on the shot clock and the game within 1-4 points.

Dude is a ***** ...
So this may be trivial, but there was a play early in the game yesterday that was a perfect example of why I hate Lebron so much.

Kevin Love was completely oblivious to the shot clock being at around 4 seconds.  At around 1.5 seconds, the ball was passed to LeBron (who was fully aware of the shot clock situation).  Bron takes one dribble, passes the ball, and the buzzer goes off for a shot clock violation.  

What does Bron do?  Throws both hands in the air, rolls his eyes, and shoots a "dude what the eff are you doing" look at Kevin Love.  Yes, Love was completely unaware of the situation.  But Bron got the ball with PLENTY of time to attempt a shot. He didnt.  And then he chose to show up his teammate on the court, when it was just as much his own fault for the violation as Love's.

THat may be the smallest of things in the grand scheme of things.  But it just shows how much of a little baby Lebron is.  At least to me it did. 

This is a real post.

Bron don't want to take the blame for nothin.
I'm a little annoyed by fans defending Bron saying that most players haven't been to the finals in their career, and that it's special to have been there 7 times regardless of the outcome.

Of course you are gong to get there that many times when you collude to make super teams. In the East.

And now they're making it out to be that he went back to Cleveland out of the goodness of his heart when really he went back cuz Cleveland had just won another number 1 draft pick and he saw the opportunity to create another super team.

What irks me is when he loses this year, and next year... he will just jump ship to create another super team somewhere else... and if the loses there too fans will say 'But nobody else has been to the finals 10 times blah blah blah'
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So this may be trivial, but there was a play early in the game yesterday that was a perfect example of why I hate Lebron so much.

Kevin Love was completely oblivious to the shot clock being at around 4 seconds.  At around 1.5 seconds, the ball was passed to LeBron (who was fully aware of the shot clock situation).  Bron takes one dribble, passes the ball, and the buzzer goes off for a shot clock violation.  

What does Bron do?  Throws both hands in the air, rolls his eyes, and shoots a "dude what the eff are you doing" look at Kevin Love.  Yes, Love was completely unaware of the situation.  But Bron got the ball with PLENTY of time to attempt a shot. He didnt.  And then he chose to show up his teammate on the court, when it was just as much his own fault for the violation as Love's.

THat may be the smallest of things in the grand scheme of things.  But it just shows how much of a little baby Lebron is.  At least to me it did. 
I noticed this too. He had two chances to shoot, once before feeding Love in the post and once when he got the ball back and swung it as the shot clock expired. The Cavs looked dysfunctional on offense for much of the game.
I'm a little annoyed by fans defending Bron saying that most players haven't been to the finals in their career, and that it's special to have been there 7 times regardless of the outcome.
Him and his fans always have premeditated excuses for his loses.

Its sick!
So this may be trivial, but there was a play early in the game yesterday that was a perfect example of why I hate Lebron so much.

Kevin Love was completely oblivious to the shot clock being at around 4 seconds.  At around 1.5 seconds, the ball was passed to LeBron (who was fully aware of the shot clock situation).  Bron takes one dribble, passes the ball, and the buzzer goes off for a shot clock violation.  

What does Bron do?  Throws both hands in the air, rolls his eyes, and shoots a "dude what the eff are you doing" look at Kevin Love.  Yes, Love was completely unaware of the situation.  But Bron got the ball with PLENTY of time to attempt a shot. He didnt.  And then he chose to show up his teammate on the court, when it was just as much his own fault for the violation as Love's.

THat may be the smallest of things in the grand scheme of things.  But it just shows how much of a little baby Lebron is.  At least to me it did. 
he's not going to jack up a shot, he can't possibly ruin he's efficiency.

Yet, he think he is a shooter and takes about 3 3s and 2 mid jumpers with plenty of time left on the shot clock and the game within 1-4 points.

Dude is a ***** ...
Clearly you haven't heard about his basketball IQ. 
lebron is normally proclaimed the player of his generation but would he even be the small forward of his generation if Iggy wins another finals mvp and matches up with bron?
Dubs were getting buckets SO much easier against this team than against OKC. In the end the Cavs are just another trash eastern conference team.
I'll say it over and over again. Only reason Cavs went to the Finals is cuz the East is trash, period.
I can't believe people at STILL giving Lebby a pass based on his supporting cast. Next he'll say that he wanted coach Blatt to stay.
I can't believe people at STILL giving Lebby a pass based on his supporting cast. Next he'll say that he wanted coach Blatt to stay.

Coach Lue about to put his home in Cleveland up for sale when they lose this finals.
He knows what the scape goat protocol is when LeTwitter loses.
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