Let me get this straight: So according to the Bible

^Be for real man... it's snipers out here bro. Duck ya head
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoSoyTuPapa

And for the record i am not Dominican, and the comment about the cousin i wouldnt do my cousins, but hell yeah i got some cousins i look at and say "damn if we wasn't",
no, bro, you said you WOULD if there wasn't stigma associated.

don't try to backpedal now.

you also got buck like "AND WHAT? YOU CAN FLAME ME TOO"


, someone contact his kin


what we consider a sophisticated society is something that has evolved over millions of years.

same thing with language

certain monkeys actually do have a language and understand it and communicate very well. they even deceive others with it.

we're not superior to anything, we need to be "smart" to survive. we are frail.

so smart that it will be our downfall

we are not even important to earth.

bees are far more important to the survival of life on this planet

a bees purpose > ours

we might be the smartest most sophisticated on earth, but we are not needed.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

what we consider a sophisticated society is something that has evolved over millions of years.

same thing with language

certain monkeys actually do have a language and understand it and communicate very well. they even deceive others with it.

we're not superior to anything, we need to be "smart" to survive. we are frail.

so smart that it will be our downfall

we are not even important to earth.

bees are far more important to the survival of life on this planet

a bees purpose > ours

we might be the smartest most sophisticated on earth, but we are not needed.

thats fine and dandy

if bees, dogs, cats, and whatever else wanna go to war, bring it

we'll see whos proficient and strong then...


to say we aren't needed is funny too...

who is really "needed"?

needed for what?

aint no point to existence but to procreate....

yeah, bees pollinate and therefore are one of THE most important factors to earths life balance...

but so what?

if we werent around, who would care that theirs no oxygen on earth?

i'm sure cows everywhere are fretting over the very same dilemma....

honestly and respectfully you are way off base and missing the point.

we aren't needed. most creatures serve a greater purpose. we serve our own.

you're talking about being superior to animals who serve a function. if they were gone this planet wouldnt look so good. a lot of us would die of sicknessand famine. lets not look at the obvious tho.
simple brain functions? really? name a brain function WE have, i'll bet you will find it in an animal.

if humans were not around the planet would actually heal its self.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

simple brain functions? really? name a brain function WE have, i'll bet you will find it in an animal.

if humans were not around the planet would actually heal its self.
the brain function of self awareness as it applies to a world view...

the brain function of SPOKEN AND WRITTEN LANGUAGE...i.e. not grunts and gestures, as we evolved past cavemen grunts and gestures to spoken and written language...

the ability to create music.

the ability to write an epic.

the ability to "act"

the creation of the jordan VI and XI

the creation of computers

the creation of tools, period

are you serious?

look, bro, i dont know about you, but i dunno about any reptilian NTers...

could a muskrat make a post on niketalk? doubtful....

watch him name like monkeys with sticks as tools

and bees buzzing as music

and other nonsense to support his silly point about how we exist to serve ourselves...

which, really, is why we are superior...




in an age where humans are responsible for the internet, inter-continental travel via airplane, inster-steller travel via rocketships and all the other REALLY cool things we have invented......i really can't believe you are making no distinction between the brain functions of humans as opposed to animals...
my dude. you still not getting me.

none of that even matters.

of course they cant make a post on nt....that was never my argument.

your thought process is silly.

a lot animals posses intelligence, not like ours...but they can learn certain things. our brains are larger and more complexed, but the functions are there.thats a fact.

and honestly i dont have to bring up "monkeys" using sticks. because sticks are lame

or how how an orangantan built a floatation device to cross a river...i don't at all.

or how dolphins gang rape other dolphins. thats to procreate tho right?

no way was i trying to say we're the same...you were just underestimating the animal kingdom. they are not simple minded at all.

of course they wont seem smart in our way of life, but in their own way of life they are brilliant.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by early90s

How was it already inhabited if Adam and Eve were supposedly the only people on Earth?

And what about them Dinosaurs

i've often wondered about this too...and lol@ "what about them dinosaurs"
but i've heard several theories, one being that it was believed that God put a set of Adam's and Eve's on every continent
That's an interesting theory.
But since all of the continents supposedly were joined together at one time, your theory may have to be revisited.
i still can't believe people take religion literally and follow it so fanatically
i'm not a christian and i've never read the bible. i clearly don't consider myself any sort of expert. however, i took a class at georgetown called"science and religion" that was taught by a jesuit priest with 4 or 5 PhD's in some very advanced physics and worked on 2 different nobel prizewinning projects (clearly very knowledgeable on both subjects of the class's title) that addressed some of these topics being discussed. i'll try mybest to relate what i remember from the class:

not all stories from the bible are to be taken literally. some are, and some are parables that are to be taken symbolically. how do we tell which are which?biblical scholars and historians look at stories from the same time period from surrounding areas where the different portions of the bible were written. theycompare the content of these stories to those of the bible. this way, common themes and symbols can be found and recognized. for example, the snake in the adamand eve story, if i remember correctly, is a common symbolic tool from the time and area for evil.

additionally, history as we know it (as an exact narration of events as they happened specifically) is a relatively modern concept. it was basically created inthe middle age-%%@ time period by (i think) germans to have a record of events. so the people who wrote the bible were not trying to tell events exactly asthey happened, as that was not the style of the time or the purpose of stories at the time. however, at the time, using symbolism and commonly understoodelements, themes, stories, etc, were able to get the point across to those who would be reading it in a way not obvious to modern individuals who areunfamiliar with these different elements.

evolution in no way contradicts theological belief or catholocism. only those christian sects that take the bible literally have a problem ideologically withevolution because they do in fact believe in the story of adam and eve as it is told in the bible. most sects, however, understand it as a parable.additionally, the events of evolution do not contradict catholic doctrine. all evolution says (slightly simplified but gets the gist of it) is that over time,individuals within a species, due to chance variations in development and genetic recombination, gain slight advantages over other individuals. over time,these differences that are both inheritable and instill some sort of advantage in producing offspring, get selected for and get passed on, leading to physicalor behavioral changes in species. theology teaches that God created all life. it doesn't say how different animals got the way they are, and, as far as iknow, doesn't say that all species are unchangeable. there really is no contradiction there.

anyway, that's just my two cents. again, i'm not an expert on theological teachings, just relating what i remember from class.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by early90s

How was it already inhabited if Adam and Eve were supposedly the only people on Earth?

And what about them Dinosaurs

i've often wondered about this too...and lol@ "what about them dinosaurs"
but i've heard several theories, one being that it was believed that God put a set of Adam's and Eve's on every continent
That's an interesting theory.
But since all of the continents supposedly were joined together at one time, your theory may have to be revisited.

it wasn't my theory. someone just told me that's what they thought. but like i said, i don't think God will fault us for things we have no way oftruly knowing...
Adam and Eve is the basic story of a man and a woman...Come on people, it's light weight...

I thought Athiest's were smarter than this...

Where is your Darwin now?..
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