Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

Methodical Management Methodical Management

Is there anything wrong with this thread? From my understanding, there are some who have taken issue with the thread, and the content within. If this thread is not up to your standards, please let me know.

Atlanta, Georgia 1864.
Flavor Flav will always be the peoples' fool. F what people say about him being ignorant and loud, it's likable ironically. That man has people mimicking his catchphrases. Flavor Flav has to be the most likable ignorant person in the history of mankind! He seems like someone you can welcome in your home despite his ignorance.

I still remember him initially as a rapper/hype-man with Public Enemy. And that was way before he was in that hit reality/dating show, Flavor Of Love, in the 2000s.

Anyone remember when he had that failed fried chicken restaurant in Iowa during the last decade? That was destined to fail because he targeted the wrong demographic and region, and there were already Chick-fil-A spots established out there that people went to.

Flavor Flav has to be America's favorite crackhead. He's perhaps the best living 🤡 ever.

Flavor Flav can still end up looking cool being in a courtroom. He's awesome for wearing some Jordan Brand attire in court! And the guy on the left looks like a broke a%$ Vladimir Putin. 😆

Remember this mugshot from a DUI he caught? 😆

AMerica's favorite Crackhead.

I guess this isn't racially motivated either huh?

KHUFU KHUFU aepps20 aepps20 layziegunts layziegunts

People's Fool.

ALl codewords

Methodical Management Methodical Management
AMerica's favorite Crackhead.

I guess this isn't racially motivated either huh?

KHUFU KHUFU aepps20 aepps20 layziegunts layziegunts

People's Fool.

ALl codewords

Methodical Management Methodical Management

Trying to stir things up again today I see with your coding crap.

I did label Robinson Cano, a Latino who's Dominican, a fool earlier today in a prior posts due to him disobeying MLB drug policies. I also labeled Ultimate Warrior, who is White, a fool based on his mental instability previously. Why don't you accuse coding with those?

It seems like you're knowledgeable to understand fool is used universally regardless of anyone's race to describe their ignorance to rules or whatever.

Flavor Flav is embraced because his foolishness is his image. His ignorant behavior has been supported throughout his entertainment career. Perhaps I should have used drug addict due to your sensitivity although Flavor Flav has had issues with cocaine abuse.
Trying to stir things up again today I see with your coding crap.

I did label Robinson Cano, a Latino who's Dominican, a fool earlier today in a prior posts due to him disobeying MLB drug policies. I also labeled Ultimate Warrior, who is White, a fool based on his mental instability previously. Why don't you accuse coding with those?

It seems like you're knowledgeable to understand fool is used universally regardless of anyone's race to describe their ignorance to rules or whatever.

Flavor Flav is embraced because his foolishness is his image. His ignorant behavior has been supported throughout his entertainment career. Perhaps I should have used drug addict due to your sensitivity although Flavor Flav has had issues with cocaine abuse.
Cano is a Black so technically that's 2 out of 3. And whether you're being racist or not, your longwinded post are typically hateful & negative for no reason. Not to mention, you copy & paste them in multiple places.
Cano is a Black so technically that's 2 out of 3. And whether you're being racist or not, your longwinded post are typically hateful & negative for no reason. Not to mention, you copy & paste them in multiple places.

It doesn't matter, Cano is still Latino who's bilingual.

Others rehash posts in multiple threads if they correlate with a specific topic, especially with pickups of goods. Some users don't visit every single thread like others so some post multiple times in separate threads for others to see.

But none of that matters because it's always a problem if it pertains to me. I get it now.
It doesn't matter, Cano is still Latino who's bilingual.

Others rehash posts in multiple threads if they correlate with a specific topic, especially with pickups of goods. Some users don't visit every single thread like others so some post multiple times in separate threads for others to see.

But none of that matters because it's always a problem if it pertains to me. I get it now.
Quit playing dumb. You're trying to play technicalities with your covert racist posts.
1. It doesn't matter, Cano is still Latino who's bilingual.

2. Others rehash posts in multiple threads if they correlate with a specific topic, especially with pickups of goods. Some users don't visit every single thread like others so some post multiple times in separate threads for others to see.

3. But none of that matters because it's always a problem if it pertains to me. I get it now.
1. What do you mean it doesn't matter? He's clearly Black, & aside from the Hulk & Ultimate Warrior most of the shots you let off targeted towards Black ppl.

2. Man u be posting the stuff word for word for word, in damn near interchangable threads in general.

3. I don't really have an issue. Especially not enough to be obsessed, but don't try to play that victim ********. No one is making you go outta your way to post this ****. You were gonna get called out eventually, it just so happened that multiple ppl noticed justified assumptions of racist undertones coming from you.
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