Let's say you've lived this whole life never knowing there is a God...

Originally Posted by I AM NAS

NO... and if anybody else out there takes enough Humanities/Philosophy classes they won't believe you either... Man created God not the other way around...


           religion is the biggest crime organization

Originally Posted by I AM NAS

NO... and if anybody else out there takes enough Humanities/Philosophy classes they won't believe you either... Man created God not the other way around...


           religion is the biggest crime organization

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I think the problem lies in peoples seperation from god. People speak of gos as if its an outside force and good is just good. God is everything there is nothing its existence does not permeate.

not only that. why do people continue to associate things and experiences in immature terms ie good and bad. realize that things such as good or bad are only descriptives of subjective experiences..and the terms are both relative to eachother on a continuum..couldnt be any other way..just like hot & cold, you have to perceive one to know the other..so the idea of god being all good is a logical fallacy. 
Does yin & yang mean anything to you all? 

Seriously..anyone who tries to argue on religious topics shouldn't limit themselves to one religious perspective. Philosophical questions like this are always gonna be a moot point because the someone like the op's understanding of god and religion is incomplete. One's understanding and relationship with god & religion are subjective to each individual..let's respect that much. Now that i think about it..the question op is posing is half baked. i'll expound on this later. 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I think the problem lies in peoples seperation from god. People speak of gos as if its an outside force and good is just good. God is everything there is nothing its existence does not permeate.

not only that. why do people continue to associate things and experiences in immature terms ie good and bad. realize that things such as good or bad are only descriptives of subjective experiences..and the terms are both relative to eachother on a continuum..couldnt be any other way..just like hot & cold, you have to perceive one to know the other..so the idea of god being all good is a logical fallacy. 
Does yin & yang mean anything to you all? 

Seriously..anyone who tries to argue on religious topics shouldn't limit themselves to one religious perspective. Philosophical questions like this are always gonna be a moot point because the someone like the op's understanding of god and religion is incomplete. One's understanding and relationship with god & religion are subjective to each individual..let's respect that much. Now that i think about it..the question op is posing is half baked. i'll expound on this later. 
Nope too much bad has happen in this world for a God or Devil to exist. Its just the way the world turn sad things happen.

Not bc some pie in the sky created it or stop it.

Religion was created to control society. Some people will argue this until they're blue in the face but it is the truth.
Nope too much bad has happen in this world for a God or Devil to exist. Its just the way the world turn sad things happen.

Not bc some pie in the sky created it or stop it.

Religion was created to control society. Some people will argue this until they're blue in the face but it is the truth.
OP All these things that are happening around us like the examples you stated are not God's work, it is done by "us".  The Bible explains it in Genesis.

But to answer your question like someone stated, you would have to show me a Bible and not just talk about it.  And not written by you either.
OP All these things that are happening around us like the examples you stated are not God's work, it is done by "us".  The Bible explains it in Genesis.

But to answer your question like someone stated, you would have to show me a Bible and not just talk about it.  And not written by you either.
God isn't here to be a police. Just take the example of your parents. They can nurture, raise you respectably (sp) and give you everything in life to succeed..This however, does not stop you from exerting your free will as an adult to murder, rape, kill, embezzle, curse, do drugs, cheat on countless women, and lie as you see fit. ANd in the event that this happens, your parents dont come around and correct your step EVERY time you commit one of those sins do they? God is letting things take a natural course, its up to you to be on the right side when he finally DOES decide to intervene..
God isn't here to be a police. Just take the example of your parents. They can nurture, raise you respectably (sp) and give you everything in life to succeed..This however, does not stop you from exerting your free will as an adult to murder, rape, kill, embezzle, curse, do drugs, cheat on countless women, and lie as you see fit. ANd in the event that this happens, your parents dont come around and correct your step EVERY time you commit one of those sins do they? God is letting things take a natural course, its up to you to be on the right side when he finally DOES decide to intervene..
If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?
Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?
Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?
Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
People need a scape goat.  And its been shown that praying increases endorphins in your mind.  When you can pass your troubles off on another person or "being" you tend to be happier in life.

I agree that Man created god.  And i don't believe there is a god.  But i don't hate on religion because some people can't handle life without having god as a fall back option.

to answer OPs question.  No I wouldn't believe you due to preconceived knowledge of the topic.  But if  i knew nothing of religion and you said that to me.  I would ask for proof of your claim that god is all-knowing and all-good.  I don't believe you could provide me with proof.  A book isn't enough.  Man wrote the bible, Men lie.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?
Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
People need a scape goat.  And its been shown that praying increases endorphins in your mind.  When you can pass your troubles off on another person or "being" you tend to be happier in life.

I agree that Man created god.  And i don't believe there is a god.  But i don't hate on religion because some people can't handle life without having god as a fall back option.

to answer OPs question.  No I wouldn't believe you due to preconceived knowledge of the topic.  But if  i knew nothing of religion and you said that to me.  I would ask for proof of your claim that god is all-knowing and all-good.  I don't believe you could provide me with proof.  A book isn't enough.  Man wrote the bible, Men lie.
Proof would definitely need to be shown...

my motto:
Believe NONE of what you HEAR & HALF of what you SEE
Proof would definitely need to be shown...

my motto:
Believe NONE of what you HEAR & HALF of what you SEE
Originally Posted by bijald0331

If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?
Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
existence of what?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?
Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
existence of what?
You don't believe in God. We get it.

Geeze, these religion and race threads are getting ridiculous.
You don't believe in God. We get it.

Geeze, these religion and race threads are getting ridiculous.
Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?
Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?
I'm gonna give my answer coming from the Islamic point of view.

Everything that happens in this world, good or bad, is from Allah. How we react to these good or bad acts is all a part of the test of life. Allah says many times in the Qur'an that He bestows His bounty on who He wills and withholds it from who He wills. When I say bounty, I don't necessarily mean it in the worldly sense (i.e. wealth, women, health, children, etc) but could also be what is known as "unseen" reward that will be distributed on the day of judgment. Allah tests different people in different ways. Some are wealthy and their wealth is tested. Others are needy and their patience is tested. Whatever the case maybe, Allah is well aware of the situation the person faces and it says in the Qur'an "Surely Allah is not unjust and does not over burden a soul: On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear" – [Quran 2:286]. With that said, there is a hadith (prophetic saying) from the Prophet Muhammad (p) that says that the ones Allah loves the most are the ones most tested. The hadith goes on to say this is why all of the prophets in history have been afflicted with so many complications, trials and even death at the hands of those who rejected them. This question you posed is actually the most frequent question I receive from people. People wonder why God would allow their grandmother to pass from cancer or allow them to be inflicted with poverty, etc. The answer really is that this worldly life is just a test and both the good & bad in it are tests from Allah. "Do men think that they will be left alone onsaying, We believe, and not be tried?" - [Quran 29:2]. With all that said, those who remain patient during hard times and remember Allah are promised the greatest reward in the hereafter. "Andsurely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss ofwealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return". Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly guided." [Quran 2:155-157]
I'm gonna give my answer coming from the Islamic point of view.

Everything that happens in this world, good or bad, is from Allah. How we react to these good or bad acts is all a part of the test of life. Allah says many times in the Qur'an that He bestows His bounty on who He wills and withholds it from who He wills. When I say bounty, I don't necessarily mean it in the worldly sense (i.e. wealth, women, health, children, etc) but could also be what is known as "unseen" reward that will be distributed on the day of judgment. Allah tests different people in different ways. Some are wealthy and their wealth is tested. Others are needy and their patience is tested. Whatever the case maybe, Allah is well aware of the situation the person faces and it says in the Qur'an "Surely Allah is not unjust and does not over burden a soul: On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear" – [Quran 2:286]. With that said, there is a hadith (prophetic saying) from the Prophet Muhammad (p) that says that the ones Allah loves the most are the ones most tested. The hadith goes on to say this is why all of the prophets in history have been afflicted with so many complications, trials and even death at the hands of those who rejected them. This question you posed is actually the most frequent question I receive from people. People wonder why God would allow their grandmother to pass from cancer or allow them to be inflicted with poverty, etc. The answer really is that this worldly life is just a test and both the good & bad in it are tests from Allah. "Do men think that they will be left alone onsaying, We believe, and not be tried?" - [Quran 29:2]. With all that said, those who remain patient during hard times and remember Allah are promised the greatest reward in the hereafter. "Andsurely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss ofwealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast, Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return". Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly guided." [Quran 2:155-157]
Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

Originally Posted by bijald0331

If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?

Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
existence of what?

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