Let's say you've lived this whole life never knowing there is a God...

Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

Originally Posted by bijald0331

If God's existence serves no purpose, then why do anoint a God? Are there not certain connotations to that name?

Again, existence precedes essence. Think closely about that line.
existence of what?

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?

Tons of books. Homer's writings, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi etc. And seamless and cohesive... you're kidding right? King James version ?

What if nature exists because it exists? Is it that inconceivable? Millennials of evolution?

Before anybody gets on me for being a opponent of religion, I'm not. It's a perfect mind control device. It steers in the billions of idiots on this planet from ruining this world (not saying all religious people are dumb; people have different reasons for faith). Without religion, I don't know if civilization could exist. I'm very Hobbesian on mankind. Mankind needs religion or else our true hearts of darkness will be revealed. Bet on that.
If God gave you free will, he will let you mess up when you exercise the free will in the wrong manner. That is the will of God. Had you been following his path, none of the rape, genocide, 9-11 (which we brought upon ourselves. If you believe it was anyone else but Bush, you a fool), and all the other wrongs in the world, none of them would come to fruition.

One of the most overlooked, yet root of all evil type commandment is "Thou shall not covet thou neighbor." It's so true. A lot of problems comes from jealousy. Think about it. He has what I don't have. I'm guna take it type BS. Sound familiar? (Pretty much every war)

Like all you been saying with need to see to believe type stuff. God is showing you all the wrongs of straying from his path. Live a holy life and you will see those wrongdoings disappear.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?

Tons of books. Homer's writings, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi etc. And seamless and cohesive... you're kidding right? King James version ?

What if nature exists because it exists? Is it that inconceivable? Millennials of evolution?

Before anybody gets on me for being a opponent of religion, I'm not. It's a perfect mind control device. It steers in the billions of idiots on this planet from ruining this world (not saying all religious people are dumb; people have different reasons for faith). Without religion, I don't know if civilization could exist. I'm very Hobbesian on mankind. Mankind needs religion or else our true hearts of darkness will be revealed. Bet on that.
If God gave you free will, he will let you mess up when you exercise the free will in the wrong manner. That is the will of God. Had you been following his path, none of the rape, genocide, 9-11 (which we brought upon ourselves. If you believe it was anyone else but Bush, you a fool), and all the other wrongs in the world, none of them would come to fruition.

One of the most overlooked, yet root of all evil type commandment is "Thou shall not covet thou neighbor." It's so true. A lot of problems comes from jealousy. Think about it. He has what I don't have. I'm guna take it type BS. Sound familiar? (Pretty much every war)

Like all you been saying with need to see to believe type stuff. God is showing you all the wrongs of straying from his path. Live a holy life and you will see those wrongdoings disappear.
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?
1.Cameras have way better technology then the human eye  36x zoom HD vision > hawk sight.  TVs can processes pixels finer then the human eye can see.
2. We have night vision goggles
3. What we hear what comes out of a speaker.  So its as clear as our ear makes it... speakers can't hear
4. Evolution created humans as well as gave owls night vision and hawks their amazing sight.  Its thousands of years of minute change.  If humans came out at night only for the next 10,000 years we would develop an ability to see at night.  The body adapts over time

All religious books have been around for a really long time.  The TaNaKh which is the jewish bible has been around the longest so i guess that means you are jewish by your argument.  Every religious book was written by a man.  And if you believe "God" was dictating the book to this man then that's your opinion.  I personally don't believe that.  The bible saying god did this, or god did that is the same to me as Walt Disney saying "and then Pinocchio became a real boy"
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?
1.Cameras have way better technology then the human eye  36x zoom HD vision > hawk sight.  TVs can processes pixels finer then the human eye can see.
2. We have night vision goggles
3. What we hear what comes out of a speaker.  So its as clear as our ear makes it... speakers can't hear
4. Evolution created humans as well as gave owls night vision and hawks their amazing sight.  Its thousands of years of minute change.  If humans came out at night only for the next 10,000 years we would develop an ability to see at night.  The body adapts over time

All religious books have been around for a really long time.  The TaNaKh which is the jewish bible has been around the longest so i guess that means you are jewish by your argument.  Every religious book was written by a man.  And if you believe "God" was dictating the book to this man then that's your opinion.  I personally don't believe that.  The bible saying god did this, or god did that is the same to me as Walt Disney saying "and then Pinocchio became a real boy"
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?

Tons of books. Homer's writings, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi etc. And seamless and cohesive... you're kidding right? King James version ?

What if nature exists because it exists? Is it that inconceivable? Millennials of evolution?
Yeah, I usually just lurk in these types of threads, but I was gonna point out the seamless and cohesive argument. I actually saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at MN's science museum not too long ago. Of what little scripture they actually had there, the translations are a lot different from what's in the bible now a days.

And that's only what they recovered...a lot of the scriptures were stolen/lost/destroyed/etc.

I'm not a very religious person in the traditional sense, but the fact that these ORIGINAL works survived for so long without any type of preservation aside from being inside of caves is truly something to marvel. It makes me wonder. EVERYTHING was legible, as well. When I saw them I was like

But anyways. The bible has been edited MANY times. It wasn't just King James. And speaking of religions that have survived despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the Earth, Judaism is far older than Christianity. Unless the book in question you were talking about happens to be the Torah, and you mistakenly typed "bible."

P.S. For the record, correct me if I'm wrong, but the persecution of Christians hasn't been nearly as bad as the persecution of other religions. Judaism, Buddhism, etc. In fact, the worst persecutions in history have been on behalf of people hiding behind the Bible. (Rome, the Holocaust, etc.)
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Proof has been present as long as we have walked the earth..Man still cannot replicate perfectly things that have been found in nature since we have walked the earth. How many cameras can compare to the human or eye, let alone the super sight a hawk has, or the night vision an owl has? How many speakers can give the clarity of the human ear? We still can't perfectly clone humans and create life, we can create imitations of these things though. I think what you all want is for the sky to open up and a voice to come pouring down declaring that there is a god. Even if this were to occur i have a feeling there would still be skeptics...And for those that don't believe in the bible..what book has been started, passed down, and recorded seamlessly and coheisively over thousands of years, despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth?

Tons of books. Homer's writings, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi etc. And seamless and cohesive... you're kidding right? King James version ?

What if nature exists because it exists? Is it that inconceivable? Millennials of evolution?
Yeah, I usually just lurk in these types of threads, but I was gonna point out the seamless and cohesive argument. I actually saw the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at MN's science museum not too long ago. Of what little scripture they actually had there, the translations are a lot different from what's in the bible now a days.

And that's only what they recovered...a lot of the scriptures were stolen/lost/destroyed/etc.

I'm not a very religious person in the traditional sense, but the fact that these ORIGINAL works survived for so long without any type of preservation aside from being inside of caves is truly something to marvel. It makes me wonder. EVERYTHING was legible, as well. When I saw them I was like

But anyways. The bible has been edited MANY times. It wasn't just King James. And speaking of religions that have survived despite numerous attempts to wipe it off the face of the Earth, Judaism is far older than Christianity. Unless the book in question you were talking about happens to be the Torah, and you mistakenly typed "bible."

P.S. For the record, correct me if I'm wrong, but the persecution of Christians hasn't been nearly as bad as the persecution of other religions. Judaism, Buddhism, etc. In fact, the worst persecutions in history have been on behalf of people hiding behind the Bible. (Rome, the Holocaust, etc.)
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Not if you simply told me...but if you were to show me and introduce me to the bible, then yes

   lol @ this response.....like there's something that makes the bible more inherently believable than other fairy tale books.

Theistic beliefs are learned. You can change this question any number of ways to fit many belief systems.

Would you believe in Islam as a Jew?
Would you believe believe in Hindu Gods as a Christian?


Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Not if you simply told me...but if you were to show me and introduce me to the bible, then yes

   lol @ this response.....like there's something that makes the bible more inherently believable than other fairy tale books.

Theistic beliefs are learned. You can change this question any number of ways to fit many belief systems.

Would you believe in Islam as a Jew?
Would you believe believe in Hindu Gods as a Christian?


Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Science shows us that we are wired to believe in God or some kind of higher power.  Many people would choose not to acknowledge it, but there is a very real spirituality aspect of our brains hard wiring.



So hypothetically speaking, if you were to say that someone might say "I knew it!"  The thought still could have, and probably would have crossed his/her mind.

If someone weren't to react in that kind of fashion, obviously just by saying "There is a God" may not be all that convincing.  One would probably require proof.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Science shows us that we are wired to believe in God or some kind of higher power.  Many people would choose not to acknowledge it, but there is a very real spirituality aspect of our brains hard wiring.



So hypothetically speaking, if you were to say that someone might say "I knew it!"  The thought still could have, and probably would have crossed his/her mind.

If someone weren't to react in that kind of fashion, obviously just by saying "There is a God" may not be all that convincing.  One would probably require proof.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Good luck with this thread fam.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Good luck with this thread fam.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Science shows us that we are wired to believe in God or some kind of higher power.  Many people would choose not to acknowledge it, but there is a very real spirituality aspect of our brains hard wiring.



So hypothetically speaking, if you were to say that someone might say "I knew it!"  The thought still could have, and probably would have crossed his/her mind.

If someone weren't to react in that kind of fashion, obviously just by saying "There is a God" may not be all that convincing.  One would probably require proof.

I don't agree that we are wired that way, I think belief in a specific GOD has more to do with our socialization than innate need for a belief in a higher being. Spirituality does alter moods and can affect brain chemistry for the better...it's all mental. You can achieve this without the belief in a "higher being". Transcendental meditation (which I engage in every now and then) and becoming one with the universe are examples of diety-less spiritual practices....whoever did this research approached it very subjectively. Someone like myself would have a completely different explanation for that than God having something to do with it. Belief in medicine (in God, in your doctor and in your medicine) does have positive mind altering properties. I don't think it has anything to do with God. 
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Science shows us that we are wired to believe in God or some kind of higher power.  Many people would choose not to acknowledge it, but there is a very real spirituality aspect of our brains hard wiring.



So hypothetically speaking, if you were to say that someone might say "I knew it!"  The thought still could have, and probably would have crossed his/her mind.

If someone weren't to react in that kind of fashion, obviously just by saying "There is a God" may not be all that convincing.  One would probably require proof.

I don't agree that we are wired that way, I think belief in a specific GOD has more to do with our socialization than innate need for a belief in a higher being. Spirituality does alter moods and can affect brain chemistry for the better...it's all mental. You can achieve this without the belief in a "higher being". Transcendental meditation (which I engage in every now and then) and becoming one with the universe are examples of diety-less spiritual practices....whoever did this research approached it very subjectively. Someone like myself would have a completely different explanation for that than God having something to do with it. Belief in medicine (in God, in your doctor and in your medicine) does have positive mind altering properties. I don't think it has anything to do with God. 
the god region of the brain has already been discovered, in 20-30 years the brain will be completely reversed engineered, after that well be seeing stuff on this earth that will make people believe and know there isnt a god that we all picture
the god region of the brain has already been discovered, in 20-30 years the brain will be completely reversed engineered, after that well be seeing stuff on this earth that will make people believe and know there isnt a god that we all picture
if i were to put money on our orgins, the universe, galaxies, and all we see id say were grey goo(look it up) from another unknown, unimaginablely powerful civiliazation
if i were to put money on our orgins, the universe, galaxies, and all we see id say were grey goo(look it up) from another unknown, unimaginablely powerful civiliazation
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Sure. I would. I've seen all types of %!@% happen so why would those events stop me?

Then after I said I believed you I'd ask "what does this God have to do with other humans creating problems for themselves and others?"

After seeing natural disasters literally tear cities and lands apart you think I wouldn't find a higher being believable?

And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.

I believe in higher power. No amount of science can disprove it. It's not in our scope of sense or comprehension to do such. Play skeptic all day if you want.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Just let that sink in a little. A life in which you never knew a higher being existed....

You've seen horrific,and atrocious things like war, genocide, murder, rape, e.g., Holocaust, 9/11, Katrina.

And today, I tell you that there is a God and that he is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good...would you believe me?
Sure. I would. I've seen all types of %!@% happen so why would those events stop me?

Then after I said I believed you I'd ask "what does this God have to do with other humans creating problems for themselves and others?"

After seeing natural disasters literally tear cities and lands apart you think I wouldn't find a higher being believable?

And who are we as lower beings to say what's good or bad? Do you mean all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-beneficial?

Good/Bad are perspectives on situations not concrete states of being.

I believe in higher power. No amount of science can disprove it. It's not in our scope of sense or comprehension to do such. Play skeptic all day if you want.
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