i read that theres 3 boxes because phil's fatass couldn't fit into 1
but damb, i have no idea where this season is going to go. i really wonder what august marks was up to letting tig go. he said it was some "loyalty" test? they didn't touch on it other than that. did marks just want a piece of the porn business?
with toric gone, i guess the irish will be the main antagonists of the season? i wonder with toric's death, would the cops look into nero some more? it looks as if the cop was about to pin a bunch of stuff on toric, such as the murder, and maybe take the heat off the club for their guns. the DA didn't even want to pursue it any further.
bummed that bobby didn't make an appearance. i wonder what he's doing. what is the significance of him going nomad? will they just write him off and have him do his own thing? there has to be more to it than that.