^if you can look out D$, that's cool. if not, i understand.

or hundreds tees or 10deep tees

dam, that's messed up! hope you find the d-bags that did it. i'm trying to come up for uk's homecoming--hope you're re-stocked by then...
its still up in the air gator, they have only been worn less than a handful of times. dude was offered 5 one hundred dollar bills for them and he passedbecause he didn't want to go home with no shoes on his feet. Plus he got married in them.
Well guys I went to J-Mall today and told myself I was gonna buy the white/cement fusion III's...Well all they had was the black...Noone in the mall evengot the white pair...lol...

I'm actually glad they didn't...Let the hate begin...
i think shaheens still has a couple spoos if u wanna go pick em up tomorrow ill have em set one to the side.

Less that 24 hours til kickoff!!!! I cant @%#++# wait!!!!

btw, Randall cobb looked great yesterday for UK, i think he will be playin alot more than hartline before the sec schedule starts.
Brady is already out for the season! I see the patriots getting a trade in process for a veteran QB to play the rest of the year. Just my opinion
^ they will def pick someone up....culpeppers retirement may be over already, one bad game by cassell and he will be benched. Jets will win the division nowsmh.
Originally Posted by PONRinthisWGM

^Did you come in champs?

Didnt see you, maybe its because i dont know what you look like lol.
Yeah I did come in...I think it might have been you working the register, but like you said I'm not sure what you look like.

D I'll shoot ya a text...
Pats are getting Chris Simms, whose brother is currently suspensed from UofL's football team. Anyways my Bears destroyed the beloved Colts in the firstgame in their new Stadium, beast!
D$ what did you think of Rodger's tonight?
That TD to driver that got called back was a beautiful pass. Overall I thought he played pretty well against a really good defense.
Originally Posted by PONRinthisWGM

What were you wearing Spoos?

If you mean shoes I had on my running shoes at the time...I TRY to do a little running to keep my old !%% in shape...
I thought he played great. I think we are going to have a very good season, these analysts piss me off...sayin we have no chance without favre....our team isstacked, we beat a team last night that people saying will compete for a super bowl which i think is insane....i dont know, it pisses me off that theseanalysts havent a clue. Id rank the packers a top 5 team in the league and not just because im a fan. But overall we played great, way too many penalties butthat will be corrected. Off to Ford Field.
The raiders are the worst franchise in the nfl right now, it boggles my mind how u cant field a decent team in such a big market year after year, aldavis....its about time to call it quits buddy.
Anyone have Foams they wanna sell? I'll even look at the all black if ya got them...I don't wanna hear a word D...
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