^ I knew that his mom supoosedly met with barnhart, but who knows....theres so many rumors, its actually pathetic. As of last week a guy who is supposedly inthe know down in lexington said it was 95% that meeks and pat would be back, but now maggard is saying its for certain that hes gone? Im just gonna wait andsee, as much as i want him back....i think we can be ok without him for the simple fact that i think matt pilgrim could be our best overall player next year. +Daniel Orton that will make up for pat if he leaves....HOPEFULLY, but hopefully he stays too. I think if meeks leaves hes an absolute idiot. hes not ready forthe NBA at all, he cant dribble, he OOC, he cant pass the ball and he has 1 speed.

Im just gonna sit back and see how the next 2 weeks unfold. Billy G aint goin nowhere so i wish i could stop hearin people talk about that too. Give himatleast til he gets a full year with only his recruits....hell one could argue that there are 2 starters on this uk team that are in the top 5 worst ukstarters ever. I dont like talking about them but damn, Michael Porter and Ramone Harris should be playing for Bellermine not UK....and while i agree weshouldnt lose to Ole Miss, Miss.st, or GA....where outside of Meeks and Pat is all this Talent???? I do not see it at all, i see average players....Liggins? Hedont get a chance, Galloway....decent, not what i expected but really hasnt had much of a chance until recently....Perry stevenson has fallen off since lastyear, harrelson is in over his head right now....Only other talented player we have is Darius Miller who is still timid. Although i think hes gonna be a studthe next few years hes just not ready to become what we need as a freshman, u see glimpses, but he doesnt put it all together....

This is what we need.


This 5 has the most potential, next year Michael Porter better not see more that 6mpg because if he does that means we are in trouble....i would literally makethis kid look like a fool if i was playing against him in a pick up game....what the hell do u think devin downey and calathes think when they are matched upwith him? If we had a steady, quick pg who could penetrate....we would not be talking NIT, we would be talking about how high of a seed we were gonna begetting. A team only goes as far as their PG takes them.
Nice write up D!! Here's my 2 cents on the situation...

I agree with pretty much everything you said, except I still say UK has some talent on the team this year, to me Billy just ain't using them right orpushing the right buttons. Now saying that, they def are not as talented or as deep as say a team like ....umm.... Louisville
but to me they justain't playing like they should be capable of.

And your 100% right Meeks SHOULD stay..... but I really can't see him having a better individual year than he's having this year. And I'm suresomebody's already been in his ear saying the exact same thing. Might sway his decision. It's going to be hard to replace his D and scoring if he doesleave.

Next year G.J. or Liggins should def take Porters spot, that should help out a lot.

Orton could come in and be a monster, and offset Pat if he leaves. But Freshman can be a crap shot (same with Hood).

Now, if Pat and Meeks both stay, UK should be pretty freakin good next year, if they ain't..... gotta be the coach. With the recruiting class and if allthe players return a year older and a year wiser, I don't think anyone will be able to blame it on lack of talent if they have the same kind of resultsnext year. He does deserve to get all his type players in first, but you know how fan bases, alumni, AD's react to situations like this.

I can't wait to see how they play this weekend. Will they go all out? Or are they going to give up? If they do make the Tourney, I still say they may beable to make a little noise.
^ I agree we have talent, enough to win the sec, but not enough to be elite. With that said, Yes u can blame it on the coach, hes not putting his players inthe best situation to succeed....like playing man2man when good pgs kill us, hes still guarding em tight at half court. Hes stubborn, he thinks THESE are HISrecruits....He did this at Texas A&M and was successful because he had HIS players, not 2 star High School Role Players for a PG or a 3 star eskimo fromAlaska as his SF. Im telling people to calm down, yeah im as mad as YOU, but give the guy a chance to play like this with better players....enough talent canhide some coaching mistakes....the talent we have now cannot hide them. and for the 100th time....IT DOESNT HELP WHEN EVERY %#+$%%%%*!+@% TEAM SHOOTS 75%EVERYTIME THEY PLAY UK....i dont know if any of u notice that, but watch on saturday and see how many shots UF hits, its insane....i dont know why peoplealways have to play there best game against us....it drives me wacko.
I told yall I would bring some more pics from the game. I found way to many I liked to post here, but this was my favorite. T-Will walking through the tunnelfor the very last time.

Nice Posts Tyler. It's going to be hard not having him around next year but all I can say is Jeremy Tyler. Look him up and youtube him if you don'tknow.
^ I have seen many highlights of him.. I wish he was coming next year, but oh well 2 years isnt to long to wait.
Originally Posted by tylerhundley

I was just told from a buddy that the TB3 sample has been made and its made out of PL

WHAT?!?!?! I swear JB has hit rock bottom, IMO. I used to LOVE to spend my money on J's.

They last few years I just buy Timb's in the winter and shell toes in the summer. And break out a pair of OG or NICELY DONE retro J's on a nice day orspecial occasion.

They stuff they come out with now looks like some cheap fakes, IMO. Not to mention all the CDP's, and limited realease crap they do.

Im hoping it just stays a sample and the release the TB3s as close to the OG as possible.. I could even handle some PL on the side kind of like the black cat3, but if its all PL then
^ I dont think they will either. I mean if they drop the true blues close to the OG, people will buy multiples. if they drop with PL on them, alot of peoplewill pass, and the people that do buy will buy a pair maybe 2. They would make so much more money dropping them without the PL
I def wouldn't put it past JB to release them in PL. They know they will still sell out. There are SOOO many hypebeast and youngheads buying J's rightnow, that have no clue what an OG true blue was. People who actually remember what OG's were and MEANT, sadly don't mean nothing to JB it seems.
Originally Posted by tylerhundley

^ I dont think they will either. I mean if they drop the true blues close to the OG, people will buy multiples. if they drop with PL on them, alot of people will pass, and the people that do buy will buy a pair maybe 2. They would make so much more money dropping them without the PL
Nice Mike...Almost makes me wish I didn't sell mine...
Tyler I really hope you don't think its about money. If it was all about money they would release evry OG CW in exact OG shape and think how many theywould sell then. They know there is enough goofballs that buy the TB III's with that S&%T on them or not. Until EVERYBODY quits buying the crap theyput out it's not gonna stop. And people won't quit buying.
Thanks David, i knew you would enjoy. I sold my original pair and was lucky to obtain these for such a great deal.

After seeing the full pic of the raging bull pack, i am actually excited about retro + colors for once. Those 2 shoes look really nice together.
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